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+ Font Optimizer
+Developed by Philip Taylor (excors@gmail.com)
+The main purpose of this project is to provide a way to convert TTF files into
+smaller files that contain only a subset of the original's glyphs, focusing on
+high-quality conversion (preserving special typographic features like kerning
+and ligatures).
+The project mainly consists of:
+ Font/Subsetter.pm - library to generate subsets of TTF files
+ Font/EOTWrapper.pm - library to convert TTF to EOT
+ subset.pl - example script using the libraries
+ ext/ - external libraries (particularly Font::TTF, since a
+ specific not-yet-released version is needed)
+The libraries are used in the web service at http://fonts.philip.html5.org/
+The code doesn't really have any documentation or proper APIs, and it hasn't
+been tested on a wide range of fonts, but when it works it should be fairly
+reliable and stable.
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