+++ /dev/null
-package Font::TTF::Font;
-=head1 NAME
-Font::TTF::Font - Memory representation of a font
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Here is the regression test (you provide your own font). Run it once and then
-again on the output of the first run. There should be no differences between
-the outputs of the two runs.
- $f = Font::TTF::Font->open($ARGV[0]);
- # force a read of all the tables
- $f->tables_do(sub { $_[0]->read; });
- # force read of all glyphs (use read_dat to use lots of memory!)
- # $f->{'loca'}->glyphs_do(sub { $_[0]->read; });
- $f->{'loca'}->glyphs_do(sub { $_[0]->read_dat; });
- # NB. no need to $g->update since $f->{'glyf'}->out will do it for us
- $f->out($ARGV[1]);
- $f->release; # clear up memory forcefully!
-A Truetype font consists of a header containing a directory of tables which
-constitute the rest of the file. This class holds that header and directory and
-also creates objects of the appropriate type for each table within the font.
-Note that it does not read each table into memory, but creates a short reference
-which can be read using the form:
- $f->{$tablename}->read;
-Classes are included that support many of the different TrueType tables. For
-those for which no special code exists, the table type C<table> is used, which
-defaults to L<Font::TTF::Table>. The current tables which are supported are:
- table Font::TTF::Table - for unknown tables
- Feat Font::TTF::GrFeat
- OS/2 Font::TTF::OS_2
- Sill Font::TTF::Sill
- bsln Font::TTF::Bsln
- cmap Font::TTF::Cmap - see also Font::TTF::OldCmap
- cvt Font::TTF::Cvt_
- fdsc Font::TTF::Fdsc
- feat Font::TTF::Feat
- fmtx Font::TTF::Fmtx
- fpgm Font::TTF::Fpgm
- glyf Font::TTF::Glyf - see also Font::TTF::Glyph
- hdmx Font::TTF::Hdmx
- head Font::TTF::Head
- hhea Font::TTF::Hhea
- hmtx Font::TTF::Hmtx
- kern Font::TTF::Kern - see alternative Font::TTF::AATKern
- loca Font::TTF::Loca
- maxp Font::TTF::Maxp
- mort Font::TTF::Mort - see also Font::TTF::OldMort
- name Font::TTF::Name
- post Font::TTF::Post
- prep Font::TTF::Prep
- prop Font::TTF::Prop
- vhea Font::TTF::Vhea
- vmtx Font::TTF::Vmtx
-Links are:
-L<Font::TTF::EBDT> L<Font::TTF::EBLC> L<Font::TTF::GrFeat>
-L<Font::TTF::GDEF> L<Font::TTF::GPOS> L<Font::TTF::GSUB> L<Font::TTF::LTSH>
-L<Font::TTF::OS_2> L<Font::TTF::PCLT> L<Font::TTF::Sill> L<Font::TTF::Bsln> L<Font::TTF::Cmap> L<Font::TTF::Cvt_>
-L<Font::TTF::Fdsc> L<Font::TTF::Feat> L<Font::TTF::Fmtx> L<Font::TTF::Fpgm> L<Font::TTF::Glyf>
-L<Font::TTF::Hdmx> L<Font::TTF::Head> L<Font::TTF::Hhea> L<Font::TTF::Hmtx> L<Font::TTF::Kern>
-L<Font::TTF::Loca> L<Font::TTF::Maxp> L<Font::TTF::Mort> L<Font::TTF::Name> L<Font::TTF::Post>
-L<Font::TTF::Prep> L<Font::TTF::Prop> L<Font::TTF::Vhea> L<Font::TTF::Vmtx> L<Font::TTF::OldCmap>
-L<Font::TTF::Glyph> L<Font::TTF::AATKern> L<Font::TTF::OldMort>
-Instance variables begin with a space (and have lengths greater than the 4
-characters which make up table names).
-=item nocsum
-This is used during output to disable the creation of the file checksum in the
-head table. For example, during DSIG table creation, this flag will be set to
-ensure that the file checksum is left at zero.
-=item noharmony
-If set, do not harmonize the script and lang trees of GPOS and GSUB tables. See L<Font::TTF::Ttopen> for more info.
-=item fname (R)
-Contains the filename of the font which this object was read from.
-=item INFILE (P)
-The file handle which reflects the source file for this font.
-=item OFFSET (P)
-Contains the offset from the beginning of the read file of this particular
-font directory, thus providing support for TrueType Collections.
-=head1 METHODS
-use IO::File;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(%tables $VERSION $dumper);
-use Symbol();
-require 5.004;
-$VERSION = 0.38; # MJPH 2-FEB-2008 Add Sill table
-# $VERSION = 0.37; # MJPH 7-OCT-2005 Force hhea update if dirty, give more OS/2 stuff in update
-# $VERSION = 0.36; # MJPH 19-AUG-2005 Change cmap::reverse api to be opts based
-# $VERSION = 0.35; # MJPH 4-MAY-2004 Various fixes to OpenType stuff, separate off scripts
-# $VERSION = 0.34; # MJPH 22-MAY-2003 Update PSNames to latest AGL
-# $VERSION = 0.33; # MJPH 9-OCT-2002 Support CFF OpenType (just by version=='OTTO'?!)
-# $VERSION = 0.32; # MJPH 2-OCT-2002 Bug fixes to TTFBuilder, new methods and some
-# extension table support in Ttopen and Coverage
-# $VERSION = 0.31; # MJPH 1-JUL-2002 fix read format 12 cmap (bart@cs.pdx.edu)
-# improve surrogate support in ttfremap
-# fix return warn to return warn,undef
-# ensure correct indexToLocFormat
-# $VERSION = 0.30; # MJPH 28-MAY-2002 add updated release
-# $VERSION = 0.29; # MJPH 9-APR-2002 update ttfbuilder, sort out surrogates
-# $VERSION = 0.28; # MJPH 13-MAR-2002 update ttfbuilder, add Font::TTF::Cmap::ms_enc()
-# $VERSION = 0.27; # MJPH 6-FEB-2002 update ttfbuilder, support no fpgm, no more __DATA__
-# $VERSION = 0.26; # MJPH 19-SEP-2001 Update ttfbuilder
-# $VERSION = 0.25; # MJPH 18-SEP-2001 problems in update of head
-# $VERSION = 0.24; # MJPH 1-AUG-2001 Sort out update
-# $VERSION = 0.23; # GST 30-MAY-2001 Memory leak fixed
-# $VERSION = 0.22; # MJPH 09-APR-2001 Ensure all of AAT stuff included
-# $VERSION = 0.21; # MJPH 23-MAR-2001 Improve Opentype support
-# $VERSION = 0.20; # MJPH 13-JAN-2001 Add XML output and some of XML input, AAT & OT tables
-# $VERSION = 0.19; # MJPH 29-SEP-2000 Add cmap::is_unicode, debug makefile.pl
-# $VERSION = 0.18; # MJPH 21-JUL-2000 Debug Utils::TTF_bininfo
-# $VERSION = 0.17; # MJPH 16-JUN-2000 Add utf8 support to names
-# $VERSION = 0.16; # MJPH 26-APR-2000 Mark read tables as read, tidy up POD
-# $VERSION = 0.15; # MJPH 5-FEB-2000 Ensure right versions released
-# $VERSION = 0.14; # MJPH 11-SEP-1999 Sort out Unixisms, agian!
-# $VERSION = 0.13; # MJPH 9-SEP-1999 Add empty, debug update_bbox
-# $VERSION = 0.12; # MJPH 22-JUL-1999 Add update_bbox
-# $VERSION = 0.11; # MJPH 7-JUL-1999 Don't store empties in cmaps
-# $VERSION = 0.10; # MJPH 21-JUN-1999 Use IO::File
-# $VERSION = 0.09; # MJPH 9-JUN-1999 Add 5.004 require, minor tweeks in cmap
-# $VERSION = 0.08; # MJPH 19-MAY-1999 Sort out line endings for Unix
-# $VERSION = 0.07; # MJPH 28-APR-1999 Get the regression tests to work
-# $VERSION = 0.06; # MJPH 26-APR-1999 Start to add to CVS, correct MANIFEST.SKIP
-# $VERSION = 0.05; # MJPH 13-APR-1999 See changes for 0.05
-# $VERSION = 0.04; # MJPH 13-MAR-1999 Tidy up Tarball
-# $VERSION = 0.03; # MJPH 9-MAR-1999 Move to Font::TTF for CPAN
-# $VERSION = 0.02; # MJPH 12-FEB-1999 Add support for ' nocsum' for DSIGS
-# $VERSION = 0.0001;
-%tables = (
- 'table' => 'Font::TTF::Table',
- 'EBDT' => 'Font::TTF::EBDT',
- 'EBLC' => 'Font::TTF::EBLC',
- 'Feat' => 'Font::TTF::GrFeat',
- 'GDEF' => 'Font::TTF::GDEF',
- 'GPOS' => 'Font::TTF::GPOS',
- 'GSUB' => 'Font::TTF::GSUB',
- 'LTSH' => 'Font::TTF::LTSH',
- 'OS/2' => 'Font::TTF::OS_2',
- 'PCLT' => 'Font::TTF::PCLT',
- 'Sill' => 'Font::TTF::Sill',
- 'bsln' => 'Font::TTF::Bsln',
- 'cmap' => 'Font::TTF::Cmap',
- 'cvt ' => 'Font::TTF::Cvt_',
- 'fdsc' => 'Font::TTF::Fdsc',
- 'feat' => 'Font::TTF::Feat',
- 'fmtx' => 'Font::TTF::Fmtx',
- 'fpgm' => 'Font::TTF::Fpgm',
- 'glyf' => 'Font::TTF::Glyf',
- 'hdmx' => 'Font::TTF::Hdmx',
- 'head' => 'Font::TTF::Head',
- 'hhea' => 'Font::TTF::Hhea',
- 'hmtx' => 'Font::TTF::Hmtx',
- 'kern' => 'Font::TTF::Kern',
- 'loca' => 'Font::TTF::Loca',
- 'maxp' => 'Font::TTF::Maxp',
- 'mort' => 'Font::TTF::Mort',
- 'name' => 'Font::TTF::Name',
- 'post' => 'Font::TTF::Post',
- 'prep' => 'Font::TTF::Prep',
- 'prop' => 'Font::TTF::Prop',
- 'vhea' => 'Font::TTF::Vhea',
- 'vmtx' => 'Font::TTF::Vmtx',
- );
-# This is special code because I am fed up of every time I x a table in the debugger
-# I get the whole font printed. Thus substitutes my 3 line change to dumpvar into
-# the debugger. Clunky, but nice. You are welcome to a copy if you want one.
- my ($p);
- foreach $p (@INC)
- {
- if (-f "$p/mydumpvar.pl")
- {
- $dumper = 'mydumpvar.pl';
- last;
- }
- }
- $dumper ||= 'dumpvar.pl';
-sub main::dumpValue
-{ do $dumper; &main::dumpValue; }
-=head2 Font::TTF::Font->AddTable($tablename, $class)
-Adds the given class to be used when representing the given table name. It also
-'requires' the class for you.
-sub AddTable
- my ($class, $table, $useclass) = @_;
- $tables{$table} = $useclass;
-# $useclass =~ s|::|/|oig;
-# require "$useclass.pm";
-=head2 Font::TTF::Font->Init
-For those people who like making fonts without reading them. This subroutine
-will require all the table code for the various table types for you. Not
-needed if using Font::TTF::Font::read before using a table.
-sub Init
- my ($class) = @_;
- my ($t);
- foreach $t (values %tables)
- {
- $t =~ s|::|/|oig;
- require "$t.pm";
- }
-=head2 Font::TTF::Font->new(%props)
-Creates a new font object and initialises with the given properties. This is
-primarily for use when a TTF is embedded somewhere. Notice that the properties
-are automatically preceded by a space when inserted into the object. This is in
-order that fields do not clash with tables.
-sub new
- my ($class, %props) = @_;
- my ($self) = {};
- bless $self, $class;
- foreach (keys %props)
- { $self->{" $_"} = $props{$_}; }
- $self;
-=head2 Font::TTF::Font->open($fname)
-Reads the header and directory for the given font file and creates appropriate
-objects for each table in the font.
-sub open
- my ($class, $fname) = @_;
- my ($fh);
- my ($self) = {};
- unless (ref($fname))
- {
- $fh = IO::File->new($fname) or return undef;
- binmode $fh;
- } else
- { $fh = $fname; }
- $self->{' INFILE'} = $fh;
- $self->{' fname'} = $fname;
- $self->{' OFFSET'} = 0;
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->read;
-=head2 $f->read
-Reads a Truetype font directory starting from the current location in the file.
-This has been separated from the C<open> function to allow support for embedded
-TTFs for example in TTCs. Also reads the C<head> and C<maxp> tables immediately.
-sub read
- my ($self) = @_;
- my ($fh) = $self->{' INFILE'};
- my ($dat, $i, $ver, $dir_num, $type, $name, $check, $off, $len, $t);
- $fh->seek($self->{' OFFSET'}, 0);
- $fh->read($dat, 12);
- ($ver, $dir_num) = unpack("Nn", $dat);
- $ver == 1 << 16 || $ver == unpack('N', 'OTTO') || $ver == 0x74727565 or return undef; # support Mac sfnts
- for ($i = 0; $i < $dir_num; $i++)
- {
- $fh->read($dat, 16) || die "Reading table entry";
- ($name, $check, $off, $len) = unpack("a4NNN", $dat);
- $self->{$name} = $self->{' PARENT'}->find($self, $name, $check, $off, $len) && next
- if (defined $self->{' PARENT'});
- $type = $tables{$name} || 'Font::TTF::Table';
- $t = $type;
- if ($^O eq "MacOS")
- { $t =~ s/^|::/:/oig; }
- else
- { $t =~ s|::|/|oig; }
- require "$t.pm";
- $self->{$name} = $type->new(PARENT => $self,
- NAME => $name,
- INFILE => $fh,
- OFFSET => $off,
- LENGTH => $len,
- CSUM => $check);
- }
- foreach $t ('head', 'maxp')
- { $self->{$t}->read if defined $self->{$t}; }
- $self;
-=head2 $f->out($fname [, @tablelist])
-Writes a TTF file consisting of the tables in tablelist. The list is checked to
-ensure that only tables that exist are output. (This means that you can't have
-non table information stored in the font object with key length of exactly 4)
-In many cases the user simply wants to output all the tables in alphabetical order.
-This can be done by not including a @tablelist, in which case the subroutine will
-output all the defined tables in the font in alphabetical order.
-Returns $f on success and undef on failure, including warnings.
-All output files must include the C<head> table.
-sub out
- my ($self, $fname, @tlist) = @_;
- my ($fh);
- my ($dat, $numTables, $sRange, $eSel);
- my (%dir, $k, $mloc, $count);
- my ($csum, $lsum, $msum, $loc, $oldloc, $len, $shift);
- unless (ref($fname))
- {
- $fh = IO::File->new("+>$fname") || return warn("Unable to open $fname for writing"), undef;
- binmode $fh;
- } else
- { $fh = $fname; }
- $self->{' oname'} = $fname;
- $self->{' outfile'} = $fh;
- if ($self->{' wantsig'})
- {
- $self->{' nocsum'} = 1;
-# $self->{'head'}{'checkSumAdjustment'} = 0;
- $self->{' tempDSIG'} = $self->{'DSIG'};
- $self->{' tempcsum'} = $self->{'head'}{' CSUM'};
- delete $self->{'DSIG'};
- @tlist = sort {$self->{$a}{' OFFSET'} <=> $self->{$b}{' OFFSET'}}
- grep (length($_) == 4 && defined $self->{$_}, keys %$self) if ($#tlist < 0);
- }
- elsif ($#tlist < 0)
- { @tlist = sort keys %$self; }
- @tlist = grep(length($_) == 4 && defined $self->{$_}, @tlist);
- $numTables = $#tlist + 1;
- $numTables++ if ($self->{' wantsig'});
- ($numTables, $sRange, $eSel, $shift) = Font::TTF::Utils::TTF_bininfo($numTables, 16);
- $dat = pack("Nnnnn", 1 << 16, $numTables, $sRange, $eSel, $shift);
- $fh->print($dat);
- $msum = unpack("%32N*", $dat);
-# reserve place holders for each directory entry
- foreach $k (@tlist)
- {
- $dir{$k} = pack("A4NNN", $k, 0, 0, 0);
- $fh->print($dir{$k});
- }
- $fh->print(pack('A4NNN', '', 0, 0, 0)) if ($self->{' wantsig'});
- $loc = $fh->tell();
- if ($loc & 3)
- {
- $fh->print(substr("\000" x 4, $loc & 3));
- $loc += 4 - ($loc & 3);
- }
- foreach $k (@tlist)
- {
- $oldloc = $loc;
- $self->{$k}->out($fh);
- $loc = $fh->tell();
- $len = $loc - $oldloc;
- if ($loc & 3)
- {
- $fh->print(substr("\000" x 4, $loc & 3));
- $loc += 4 - ($loc & 3);
- }
- $fh->seek($oldloc, 0);
- $csum = 0; $mloc = $loc;
- while ($mloc > $oldloc)
- {
- $count = ($mloc - $oldloc > 4096) ? 4096 : $mloc - $oldloc;
- $fh->read($dat, $count);
- $csum += unpack("%32N*", $dat);
-# this line ensures $csum stays within 32 bit bounds, clipping as necessary
- if ($csum > 0xffffffff) { $csum -= 0xffffffff; $csum--; }
- $mloc -= $count;
- }
- $dir{$k} = pack("A4NNN", $k, $csum, $oldloc, $len);
- $msum += $csum + unpack("%32N*", $dir{$k});
- while ($msum > 0xffffffff) { $msum -= 0xffffffff; $msum--; }
- $fh->seek($loc, 0);
- }
- unless ($self->{' nocsum'}) # assuming we want a file checksum
- {
-# Now we need to sort out the head table's checksum
- if (!defined $dir{'head'})
- { # you have to have a head table
- $fh->close();
- return warn("No 'head' table to output in $fname"), undef;
- }
- ($csum, $loc, $len) = unpack("x4NNN", $dir{'head'});
- $fh->seek($loc + 8, 0);
- $fh->read($dat, 4);
- $lsum = unpack("N", $dat);
- if ($lsum != 0)
- {
- $csum -= $lsum;
- if ($csum < 0) { $csum += 0xffffffff; $csum++; }
- $msum -= $lsum * 2; # twice (in head and in csum)
- while ($msum < 0) { $msum += 0xffffffff; $msum++; }
- }
- $lsum = 0xB1B0AFBA - $msum;
- $fh->seek($loc + 8, 0);
- $fh->print(pack("N", $lsum));
- $dir{'head'} = pack("A4NNN", 'head', $csum, $loc, $len);
- } elsif ($self->{' wantsig'})
- {
- if (!defined $dir{'head'})
- { # you have to have a head table
- $fh->close();
- return warn("No 'head' table to output in $fname"), undef;
- }
- ($csum, $loc, $len) = unpack("x4NNN", $dir{'head'});
- $fh->seek($loc + 8, 0);
- $fh->print(pack("N", 0));
-# $dir{'head'} = pack("A4NNN", 'head', $self->{' tempcsum'}, $loc, $len);
- }
-# Now we can output the directory again
- if ($self->{' wantsig'})
- { @tlist = sort @tlist; }
- $fh->seek(12, 0);
- foreach $k (@tlist)
- { $fh->print($dir{$k}); }
- $fh->print(pack('A4NNN', '', 0, 0, 0)) if ($self->{' wantsig'});
- $fh->close();
- $self;
-=head2 $f->out_xml($filename [, @tables])
-Outputs the font in XML format
-sub out_xml
- my ($self, $fname, @tlist) = @_;
- my ($fh, $context, $numTables, $k);
- $context->{'indent'} = ' ' x 4;
- unless (ref($fname))
- {
- $fh = IO::File->new("+>$fname") || return warn("Unable to open $fname"), undef;
- binmode $fh;
- } else
- { $fh = $fname; }
- unless (scalar @tlist > 0)
- {
- @tlist = sort keys %$self;
- @tlist = grep(length($_) == 4 && defined $self->{$_}, @tlist);
- }
- $numTables = $#tlist + 1;
- $context->{'fh'} = $fh;
- $fh->print("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\n");
- $fh->print("<font tables='$numTables'>\n\n");
- foreach $k (@tlist)
- {
- $fh->print("<table name='$k'>\n");
- $self->{$k}->out_xml($context, $context->{'indent'});
- $fh->print("</table>\n");
- }
- $fh->print("</font>\n");
- $fh->close;
- $self;
-=head2 $f->XML_start($context, $tag, %attrs)
-Handles start messages from the XML parser. Of particular interest to us are <font> and
-sub XML_start
- my ($self, $context, $tag, %attrs) = @_;
- my ($name, $type, $t);
- if ($tag eq 'font')
- { $context->{'tree'}[-1] = $self; }
- elsif ($tag eq 'table')
- {
- $name = $attrs{'name'};
- unless (defined $self->{$name})
- {
- $type = $tables{$name} || 'Font::TTF::Table';
- $t = $type;
- if ($^O eq "MacOS")
- { $t =~ s/^|::/:/oig; }
- else
- { $t =~ s|::|/|oig; }
- require "$t.pm";
- $self->{$name} = $type->new('PARENT' => $self, 'NAME' => $name, 'read' => 1);
- }
- $context->{'receiver'} = ($context->{'tree'}[-1] = $self->{$name});
- }
- $context;
-sub XML_end
- my ($self) = @_;
- my ($context, $tag, %attrs) = @_;
- my ($i);
- return undef unless ($tag eq 'table' && $attrs{'name'} eq 'loca');
- if (defined $context->{'glyphs'} && $context->{'glyphs'} ne $self->{'loca'}{'glyphs'})
- {
- for ($i = 0; $i <= $#{$context->{'glyphs'}}; $i++)
- { $self->{'loca'}{'glyphs'}[$i] = $context->{'glyphs'}[$i] if defined $context->{'glyphs'}[$i]; }
- $context->{'glyphs'} = $self->{'loca'}{'glyphs'};
- }
- return undef;
-=head2 $f->update
-Sends update to all the tables in the font and then resets all the isDirty
-flags on each table. The data structure in now consistent as a font (we hope).
-sub update
- my ($self) = @_;
- $self->tables_do(sub { $_[0]->update; });
- $self;
-=head2 $f->dirty
-Dirties all the tables in the font
-sub dirty
-{ $_[0]->tables_do(sub { $_[0]->dirty; }); $_[0]; }
-=head2 $f->tables_do(&func [, tables])
-Calls &func for each table in the font. Calls the table in alphabetical sort
-order as per the order in the directory:
- &func($table, $name);
-May optionally take a list of table names in which case func is called
-for each of them in the given order.
-sub tables_do
- my ($self, $func, @tables) = @_;
- my ($t);
- foreach $t (@tables ? @tables : sort grep {length($_) == 4} keys %$self)
- { &$func($self->{$t}, $t); }
- $self;
-=head2 $f->release
-Releases ALL of the memory used by the TTF font and all of its component
-objects. After calling this method, do B<NOT> expect to have anything left in
-the C<Font::TTF::Font> object.
-B<NOTE>, that it is important that you call this method on any
-C<Font::TTF::Font> object when you wish to destruct it and free up its memory.
-Internally, we track things in a structure that can result in circular
-references, and without calling 'C<release()>' these will not properly get
-cleaned up by Perl. Once you've called this method, though, don't expect to be
-able to do anything else with the C<Font::TTF::Font> object; it'll have B<no>
-internal state whatsoever.
-B<Developer note:> As part of the brute-force cleanup done here, this method
-will throw a warning message whenever unexpected key values are found within
-the C<Font::TTF::Font> object. This is done to help ensure that any unexpected
-and unfreed values are brought to your attention so that you can bug us to keep
-the module updated properly; otherwise the potential for memory leaks due to
-dangling circular references will exist.
-sub release
- my ($self) = @_;
-# delete stuff that we know we can, here
- my @tofree = map { delete $self->{$_} } keys %{$self};
- while (my $item = shift @tofree)
- {
- my $ref = ref($item);
- if (UNIVERSAL::can($item, 'release'))
- { $item->release(); }
- elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY')
- { push( @tofree, @{$item} ); }
- elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($ref, 'HASH'))
- { release($item); }
- }
-# check that everything has gone - it better had!
- foreach my $key (keys %{$self})
- { warn ref($self) . " still has '$key' key left after release.\n"; }
-=head1 BUGS
-Bugs abound aplenty I am sure. There is a lot of code here and plenty of scope.
-The parts of the code which haven't been implemented yet are:
-=over 4
-=item Post
-Version 4 format types are not supported yet.
-=item Cmap
-Format type 2 (MBCS) has not been implemented yet and therefore may cause
-somewhat spurious results for this table type.
-=item Kern
-Only type 0 & type 2 tables are supported (type 1 & type 3 yet to come).
-=item TTC
-The current Font::TTF::Font::out method does not support the writing of TrueType
-In addition there are weaknesses or features of this module library
-=over 4
-=item *
-There is very little (or no) error reporting. This means that if you have
-garbled data or garbled data structures, then you are liable to generate duff
-=item *
-The exposing of the internal data structures everywhere means that doing
-radical re-structuring is almost impossible. But it stop the code from becoming
-ridiculously large.
-Apart from these, I try to keep the code in a state of "no known bugs", which
-given the amount of testing this code has had, is not a guarantee of high
-quality, yet.
-For more details see the appropriate class files.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Martin Hosken Martin_Hosken@sil.org
-Copyright Martin Hosken 1998.
-No warranty or expression of effectiveness, least of all regarding anyone's
-safety, is implied in this software or documentation.
-=head2 Licensing
-The Perl TTF module is licensed under the Perl Artistic License.