from copy import deepcopy
from lxml import etree
-from librarian import functions, OutputFile
+from librarian import functions, IOFile
+from .epub import replace_by_verse
+def sectionify(tree):
+ """Finds section headers and adds a tree of _section tags."""
+ sections = [
+ 'naglowek_czesc',
+ 'naglowek_akt', 'naglowek_rozdzial', 'naglowek_scena',
+ 'naglowek_podrozdzial']
+ section_level = {v: k for (k, v) in enumerate(sections)}
+ # We can assume there are just subelements an no text at section level.
+ for level, section_name in reversed(list(enumerate(sections))):
+ for header in tree.findall('//' + section_name):
+ section = header.makeelement("_section")
+ header.addprevious(section)
+ section.append(header)
+ sibling = section.getnext()
+ while (sibling is not None and
+ section_level.get(sibling.tag, 1000) > level):
+ section.append(sibling)
+ sibling = section.getnext()
def transform(wldoc, verbose=False,
cover=None, flags=None):
style_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fb2/fb2.xslt')
style = etree.parse(style_filename)
+ replace_by_verse(document.edoc)
+ sectionify(document.edoc)
result = document.transform(style)
- return OutputFile.from_string(unicode(result).encode('utf-8'))
+ return IOFile.from_string(unicode(result).encode('utf-8'))
+# vim:et