--- /dev/null
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+# use mms
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+from copy import deepcopy
+from lxml import etree
+import re
+import os
+page_template = etree.parse('wzor.svg')
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+def mm_to_px(mm):
+ return float(mm) / 25.4 * 90
+def get_translate(elem):
+ match = re.match("translate\((-?\d*\.?\d*),(-?\d*\.?\d*)\)", elem.get('transform'))
+ return float(match.group(1)), float(match.group(2))
+def set_translate(elem, x, y):
+ elem.set('transform', "translate(%f,%f)" % (x, y))
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+nazwiska = []
+import sys
+for fname in sys.argv[1:]:
+ with open(fname) as f:
+ nazwiska += [(n.decode('utf-8').strip('\n') + '\t\t\t').split('\t')[:4] for n in f]
+ ['', '', '', ''] for i in range((len(nazwiska) / on_page + (extra_pages + 1)) * on_page - len(nazwiska)))
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+line = etree.Element('{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}path')
+line.set('style', 'stroke: #888; stroke-width: .1mm;')
+x = y = page = 0
+output_odd = deepcopy(page_template)
+output_even = deepcopy(page_template)
+for nazwisko, imie, org, funkcja in nazwiska:
+ print "%s (%s)" % (nazwisko, org)
+ card = deepcopy(template)
+ flow = card.find('.//{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}flowRoot')
+ current_id = 'card-%d-%d' % (x, y)
+ flow.set('id', current_id)
+ for elem in flow.findall('.//{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}flowPara'):
+ if elem.text == u'Imię i nazwisko':
+ elem.text = imie + ' ' + nazwisko
+ elif elem.text == u'Organizacja':
+ elem.text = org
+ elif elem.text == u'Funkcja':
+ elem.text = funkcja
+ set_translate(card,
+ transform_x + mm_to_px(margin_left) + x * template_width,
+ transform_y + mm_to_px(margin_top) + y * template_height
+ )
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+ # Check height
+ output_even.write('tmp.svg')
+ text_height = float(os.popen('inkscape --query-id=%s -H tmp.svg' % (current_id,)).read())
+ tx, ty = get_translate(flow)
+ set_translate(flow, tx, ty + (orig_text_height - text_height) / 2)
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+ odd_card.set('transform', "translate(%f,%f)" % (
+ transform_x + mm_to_px(page_width) - mm_to_px(margin_left) - (x + 1) * template_width,
+ transform_y + mm_to_px(margin_top) + y * template_height
+ ))
+ output_odd.getroot().append(odd_card)
+ x += 1
+ if x >= grid_width:
+ y += 1
+ x = 0
+ if y >= grid_height:
+ if with_lines:
+ for xx in range(grid_width + 1):
+ l = deepcopy(line)
+ l.set('d', 'm %f,%f %f,%f' % (
+ mm_to_px(margin_left) + xx * template_width,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ mm_to_px(margin_top - 1),
+ ))
+ output_even.getroot().append(l)
+ l = deepcopy(line)
+ l.set('d', 'm %f,%f %f,%f' % (
+ mm_to_px(margin_left) + xx * template_width,
+ mm_to_px(margin_top + 1) + grid_height * template_height,
+ 0,
+ mm_to_px(page_height) - mm_to_px(margin_top + 1) - grid_height * template_height,
+ ))
+ output_even.getroot().append(l)
+ for yy in range(grid_height + 1):
+ l = deepcopy(line)
+ l.set('d', 'm %f,%f %f,%f' % (
+ 0,
+ mm_to_px(margin_top) + yy * template_height,
+ mm_to_px(margin_left - 1),
+ 0,
+ ))
+ output_even.getroot().append(l)
+ l = deepcopy(line)
+ l.set('d', 'm %f,%f %f,%f' % (
+ mm_to_px(margin_left + 1) + grid_width * template_width,
+ mm_to_px(margin_top) + yy * template_height,
+ mm_to_px(page_width) - mm_to_px(margin_left + 1) - grid_width * template_width,
+ 0,
+ ))
+ output_even.getroot().append(l)
+ output_even.write('out-%02d.svg' % (2 * page))
+ output_odd.write('out-%02d.svg' % (2 * page + 1))
+ output_odd = deepcopy(page_template)
+ output_even = deepcopy(page_template)
+ page += 1
+ x = y = 0
+if x or y:
+ output_even.write('out-%02d.svg' % (2 * page))
+ output_odd.write('out-%02d.svg' % (2 * page + 1))
+ page += 1
+for p in range(2 * page):
+ os.system('inkscape out-%02d.svg -A out-%02d.pdf' % (p, p))
+os.system('pdftk %s cat output output.pdf' % (" ".join("out-%02d.pdf" % p for p in range(2*page))))
--- /dev/null
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