editor: fix resolving cursor destination after breaking content at the edge of text...
[fnpeditor.git] / package.json
2013-12-15 Aleksander ŁukaszCompile Bootstrap CSS on our own, include it into build...
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: copy Bootstrap to build directory...
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: install local copy of grunt-cli
2013-12-15 Aleksander ŁukaszUpdate grunt's jshint task
2013-10-09 Aleksander Łukaszpackage.json update
2013-06-30 Aleksander ŁukaszAdding jshint grunt task
2013-06-30 Aleksander ŁukaszBuilding js & css for editor with r.js/lessc via grunt...