smartxml: Getting rid of nodeMoved event in favor of `move` flag on nodeDetached...
[fnpeditor.git] / src / editor / modules / nodePane /
2014-04-23 Aleksander ŁukaszMerging in actions branch
2014-04-23 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: additional descriptions for some transactions
2014-04-23 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: fix - better handle node removal in various...
2014-04-23 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: actions implementation
2014-01-28 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: adding gap class to ui
2013-12-19 Aleksander Łukaszwlxml/editor: rename class uri to link
2013-12-17 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: nodePane handles meta/unregistered node attributes
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: some basic aside.comment support
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: fallback to original tag/class name in case...
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: bringing back tag changing via node pane
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: update old transform api calls to new way of...
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszlinting, cleanup, removing unused code
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszwip: breakContent & others transformations - still...
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszpre d: setattr, settext, split as ContextTransformation...
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: bring back meta data attrs edit via...
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszlinting
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszwip: canvas publishes wlxmlNode as selected + handling...
2013-09-13 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring: cleaning directories structure