smartxml: transformations fix - wrapping nodes arguments with path accessor one level...
[fnpeditor.git] / src / editor / modules / data / data.js
2013-12-30 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: handle invalid xml sent as a wlxml document
2013-12-17 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: bring back restore dialog after integration
2013-12-17 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: configurable document diff and revert urls
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: saving document
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszeditor: first take on plugins, core plugin with breakCo...
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszlinting, cleanup, removing unused code
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszextensions api wip - 1 canvas test fails because of...
2013-12-15 Aleksander Łukaszwip: integrating lists, first extensions api approach
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: restoring document
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszfix
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszlinting
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: saving document
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszcleanup after first take on using new engine in canvas
2013-12-02 Aleksander Łukaszwip: first integration of rewritten engine into canvas
2013-09-13 Aleksander ŁukaszRefactoring: cleaning directories structure