Fixing documentToolbar position under FF
[fnpeditor.git] / modules / documentToolbar / template.html
2013-07-11 Aleksander ŁukaszRemoving unused icon from document toolbar
2013-07-11 Aleksander ŁukaszRearranging document toolbar icons
2013-07-11 Aleksander Łukaszfixing markup in a template
2013-07-11 Aleksander Łukaszintegration wip: togglegrid, newnode
2013-07-11 Aleksander Łukaszchanging lists ui wip: toggling first approach
2013-07-03 Aleksander Łukaszunwrapping nodes
2013-07-01 Aleksander ŁukaszConverting end of lines from crlf to lf
2013-06-27 Aleksander ŁukaszIntroducing two types of lists: bullet & enum
2013-06-24 Aleksander ŁukaszAdding/removing lists - first approach
2013-06-06 Aleksander ŁukaszdocumentToolbar module