+ split: function(params) {
+ var parentElement = this.parent(),
+ passed = false,
+ succeedingChildren = [],
+ prefix = this.getText().substr(0, params.offset),
+ suffix = this.getText().substr(params.offset);
+ parentElement.contents().forEach(function(child) {
+ if(passed) {
+ succeedingChildren.push(child);
+ }
+ if(child.sameNode(this)) {
+ passed = true;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ if(prefix.length > 0) {
+ this.setText(prefix);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.detach();
+ }
+ var attrs = {};
+ parentElement.getAttrs().forEach(function(attr) {attrs[attr.name] = attr.value; });
+ var newElement = this.document.createDocumentNode({tagName: parentElement.getTagName(), attrs: attrs});
+ parentElement.after(newElement);
+ if(suffix.length > 0) {
+ newElement.append({text: suffix});
+ }
+ succeedingChildren.forEach(function(child) {
+ newElement.append(child);
+ });
+ return {first: parentElement, second: newElement};
+ },
triggerTextChangeEvent: function() {
var event = new events.ChangeEvent('nodeTextChange', {node: this});
this.document.trigger('change', event);
var parseXML = function(xml) {
- return $(xml)[0];
+ return $($.trim(xml))[0];
var Document = function(xml) {
return {
documentFromXML: function(xml) {
- return new Document(parseXML(xml));
+ return new Document(xml);
elementNodeFromXML: function(xml) {
_with: {tagName: 'header'}
- var sectionContents = section.contents(),
- header = sectionContents[0],
+ var sectionContentss = section.contents(),
+ header = sectionContentss[0],
headerContents = header.contents();
- expect(sectionContents).to.have.length(1);
+ expect(sectionContentss).to.have.length(1);
expect(header.sameNode(returned)).to.equal(true, 'wrapper returned');
_with: {tagName: 'header'}
- var sectionContents = section.contents(),
- header = sectionContents[1],
+ var sectionContentss = section.contents(),
+ header = sectionContentss[1],
headerChildren = header.contents();
- expect(sectionContents).to.have.length(3);
+ expect(sectionContentss).to.have.length(3);
expect(headerChildren[0].sameNode(div2)).to.equal(true, 'first node wrapped');
expect(headerChildren[1].sameNode(div3)).to.equal(true, 'second node wrapped');
+ describe('Splitting text', function() {
+ it('splits TextNode\'s parent into two ElementNodes', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><header>Some header</header></section>'),
+ section = doc.root,
+ text = section.contents()[0].contents()[0];
+ var returnedValue = text.split({offset: 5});
+ expect(section.contents().length).to.equal(2, 'section has two children');
+ var header1 = section.contents()[0];
+ var header2 = section.contents()[1];
+ expect(header1.getTagName()).to.equal('header', 'first section child ok');
+ expect(header1.contents().length).to.equal(1, 'first header has one child');
+ expect(header1.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('Some ', 'first header has correct content');
+ expect(header2.getTagName()).to.equal('header', 'second section child ok');
+ expect(header2.contents().length).to.equal(1, 'second header has one child');
+ expect(header2.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('header', 'second header has correct content');
+ expect(returnedValue.first.sameNode(header1)).to.equal(true, 'first node returned');
+ expect(returnedValue.second.sameNode(header2)).to.equal(true, 'second node returned');
+ });
+ it('leaves empty copy of ElementNode if splitting at the very beginning', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><header>Some header</header></section>'),
+ section = doc.root,
+ text = section.contents()[0].contents()[0];
+ text.split({offset: 0});
+ var header1 = section.contents()[0];
+ var header2 = section.contents()[1];
+ expect(header1.contents().length).to.equal(0);
+ expect(header2.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('Some header');
+ });
+ it('leaves empty copy of ElementNode if splitting at the very end', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><header>Some header</header></section>'),
+ section = doc.root,
+ text = section.contents()[0].contents()[0];
+ text.split({offset: 11});
+ var header1 = section.contents()[0];
+ var header2 = section.contents()[1];
+ expect(header1.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('Some header');
+ expect(header2.contents().length).to.equal(0);
+ });
+ it('keeps TextNodes\'s parent\'s children elements intact', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><header>A <span>fancy</span> and <span>nice</span> header</header></section>'),
+ section = doc.root,
+ header = section.contents()[0],
+ textAnd = header.contents()[2];
+ textAnd.split({offset: 2});
+ var sectionContents = section.contents();
+ expect(sectionContents.length).to.equal(2, 'Section has two children');
+ expect(sectionContents[0].getTagName()).to.equal('header', 'First section node is a header');
+ expect(sectionContents[1].getTagName()).to.equal('header', 'Second section node is a header');
+ var firstHeaderContents = sectionContents[0].contents();
+ expect(firstHeaderContents.length).to.equal(3, 'First header has three children');
+ expect(firstHeaderContents[0].getText()).to.equal('A ', 'First header starts with a text');
+ expect(firstHeaderContents[1].getTagName()).to.equal('span', 'First header has span in the middle');
+ expect(firstHeaderContents[2].getText()).to.equal(' a', 'First header ends with text');
+ var secondHeaderContents = sectionContents[1].contents();
+ expect(secondHeaderContents.length).to.equal(3, 'Second header has three children');
+ expect(secondHeaderContents[0].getText()).to.equal('nd ', 'Second header starts with text');
+ expect(secondHeaderContents[1].getTagName()).to.equal('span', 'Second header has span in the middle');
+ expect(secondHeaderContents[2].getText()).to.equal(' header', 'Second header ends with text');
+ });
+ });
describe('Events', function() {
it('emits nodeDetached event on node detach', function() {
var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div><div></div></div>'),