+ {
+ applies: function(e, s) {
+ var parent = s.element && s.element.wlxmlNode.parent(),
+ parentIsItem = parent && parent.is('item'),
+ itemIsOnList = parent && parent.parent() && parent.parent().is('list');
+ return s.type === 'caret' && e.key === KEYS.ENTER && s.element.isEmpty() && parentIsItem && itemIsOnList;
+ },
+ run: function(e, s) {
+ var item = s.element.wlxmlNode.parent(),
+ list = item.parent();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ s.canvas.wlxmlDocument.transaction(function() {
+ var p = list.after({tagName: 'div', attrs: {'class': 'p'}});
+ p.append({text: ''});
+ item.detach();
+ return p;
+ }, {
+ success: function(p) {
+ s.canvas.setCurrentElement(p);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
applies: function(e, s) {
return s.type === 'caret' && e.key === KEYS.ENTER && !s.element.parent().isRootElement();
+ describe('Enter on a list items', function() {
+ afterEach(removeCanvas);
+ it('creates a paragraph after a list if hitting enter on the last and empty list item', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><div class="list"><div class="item">item</div></div></section>'),
+ k = new Keyboard(c);
+ k.withCaret('item|').press(K.ENTER).press(K.ENTER);
+ var rootContents = c.wlxmlDocument.root.contents();
+ expect(rootContents.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(rootContents[0].is('list')).to.equal(true);
+ expect(rootContents[1].is('p')).to.equal(true);
+ var list = rootContents[0];
+ expect(list.contents().length).to.equal(1);
+ var selection = c.getSelection();
+ expect(selection.element.wlxmlNode.sameNode(rootContents[1].contents()[0])).to.equal(true);
+ expect(selection.offset).to.equal(0);
+ });
+ });
describe('Deleting text from a node', function() {
it('deletes last character with backspace', function() {
var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><div class="p">a</div><div class="p">b</div></section>'),