- describe('unwrapping', function() {
- it('unwraps DocumentTextElement from its parent DocumentNodeElement if it\'s its only child', function() {
+ describe('unwrapping DocumentTextElement from its parent DocumentNodeElement if it\'s its only child', function() {
+ it('unwraps text element from its parent and stays between its old parent siblings', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('<section><div>Alice</div><div>has</div><div>a cat</div></section>'),
+ section = c.doc(),
+ sectionChildren = section.children(),
+ divAlice = sectionChildren[0],
+ divHas = sectionChildren[1],
+ textHas = divHas.children()[0],
+ divCat = sectionChildren[2];
+ var newTextContainer = textHas.unwrap(),
+ sectionChildren = section.children();
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].sameNode(divAlice)).to.equal(true, 'divAlice ok');
+ expect(newTextContainer.sameNode(section)).to.equal(true, 'unwrap returns new text parent DocumentNodeElement');
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].getText()).to.equal('has');
+ expect(sectionChildren[2].sameNode(divCat)).to.equal(true, 'divCat ok');
+ });
+ it('unwraps and join with its old parent adjacent text elements ', function() {
var c = canvas.fromXML('<section>Alice <span>has a</span> cat</section>'),
section = c.doc(),
text = section.children()[1].children()[0];
expect(section.children().length).to.equal(1, 'section has one child');
expect(section.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice has a cat');
expect(newTextContainer.sameNode(c.doc())).to.equal(true, 'unwrap returns new text parent DocumentNodeElement');
- })
+ });
idx = grandParent.childIndex(parent),
prev = idx - 1 > -1 ? grandParentChildren[idx-1] : null,
next = idx + 1 < grandParentChildren.length ? grandParentChildren[idx+1] : null;
+ prev = (prev instanceof DocumentTextElement) ? prev : null;
+ next = (next instanceof DocumentTextElement) ? next : null;
if(prev && next) {
prev.setText(prev.getText() + this.getText() + next.getText());