-rng.modules.visualEditor.transformations = {};
-rng.modules.visualEditor.transformations.fromXML = {
- getHTMLTree: function(xml) {
- return xml;
- },
- getMetaData: function(xml) {
- return {};
- },
- getDocumentDescription: function(xml) {
- return {
- HTMLTree: this.getHTMLTree(xml),
- metadata: this.getMetaData(xml)
+if(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ var $ = require('jquery');
+(function($) {
+ var transformations = {};
+ transformations.fromXML = {
+ getHTMLTree: function(xml) {
+ var inner = $(xml).clone();
+ var toret = $('<div></div>');
+ toret.append(inner);
+ var toBlock = ['div', 'section', 'header'];
+ var toInline = ['aside', 'span'];
+ var transform = function(tags, replacingTagName) {
+ tags.forEach(function(tagName) {
+ tagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
+ console.log('running ' + tagName);
+ toret.find(tagName).replaceWith(function() {
+ var currentTag = $(this);
+ if(currentTag.attr('wlxml-tag'))
+ return;
+ var toret = $('<' + replacingTagName + '>').attr('wlxml-tag', tagName);
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i++) {
+ var attr = this.attributes.item(i);
+ var value = attr.name === 'class' ? attr.value.replace(/\./g, '-') : attr.value;
+ toret.attr('wlxml-' + attr.name, value)
+ }
+ toret.append(currentTag.contents());
+ return toret;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ transform(toBlock, 'div');
+ transform(toInline, 'span');
+ return toret.children();
+ },
+ getMetaData: function(xml) {
+ var toret = {};
+ $(xml).find('metadata').children().each(function() {
+ var node = $(this);
+ toret[this.nodeName.split(':')[1].toLowerCase()] = node.text();
+ })
+ return toret;
+ },
+ getDocumentDescription: function(xml) {
+ return {
+ HTMLTree: this.getHTMLTree(xml),
+ metadata: this.getMetaData(xml)
+ }
+ transformations.toXML = {
+ getXML: function(documentDescription) {
+ var inner = $(documentDescription.HTMLTree);
+ var toret = $('<div></div>');
+ toret.append(inner);
+ toret.find('div, span').replaceWith(function() {
+ var div = $(this);
+ var tagName = div.attr('wlxml-tag');
+ var toret = $('<'+tagName+'>');
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i++) {
+ var attr = this.attributes.item(i);
+ var split = attr.name.split('-')
+ console.log(split);
+ if(split[0] !== 'wlxml' || (split.length > 1 && split[1] === 'tag'))
+ continue;
+ var wlxmlName = split.splice(1).join('-');
+ var value = wlxmlName === 'class' ? attr.value.replace(/-/g, '.') : attr.value;
+ console.log(name + ': ' + value);
+ toret.attr(wlxmlName, value);
+ }
+ toret.append(div.contents());
+ return toret;
+ });
+ var meta = $('<metadata></metadata>\n');
+ _.each(_.keys(documentDescription.metadata), function(key) {
+ meta.append('\n\t<dc:'+key+'>' + documentDescription.metadata[key] + '</dc:'+key+'>');
+ });
+ meta.append('\n');
+ toret.find('metadata').replaceWith(meta);
+ return toret.html();
+ }
+ }
-rng.modules.visualEditor.transformations.toXML = {
- getXML: function(documentDescription) {
- return documentDescription.HTMLTree;
+ if(typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = transformations;
+ } else {
+ rng.modules.visualEditor.transformations = transformations;
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