+ it('can be cloned with its contents and its contents data', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<root><div></div></root>'),
+ root = doc.root,
+ div = root.contents()[0];
+ var ClonableObject = function(arg) {
+ this.arg = arg;
+ };
+ ClonableObject.prototype.clone = function() {
+ return new ClonableObject(this.arg);
+ };
+ div.setData('key', 'value');
+ div.setData('clonableObject', new ClonableObject('test'));
+ var rootClone = root.clone(),
+ divClone = rootClone.contents()[0],
+ stringClone = divClone.getData('key'),
+ objClone = divClone.getData('clonableObject');
+ expect(stringClone).to.equal('value');
+ expect(objClone.arg).to.equal('test', 'clonable object got copied');
+ expect(objClone !== div.getData('clonableObject')).to.be.equal(true, 'copy of the clonable object is a new object');
+ });
it('knows its path in the document tree', function() {
var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<root><a><b><c></c>text</b></a></root>'),
root = doc.root,