var currentTag = $(this);
+ var meta = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i++) {
+ var attr = this.attributes[i];
+ if(, 5) === 'meta-')
+ meta[] = attr.value;
+ }
var element = documentElement.DocumentNodeElement.createDOM({
tag: currentTag.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(),
- klass: currentTag.attr('class')
+ klass: currentTag.attr('class'),
+ meta: meta
var cursor = canvas.getCursor();
if(!cursor.isSelecting()) {
- var position = cursor.getPosition();
- position.element.split({offset: position.offset});
+ var position = cursor.getPosition(),
+ elements = position.element.split({offset: position.offset}),
+ newEmpty,
+ goto;
+ if(position.offsetAtBeginning)
+ newEmpty = elements.first;
+ else if(position.offsetAtEnd)
+ newEmpty = elements.second;
+ if(newEmpty) {
+ goto = newEmpty.append(documentElement.DocumentTextElement.create({text: '\u200B'}, this));
+ canvas.setCurrentElement(goto);
+ }
setCurrentElement: function(element, params) {
params = _.extend({caretTo: 'end'}, params);
- var findFirstDirectTextChild = function(e) {
+ var findFirstDirectTextChild = function(e, nodeToLand) {
+ var byBrowser = this.getCursor().getPosition().element;
+ if(byBrowser && byBrowser.parent().sameNode(nodeToLand))
+ return byBrowser;
var children = e.children();
for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if(children[i] instanceof documentElement.DocumentTextElement)
return children[i];
return null;
- };
+ }.bind(this);
var _markAsCurrent = function(element) {
if(element instanceof documentElement.DocumentTextElement) {
this.publisher('currentElementChanged', element);
- var _moveCaretToTextElement = function(element, where) {
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents(element.dom().contents()[0]);
- var collapseArg = true;
- if(where === 'end')
- collapseArg = false;
- range.collapse(collapseArg);
- var selection = document.getSelection();
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(range);
- };
var isTextElement = element instanceof documentElement.DocumentTextElement,
- textElementToLand = isTextElement ? element : findFirstDirectTextChild(element),
nodeElementToLand = isTextElement ? element.parent() : element,
+ textElementToLand = isTextElement ? element : findFirstDirectTextChild(element, nodeElementToLand),
currentTextElement = this.getCurrentTextElement(),
currentNodeElement = this.getCurrentNodeElement();
if(currentTextElement && !(currentTextElement.sameNode(textElementToLand)))
- if(textElementToLand && !(textElementToLand.sameNode(currentTextElement))) {
+ if(textElementToLand) {
- if(params.caretTo)
- _moveCaretToTextElement(textElementToLand, params.caretTo); // as method on element?
- this.publisher('currentTextElementSet', element);
+ if(params.caretTo || !textElementToLand.sameNode(this.getCursor().getPosition().element))
+ this._moveCaretToTextElement(textElementToLand, params.caretTo); // as method on element?
+ if(!(textElementToLand.sameNode(currentTextElement)))
+ this.publisher('currentTextElementSet', textElementToLand);
+ } else {
+ document.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
if(!(currentNodeElement && currentNodeElement.sameNode(nodeElementToLand))) {
- if(!textElementToLand)
- document.getSelection().removeAllRanges();
this.publisher('currentNodeElementSet', nodeElementToLand);
- }
+ },
+ _moveCaretToTextElement: function(element, where) {
+ var range = document.createRange(),
+ node = element.dom().contents()[0];
+ if(typeof where !== 'number') {
+ range.selectNodeContents(node);
+ } else {
+ range.setStart(node, where);
+ }
+ var collapseArg = true;
+ if(where === 'end')
+ collapseArg = false;
+ range.collapse(collapseArg);
+ var selection = document.getSelection();
+ selection.removeAllRanges();
+ selection.addRange(range);
+ this.wrapper.focus(); // FF requires this for caret to be put where range colllapses, Chrome doesn't.
+ },
+ setCursorPosition: function(position) {
+ if(position.element)
+ this._moveCaretToTextElement(position.element, position.offset);
+ }
$.extend(Canvas.prototype.list, {
getSelectionAnchor: function() {
return this.getSelectionBoundry('anchor');
+ getSelectionFocus: function() {
+ return this.getSelectionBoundry('focus');
+ },
getSelectionBoundry: function(which) {
var selection = window.getSelection(),
anchorElement = this.canvas.getDocumentElement(selection.anchorNode),
focusElement = this.canvas.getDocumentElement(selection.focusNode);
+ if(anchorElement instanceof documentElement.DocumentNodeElement || focusElement instanceof documentElement.DocumentNodeElement)
+ return {};
if(which === 'anchor') {
return {
element: anchorElement,
- offset: selection.anchorOffset
+ offset: selection.anchorOffset,
+ offsetAtBeginning: selection.anchorOffset === 0,
+ offsetAtEnd: anchorElement && anchorElement.getText().length === selection.anchorOffset
+ };
+ }
+ if(which === 'focus') {
+ return {
+ element: focusElement,
+ offset: selection.focusOffset,
+ offsetAtBeginning: selection.focusOffset === 0,
+ offsetAtEnd: focusElement && focusElement.getText().length === selection.focusOffset
} else {
- // TODO: Handle order
+ // TODO: Handle order via
if(which === 'start') {
element = anchorElement;
offset = selection.anchorOffset
return {
element: element,
- offset: offset
+ offset: offset,
+ offsetAtBeginning: offset === 0,
+ offsetAtEnd: element.getText().length === offset