+ describe('DocumentNode', function() {
+ it('can be cloned', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<div>Alice</div>'),
+ text = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ clone, suffix;
+ [doc.root, text].forEach(function(node) {
+ suffix = ' (' + (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? 'text' : 'element') + ')';
+ clone = node.clone();
+ expect(doc.containsNode(clone)).to.equal(false, 'clone is not contained in a document' + suffix);
+ expect(node.sameNode(clone)).to.equal(false, 'clone is not same node as its originator' + suffix);
+ expect(node.nativeNode.isEqualNode(clone.nativeNode)).to.equal(true, 'clone is identical as its originator' + suffix);
+ });
+ });
+ it('knows its path in the document tree', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<root><a><b><c></c>text</b></a></root>'),
+ root = doc.root,
+ a = root.contents()[0],
+ b = a.contents()[0],
+ text = b.contents()[1];
+ expect(root.getPath()).to.eql([], 'path of the root element is empty');
+ expect(a.getPath()).to.eql([0]);
+ expect(b.getPath()).to.eql([0, 0]);
+ expect(text.getPath()).to.eql([0,0,1]);
+ /* Paths relative to a given ancestor */
+ expect(text.getPath(root)).to.eql([0,0,1]);
+ expect(text.getPath(a)).to.eql([0,1]);
+ expect(text.getPath(b)).to.eql([1]);
+ });
+ });