- 'smartxml/events'
-], function($, _, Backbone, events) {
+ 'smartxml/events',
+ 'smartxml/transformations'
+], function($, _, Backbone, events, transformations) {
'use strict';
+/* globals Node */
+var INSERTION = function(implementation) {
+ var toret = function(node) {
+ var insertion = this.getNodeInsertion(node),
+ nodeWasContained = this.document.containsNode(insertion.ofNode),
+ nodeParent;
+ if(!(this.document.containsNode(this))) {
+ nodeParent = insertion.ofNode.parent();
+ }
+ implementation.call(this, insertion.ofNode.nativeNode);
+ this.triggerChangeEvent(insertion.insertsNew ? 'nodeAdded' : 'nodeMoved', {node: insertion.ofNode}, nodeParent, nodeWasContained);
+ return insertion.ofNode;
+ };
+ return toret;
var DocumentNode = function(nativeNode, document) {
if(!document) {
throw new Error('undefined document for a node');
$.extend(DocumentNode.prototype, {
+ transform: function(Transformation, args) {
+ var transformation = new Transformation(this.document, this, args);
+ return this.document.transform(transformation);
+ },
_setNativeNode: function(nativeNode) {
this.nativeNode = nativeNode;
this._$ = $(nativeNode);
- detach: function() { this._$.detach(); },
+ clone: function() {
+ var clone = this._$.clone(true, true);
+ // clone.find('*').addBack().each(function() {
+ // var n = $(this);
+ // if(n.data('canvasElement')) {
+ // n.data('canvasElement', $.extend(true, {}, n.data('canvasElement')));
+ // n.data('canvasElement').$element = n.data('canvasElement').$element.clone(true, true);
+ // }
+ // });
+ return this.document.createDocumentNode(clone[0]);
+ },
+ getPath: function(ancestor) {
+ var nodePath = [this].concat(this.parents()),
+ toret, idx;
+ ancestor = ancestor || this.document.root;
+ nodePath.some(function(node, i) {
+ if(node.sameNode(ancestor)) {
+ idx = i;
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ if(idx !== 'undefined') {
+ nodePath = nodePath.slice(0, idx);
+ }
+ toret = nodePath.map(function(node) {return node.getIndex(); });
+ toret.reverse();
+ return toret;
+ },
+ isRoot: function() {
+ return this.document.root.sameNode(this);
+ },
+ detach: function() {
+ var parent = this.parent();
+ this._$.detach();
+ this.triggerChangeEvent('nodeDetached', {parent: parent});
+ return this;
+ },
+ replaceWith: function(node) {
+ var toret;
+ if(this.isRoot()) {
+ return this.document.replaceRoot(node);
+ }
+ toret = this.after(node);
+ this.detach();
+ return toret;
+ },
sameNode: function(otherNode) {
- return this.nativeNode === otherNode.nativeNode;
+ return !!(otherNode) && this.nativeNode === otherNode.nativeNode;
parent: function() {
- return this.nativeNode.parentNode ? this.document.createElementNode(this.nativeNode.parentNode) : null;
+ var parentNode = this.nativeNode.parentNode;
+ if(parentNode && parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ return this.document.createDocumentNode(parentNode);
+ }
+ return null;
- before: function(node) {
- this._$.before(node.nativeNode);
+ parents: function() {
+ var parent = this.parent(),
+ parents = parent ? parent.parents() : [];
+ if(parent) {
+ parents.unshift(parent);
+ }
+ return parents;
+ },
+ prev: function() {
+ var myIdx = this.getIndex();
+ return myIdx > 0 ? this.parent().contents()[myIdx-1] : null;
+ next: function() {
+ if(this.isRoot()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var myIdx = this.getIndex(),
+ parentContents = this.parent().contents();
+ return myIdx < parentContents.length - 1 ? parentContents[myIdx+1] : null;
+ },
+ isSurroundedByTextElements: function() {
+ var prev = this.prev(),
+ next = this.next();
+ return prev && (prev.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) && next && (next.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE);
+ },
+ after: INSERTION(function(nativeNode) {
+ return this._$.after(nativeNode);
+ }),
+ before: INSERTION(function(nativeNode) {
+ return this._$.before(nativeNode);
+ }),
wrapWith: function(node) {
+ var insertion = this.getNodeInsertion(node);
if(this.parent()) {
- this.before(node);
+ this.before(insertion.ofNode);
- node.append(this);
+ insertion.ofNode.append(this);
+ return insertion.ofNode;
- triggerChangeEvent: function(type, metaData) {
- var event = new events.ChangeEvent(type, $.extend({node: this}, metaData || {}));
- this.document.trigger('change', event);
+ /**
+ * Removes parent of a node if node has no siblings.
+ */
+ unwrap: function() {
+ if(this.isRoot()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var parent = this.parent(),
+ grandParent;
+ if(parent.contents().length === 1) {
+ grandParent = parent.parent();
+ parent.unwrapContent();
+ return grandParent;
+ }
+ triggerChangeEvent: function(type, metaData, origParent, nodeWasContained) {
+ var node = (metaData && metaData.node) ? metaData.node : this,
+ event = new events.ChangeEvent(type, $.extend({node: node}, metaData || {}));
+ if(type === 'nodeDetached' || this.document.containsNode(event.meta.node)) {
+ this.document.trigger('change', event);
+ }
+ if((type === 'nodeAdded' || type === 'nodeMoved') && !this.document.containsNode(this) && nodeWasContained) {
+ event = new events.ChangeEvent('nodeDetached', {node: node, parent: origParent});
+ this.document.trigger('change', event);
+ }
+ },
+ getNodeInsertion: function(node) {
+ return this.document.getNodeInsertion(node);
+ },
+ getIndex: function() {
+ if(this.isRoot()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return this.parent().indexOf(this);
+ }
var ElementNode = function(nativeNode, document) {
DocumentNode.call(this, nativeNode, document);
+ElementNode.prototype = Object.create(DocumentNode.prototype);
-$.extend(ElementNode.prototype, DocumentNode.prototype, {
+$.extend(ElementNode.prototype, {
nodeType: Node.ELEMENT_NODE,
+ detach: function() {
+ var next;
+ if(this.parent() && this.isSurroundedByTextElements()) {
+ next = this.next();
+ this.prev().appendText(next.getText());
+ next.detach();
+ }
+ return DocumentNode.prototype.detach.call(this);
+ },
setData: function(key, value) {
if(value !== undefined) {
this._$.data(key, value);
return this.nativeNode.tagName.toLowerCase();
- contents: function() {
+ contents: function(selector) {
var toret = [],
document = this.document;
- this._$.contents().each(function() {
- if(this.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- toret.push(document.createElementNode(this));
- }
- else if(this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
- toret.push(document.createTextNode(this));
- }
- });
+ if(selector) {
+ this._$.children(selector).each(function() {
+ toret.push(document.createDocumentNode(this));
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._$.contents().each(function() {
+ toret.push(document.createDocumentNode(this));
+ });
+ }
return toret;
setTag: function(tagName) {
- var node = this.document.createElementNode({tagName: tagName}),
+ var node = this.document.createDocumentNode({tagName: tagName}),
oldTagName = this.getTagName(),
myContents = this._$.contents();
return toret;
- append: function(documentNode) {
- this._$.append(documentNode.nativeNode);
+ append: INSERTION(function(nativeNode) {
+ this._$.append(nativeNode);
+ }),
+ prepend: INSERTION(function(nativeNode) {
+ this._$.prepend(nativeNode);
+ }),
+ insertAtIndex: function(nativeNode, index) {
+ var contents = this.contents();
+ if(index < contents.length) {
+ return contents[index].before(nativeNode);
+ } else if(index === contents.length) {
+ return this.append(nativeNode);
+ }
unwrapContent: function() {
- var parentContents = parent.contents(),
- myContents = this.contents(),
+ var myContents = this.contents(),
myIdx = parent.indexOf(this);
if(myContents.length === 0) {
return this.detach();
- var moveLeftRange, moveRightRange, leftMerged;
+ var prev = this.prev(),
+ next = this.next(),
+ moveLeftRange, moveRightRange, leftMerged;
- if(myIdx > 0 && (parentContents[myIdx-1].nodeType === TEXT_NODE) && (myContents[0].nodeType === TEXT_NODE)) {
- parentContents[myIdx-1].appendText(myContents[0].getText());
+ if(prev && (prev.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) && (myContents[0].nodeType === TEXT_NODE)) {
+ prev.appendText(myContents[0].getText());
moveLeftRange = true;
leftMerged = true;
if(!(leftMerged && myContents.length === 1)) {
- if(myIdx < parentContents.length - 1 && (parentContents[myIdx+1].nodeType === TEXT_NODE) && (myContents[myContents.length-1].nodeType === TEXT_NODE)) {
- parentContents[myIdx+1].prependText(myContents[myContents.length-1].getText());
- myContents[myContents.length-1].detach();
+ var lastContents = _.last(myContents);
+ if(next && (next.nodeType === TEXT_NODE) && (lastContents.nodeType === TEXT_NODE)) {
+ next.prependText(lastContents.getText());
+ lastContents.detach();
moveRightRange = true;
+ wrapText: function(params) {
+ return this.document._wrapText(_.extend({inside: this}, params));
+ },
toXML: function() {
var wrapper = $('<div>');
var TextNode = function(nativeNode, document) {
DocumentNode.call(this, nativeNode, document);
+TextNode.prototype = Object.create(DocumentNode.prototype);
-$.extend(TextNode.prototype, DocumentNode.prototype, {
+$.extend(TextNode.prototype, {
nodeType: Node.TEXT_NODE,
getText: function() {
setText: function(text) {
+ //console.log('smartxml: ' + text);
this.nativeNode.data = text;
+ wrapWith: function(desc) {
+ if(typeof desc.start === 'number' && typeof desc.end === 'number') {
+ return this.document._wrapText({
+ inside: this.parent(),
+ textNodeIdx: this.parent().indexOf(this),
+ offsetStart: Math.min(desc.start, desc.end),
+ offsetEnd: Math.max(desc.start, desc.end),
+ _with: {tagName: desc.tagName, attrs: desc.attrs}
+ });
+ } else {
+ return DocumentNode.prototype.wrapWith.call(this, desc);
+ }
+ },
+ split: function(params) {
+ var parentElement = this.parent(),
+ passed = false,
+ succeedingChildren = [],
+ prefix = this.getText().substr(0, params.offset),
+ suffix = this.getText().substr(params.offset);
+ parentElement.contents().forEach(function(child) {
+ if(passed) {
+ succeedingChildren.push(child);
+ }
+ if(child.sameNode(this)) {
+ passed = true;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ if(prefix.length > 0) {
+ this.setText(prefix);
+ }
+ else {
+ this.detach();
+ }
+ var attrs = {};
+ parentElement.getAttrs().forEach(function(attr) {attrs[attr.name] = attr.value; });
+ var newElement = this.document.createDocumentNode({tagName: parentElement.getTagName(), attrs: attrs});
+ parentElement.after(newElement);
+ if(suffix.length > 0) {
+ newElement.append({text: suffix});
+ }
+ succeedingChildren.forEach(function(child) {
+ newElement.append(child);
+ });
+ return {first: parentElement, second: newElement};
+ },
triggerTextChangeEvent: function() {
var event = new events.ChangeEvent('nodeTextChange', {node: this});
this.document.trigger('change', event);
var parseXML = function(xml) {
- return $(xml)[0];
+ return $($.trim(xml))[0];
+var registerTransformation = function(desc, name, target) {
+ var Transformation = transformations.createContextTransformation(desc, name);
+ target[name] = function(args) {
+ var instance = this;
+ return instance.transform(Transformation, args);
+ }
+var registerMethod = function(methodName, method, target) {
+ if(target[methodName]) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot extend {target} with method name {methodName}. Name already exists.'
+ .replace('{target}', target)
+ .replace('{methodName}', methodName)
+ );
+ }
+ target[methodName] = method;
var Document = function(xml) {
+ this.undoStack = [];
+ this.redoStack = [];
+ this._transformationLevel = 0;
+ this._nodeMethods = {};
+ this._nodeTransformations = {};
$.extend(Document.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
ElementNodeFactory: ElementNode,
TextNodeFactory: TextNode,
- createElementNode: function(from) {
- if(!(from instanceof HTMLElement)) {
- from = $('<' + from.tagName + '>');
- }
- return new this.ElementNodeFactory(from, this);
- },
+ createDocumentNode: function(from) {
+ if(!(from instanceof Node)) {
+ if(from.text !== undefined) {
+ /* globals document */
+ from = document.createTextNode(from.text);
+ } else {
+ var node = $('<' + from.tagName + '>');
- createTextNode: function(nativeNode) {
- return new this.TextNodeFactory(nativeNode, this);
+ _.keys(from.attrs || {}).forEach(function(key) {
+ node.attr(key, from.attrs[key]);
+ });
+ from = node[0];
+ }
+ }
+ var Factory;
+ if(from.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
+ Factory = this.TextNodeFactory;
+ } else if(from.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ Factory = this.ElementNodeFactory;
+ }
+ var toret = new Factory(from, this);
+ _.extend(toret, this._nodeMethods);
+ _.extend(toret, this._nodeTransformations);
+ return toret;
loadXML: function(xml, options) {
toXML: function() {
return this.root.toXML();
+ },
+ containsNode: function(node) {
+ return this.root && (node.nativeNode === this.root.nativeNode || node._$.parents().index(this.root._$) !== -1);
+ },
+ wrapNodes: function(params) {
+ if(!(params.node1.parent().sameNode(params.node2.parent()))) {
+ throw new Error('Wrapping non-sibling nodes not supported.');
+ }
+ var parent = params.node1.parent(),
+ parentContents = parent.contents(),
+ wrapper = this.createDocumentNode({
+ tagName: params._with.tagName,
+ attrs: params._with.attrs}),
+ idx1 = parent.indexOf(params.node1),
+ idx2 = parent.indexOf(params.node2);
+ if(idx1 > idx2) {
+ var tmp = idx1;
+ idx1 = idx2;
+ idx2 = tmp;
+ }
+ var insertingMethod, insertingTarget;
+ if(idx1 === 0) {
+ insertingMethod = 'prepend';
+ insertingTarget = parent;
+ } else {
+ insertingMethod = 'after';
+ insertingTarget = parentContents[idx1-1];
+ }
+ for(var i = idx1; i <= idx2; i++) {
+ wrapper.append(parentContents[i].detach());
+ }
+ insertingTarget[insertingMethod](wrapper);
+ return wrapper;
+ },
+ getSiblingParents: function(params) {
+ var parents1 = [params.node1].concat(params.node1.parents()).reverse(),
+ parents2 = [params.node2].concat(params.node2.parents()).reverse(),
+ noSiblingParents = null;
+ if(parents1.length === 0 || parents2.length === 0 || !(parents1[0].sameNode(parents2[0]))) {
+ return noSiblingParents;
+ }
+ var i;
+ for(i = 0; i < Math.min(parents1.length, parents2.length); i++) {
+ if(parents1[i].sameNode(parents2[i])) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return {node1: parents1[i], node2: parents2[i]};
+ },
+ _wrapText: function(params) {
+ params = _.extend({textNodeIdx: 0}, params);
+ if(typeof params.textNodeIdx === 'number') {
+ params.textNodeIdx = [params.textNodeIdx];
+ }
+ var contentsInside = params.inside.contents(),
+ idx1 = Math.min.apply(Math, params.textNodeIdx),
+ idx2 = Math.max.apply(Math, params.textNodeIdx),
+ textNode1 = contentsInside[idx1],
+ textNode2 = contentsInside[idx2],
+ sameNode = textNode1.sameNode(textNode2),
+ prefixOutside = textNode1.getText().substr(0, params.offsetStart),
+ prefixInside = textNode1.getText().substr(params.offsetStart),
+ suffixInside = textNode2.getText().substr(0, params.offsetEnd),
+ suffixOutside = textNode2.getText().substr(params.offsetEnd)
+ ;
+ if(!(textNode1.parent().sameNode(textNode2.parent()))) {
+ throw new Error('Wrapping text in non-sibling text nodes not supported.');
+ }
+ var wrapperElement = this.createDocumentNode({tagName: params._with.tagName, attrs: params._with.attrs});
+ textNode1.after(wrapperElement);
+ textNode1.detach();
+ if(prefixOutside.length > 0) {
+ wrapperElement.before({text:prefixOutside});
+ }
+ if(sameNode) {
+ var core = textNode1.getText().substr(params.offsetStart, params.offsetEnd - params.offsetStart);
+ wrapperElement.append({text: core});
+ } else {
+ textNode2.detach();
+ if(prefixInside.length > 0) {
+ wrapperElement.append({text: prefixInside});
+ }
+ for(var i = idx1 + 1; i < idx2; i++) {
+ wrapperElement.append(contentsInside[i]);
+ }
+ if(suffixInside.length > 0) {
+ wrapperElement.append({text: suffixInside});
+ }
+ }
+ if(suffixOutside.length > 0) {
+ wrapperElement.after({text: suffixOutside});
+ }
+ return wrapperElement;
+ },
+ trigger: function() {
+ //console.log('trigger: ' + arguments[0] + (arguments[1] ? ', ' + arguments[1].type : ''));
+ Backbone.Events.trigger.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ getNodeInsertion: function(node) {
+ var insertion = {};
+ if(node instanceof DocumentNode) {
+ insertion.ofNode = node;
+ insertion.insertsNew = !this.containsNode(node);
+ } else {
+ insertion.ofNode = this.createDocumentNode(node);
+ insertion.insertsNew = true;
+ }
+ return insertion;
+ },
+ replaceRoot: function(node) {
+ var insertion = this.getNodeInsertion(node);
+ this.root.detach();
+ defineDocumentProperties(this, insertion.ofNode._$);
+ insertion.ofNode.triggerChangeEvent('nodeAdded');
+ return insertion.ofNode;
+ },
+ registerMethod: function(methodName, method) {
+ registerMethod(methodName, method, this);
+ },
+ registerNodeMethod: function(methodName, method) {
+ registerMethod(methodName, method, this._nodeMethods);
+ },
+ registerDocumentTransformation: function(desc, name) {
+ registerTransformation(desc, name, this);
+ },
+ registerNodeTransformation: function(desc, name) {
+ registerTransformation(desc, name, this._nodeTransformations);
+ },
+ registerExtension: function(extension) {
+ //debugger;
+ var doc = this,
+ existingPropertyNames = _.values(this);
+ ['document', 'documentNode'].forEach(function(dstName) {
+ var dstExtension = extension[dstName];
+ if(dstExtension) {
+ if(dstExtension.methods) {
+ _.pairs(dstExtension.methods).forEach(function(pair) {
+ var methodName = pair[0],
+ method = pair[1],
+ operation;
+ operation = {document: 'registerMethod', documentNode: 'registerNodeMethod'}[dstName];
+ doc[operation](methodName, method);
+ });
+ }
+ if(dstExtension.transformations) {
+ _.pairs(dstExtension.transformations).forEach(function(pair) {
+ var name = pair[0],
+ desc = pair[1],
+ operation;
+ operation = {document: 'registerDocumentTransformation', documentNode: 'registerNodeTransformation'}[dstName];
+ doc[operation](desc, name);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ transform: function(Transformation, args) {
+ //console.log('transform');
+ var toret, transformation;
+ if(typeof Transformation === 'function') {
+ transformation = new Transformation(this, this, args);
+ } else {
+ transformation = Transformation;
+ }
+ if(transformation) {
+ this._transformationLevel++;
+ toret = transformation.run();
+ if(this._transformationLevel === 1) {
+ this.undoStack.push(transformation);
+ }
+ this._transformationLevel--;
+ //console.log('clearing redo stack');
+ this.redoStack = [];
+ return toret;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Transformation ' + transformation + ' doesn\'t exist!');
+ }
+ },
+ undo: function() {
+ var transformation = this.undoStack.pop();
+ if(transformation) {
+ transformation.undo();
+ this.redoStack.push(transformation);
+ }
+ },
+ redo: function() {
+ var transformation = this.redoStack.pop();
+ if(transformation) {
+ transformation.run();
+ this.undoStack.push(transformation);
+ }
+ },
+ getNodeByPath: function(path) {
+ var toret = this.root;
+ path.forEach(function(idx) {
+ toret = toret.contents()[idx];
+ });
+ return toret;
var defineDocumentProperties = function(doc, $document) {
Object.defineProperty(doc, 'root', {get: function() {
- return doc.createElementNode($document[0]);
+ return doc.createDocumentNode($document[0]);
}, configurable: true});
Object.defineProperty(doc, 'dom', {get: function() {
return $document[0];
}, configurable: true});
return {
documentFromXML: function(xml) {
- return new Document(parseXML(xml));
+ return new Document(xml);
elementNodeFromXML: function(xml) {
Document: Document,
DocumentNode: DocumentNode,
- ElementNode: ElementNode
+ ElementNode: ElementNode,
+ TextNode: TextNode
\ No newline at end of file