- it('allows creation of a list from existing sibling DocumentElements', function() {
- var c = canvas.fromXML('\
- <section>\
- Alice\
- <div>has</div>\
- a\
- <div>cat</div>\
- </section>'),
- section = c.doc(),
- textAlice = section.children()[0],
- divCat = section.children()[3]
+ describe('creating lists', function() {
+ it('allows creation of a list from existing sibling DocumentElements', function() {
+ var c = canvas.fromXML('\
+ <section>\
+ Alice\
+ <div>has</div>\
+ a\
+ <div>cat</div>\
+ </section>'),
+ section = c.doc(),
+ textHas = section.children()[1],
+ divA = section.children()[2]
+ c.list.create({element1: textHas, element2: divA});
+ expect(section.children().length).to.equal(3, 'section has three child elements');
+ var child1 = section.children()[0],
+ list = section.children()[1],
+ child3 = section.children()[2];
+ expect(child1.getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ expect(list.is('list')).to.equal(true, 'second child is a list');
+ expect(list.children().length).to.equal(2, 'list contains two elements');
+ list.children().forEach(function(child) {
+ expect(child.getWlxmlClass()).to.equal('item', 'list childs have wlxml class of item');
+ });
+ expect(child3.children()[0].getText()).to.equal('cat');
+ });