+ // it('nests new children block elements', function() {
+ // var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section></section>');
+ // doc.root.append({tag: 'header'});
+ // var xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ // expect(xmlOut.split('\n ')[0]).to.equal('<section>', 'nesting start ok');
+ // expect(xmlOut.split('\n').slice(-1)[0]).to.equal('</section>', 'nesting end ok');
+ // });
+ // it('doesn\'t nest new children inline elements', function() {
+ // var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section></section>');
+ // doc.root.append({tag: 'span'});
+ // var xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ // expect(xmlOut).to.equal('<section><span></span></section>');
+ // });
+ it('keeps original white space at the end of text', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<header> Some text ended with white space \
+ \
+ <span class="uri">Some text</span> some text\
+ \
+ </header>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ expect(xmlOut).to.equal(xmlIn);
+ });
+ it('keeps white space around text node', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<section>\
+ <header>header1</header>\
+ Some text surrounded by white space\
+ <header>header2</header>\
+ </section>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ expect(xmlOut).to.equal(xmlIn);
+ });
+ it('keeps white space around text node - last node case', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<section>\
+ <header>header</header>\
+ \
+ Some text surrounded by white space\
+ \
+ </section>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ expect(xmlOut).to.equal(xmlIn);
+ });
+ it('keeps white space after detaching text element', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<section><header>header</header>\n\
+ \n\
+ text1\n\
+ \n\
+ </section>',
+ expectedXmlOut = '<section><header>header</header>\n\
+ \n\
+ \n\
+ \n\
+ </section>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ contents = doc.root.contents(),
+ text = contents[contents.length-1];
+ expect(text.getText()).to.equal('text1');
+ text.detach();
+ var xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ expect(xmlOut).to.equal(expectedXmlOut);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Extension', function() {
+ var doc, extension, elementNode, textNode, testClassNode;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section>Alice<div class="test_class"></div></section>');
+ elementNode = doc.root;
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[0];
+ extension = {};
+ expect(function() {
+ elementNode.transform('testTransformation');
+ }).to.throw(Error);
+ expect(function() {
+ textNode.transform('testTransformation');
+ }).to.throw(Error);
+ expect(function() {
+ doc.transform('testTransformation');
+ }).to.throw(Error);
+ expect(doc.testMethod).to.be.undefined;
+ expect(elementNode.testMethod).to.be.undefined;
+ expect(textNode.testMethod).to.be.undefined;
+ // spr+ a expect dotyczacy object api?
+ });
+ it('allows adding method to a document', function() {
+ extension = {document: {methods: {
+ testMethod: function() { return this; }
+ }}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ expect(doc.testMethod()).to.equal(doc, 'context is set to a document instance');
+ });
+ it('allows adding transformation to a document', function() {
+ extension = {document: {transformations: {
+ testTransformation: function() { return this; },
+ testTransformation2: {impl: function() { return this;}}
+ }}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ expect(doc.transform('testTransformation')).to.equal(doc, 'context is set to a document instance');
+ expect(doc.transform('testTransformation2')).to.equal(doc, 'context is set to a document instance');
+ });
+ it('allows adding method to a DocumentNode instance', function() {
+ extension = {documentNode: {methods: {
+ testMethod: function() { return this; }
+ }}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ /* refresh */
+ elementNode = doc.root;
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[0];
+ expect(elementNode.testMethod().sameNode(elementNode)).to.equal(true, 'context is set to a node instance');
+ expect(textNode.testMethod().sameNode(textNode)).to.equal(true, 'context is set to a node instance');
+ });
+ it('allows adding transformation to a DocumentNode', function() {
+ extension = {documentNode: {transformations: {
+ testTransformation: function() { return this; },
+ testTransformation2: {impl: function() { return this;}}
+ }}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ expect(elementNode.transform('testTransformation').sameNode(elementNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ expect(elementNode.transform('testTransformation2').sameNode(elementNode)).to.equal(true, '2');
+ expect(textNode.transform('testTransformation').sameNode(textNode)).to.equal(true, '3');
+ expect(textNode.transform('testTransformation2').sameNode(textNode)).to.equal(true, '4');
+ });
+ it('allows adding method to an ElementNode of specific class', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {methods: {
+ testMethod: function() { return this; }
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testMethod().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ });
+ it('allows adding transformation to an ElementNode of specific class', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {transformations: {
+ testTransformation: function() { return this; },
+ testTransformation2: {impl: function() { return this; }}
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.transform('testTransformation').sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ expect(testClassNode.object.transform('testTransformation2').sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ });