+ describe('Basic ElementNode properties', function() {
+ it('exposes node contents', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<node>Some<node>text</node>is here</node>'),
+ contents = node.contents();
+ expect(contents).to.have.length(3);
+ expect(contents[0].nodeType).to.equal(Node.TEXT_NODE, 'text node 1');
+ expect(contents[1].nodeType).to.equal(Node.ELEMENT_NODE, 'element node 1');
+ expect(contents[2].nodeType).to.equal(Node.TEXT_NODE, 'text node 2');
+ });
+ describe('Storing custom data', function() {
+ var node;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ node = elementNodeFromXML('<div></div>');
+ });
+ it('can append single value', function() {
+ node.setData('key', 'value');
+ expect(node.getData('key')).to.equal('value');
+ });
+ it('can overwrite the whole data', function() {
+ node.setData('key1', 'value1');
+ node.setData({key2: 'value2'});
+ expect(node.getData('key2')).to.equal('value2');
+ });
+ it('can fetch the whole data at once', function() {
+ node.setData({key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'});
+ expect(node.getData()).to.eql({key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2'});
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Changing node tag', function() {
+ it('can change tag name', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div></div>');
+ node.setTag('span');
+ expect(node.getTagName()).to.equal('span');
+ });
+ describe('Implementation specific expectations', function() {
+ // DOM specifies ElementNode tag as a read-only property, so
+ // changing it in a seamless way is a little bit tricky. For this reason
+ // the folowing expectations are required, despite the fact that they actually are
+ // motivated by implemetation details.
+ it('keeps node in the document', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<div><header></header></div>'),
+ header = doc.root.contents()[0];
+ header.setTag('span');
+ expect(header.parent().sameNode(doc.root)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it('keeps custom data', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div></div>');
+ node.setData('key', 'value');
+ node.setTag('header');
+ expect(node.getTagName()).to.equal('header');
+ expect(node.getData()).to.eql({key: 'value'});
+ });
+ it('can change document root tag name', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<div></div>');
+ doc.root.setTag('span');
+ expect(doc.root.getTagName()).to.equal('span');
+ });
+ it('keeps contents', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div><div></div></div>');
+ node.setTag('header');
+ expect(node.contents()).to.have.length(1);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Manipulations', function() {
+ it('appends element node to another element node', function() {
+ var node1 = elementNodeFromParams({tag: 'div'}),
+ node2 = elementNodeFromParams({tag: 'a'});
+ node1.append(node2);
+ expect(node1.contents()[0].sameNode(node2)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it('wraps element node with another element node', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div></div>'),
+ wrapper = elementNodeFromXML('<wrapper></wrapper>');
+ node.wrapWith(wrapper);
+ expect(node.parent().sameNode(wrapper)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it('wraps text node with element node', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div>Alice</div>'),
+ textNode = node.contents()[0],
+ wrapper = elementNodeFromXML('<wrapper></wrapper>');
+ textNode.wrapWith(wrapper);
+ expect(textNode.parent().sameNode(wrapper)).to.be.true;
+ expect(node.contents()).to.have.length(1);
+ });
+ it('unwraps element node contents', function() {
+ var node = elementNodeFromXML('<div>Alice <div>has <span>propably</span> a cat</div>!</div>'),
+ outerDiv = node.contents()[1];
+ outerDiv.unwrapContent();
+ expect(node.contents().length).to.equal(3);
+ expect(node.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice has ');
+ expect(node.contents()[1].getTagName()).to.equal('span');
+ expect(node.contents()[2].getText()).to.equal(' a cat!');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Serializing document to WLXML', function() {
+ it('keeps document intact when no changes have been made', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<section>Alice<div>has</div>a <span class="uri" meta-uri="http://cat.com">cat</span>!</section>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ var parser = new DOMParser(),
+ input = parser.parseFromString(xmlIn, 'application/xml').childNodes[0],
+ output = parser.parseFromString(xmlOut, 'application/xml').childNodes[0];
+ expect(input.isEqualNode(output)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it('keeps entities intact', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<section>< ></section>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ expect(xmlOut).to.equal(xmlIn);
+ });
+ it('keeps entities intact when they form html/xml', function() {
+ var xmlIn = '<section><abc></section>',
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML(xmlIn),
+ xmlOut = doc.toXML();
+ expect(xmlOut).to.equal(xmlIn);
+ });
+ });