+ describe('Extension', function() {
+ var doc, extension, testClassNode;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section>Alice<div class="test_class"></div><div class="test_class.a"></div></section>');
+ });
+ it('allows adding method to an ElementNode of specific class', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {methods: {
+ testMethod: function() { return this; }
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testMethod().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ });
+ it('allows adding non-function properties to an ElementNode of specific class', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {methods: {
+ testProp: 123
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testProp).to.equal(123);
+ });
+ it('allows adding transformation to an ElementNode of specific class', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {transformations: {
+ testTransformation: function() { return this; },
+ testTransformation2: {impl: function() { return this; }}
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testTransformation().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testTransformation2().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ });
+ it('added methods are inherited by nodes with subclasses', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {methods: {
+ testMethod: function() { return this; }
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[2];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testMethod().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true);
+ });
+ it('added transformations are inherited by nodes with subclasses', function() {
+ extension = {wlxmlClass: {test_class: {transformations: {
+ testTransformation: function() { return this; },
+ testTransformation2: {impl: function() { return this; }}
+ }}}};
+ doc.registerExtension(extension);
+ testClassNode = doc.root.contents()[2];
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testTransformation().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '1');
+ expect(testClassNode.object.testTransformation2().sameNode(testClassNode)).to.equal(true, '2');
+ });
+ });