+ c = canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ expect(c.doc().children()).to.have.length(3);
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].canvas).to.equal(c);
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].wlxmlNode.sameNode(doc.root));
+ });
+describe('Handling empty text nodes', function() {
+ it('puts zero width space into node with about to be remove text', function(done) {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section>Alice</section>'),
+ textElement = c.doc().children()[0];
+ textElement.setText('');
+ /* Wait for MutationObserver to kick in. */
+ wait(function() {
+ expect(textElement.getText({raw:true})).to.equal(utils.unicode.ZWS, 'ZWS in canvas');
+ expect(c.wlxmlDocument.root.contents()[0].getText()).to.equal('', 'empty string in a document');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+describe('Handling changes to the document', function() {
+ it('replaces the whole canvas content when document root node replaced', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section></section>'),
+ c = canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ var header = doc.root.replaceWith({tagName: 'header'});
+ expect(c.doc().wlxmlNode.sameNode(header)).to.equal(true);
+ });
+describe('Listening to document changes', function() {
+ it('Handling element node moved', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><a></a><b></b></section>'),
+ a = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ b = doc.root.contents()[1],
+ c = canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ a.before(b);
+ var sectionChildren = c.doc().children();
+ expect(sectionChildren.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('b');
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('a');
+ });
+ it('Handling text node moved', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><a></a>Alice</section>'),
+ a = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ textNode = doc.root.contents()[1],
+ c = canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ a.before(textNode);
+ var sectionChildren = c.doc().children();
+ expect(sectionChildren.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('a');
+ });
+ it('Handles nodeTagChange event', function() {
+ var doc = wlxml.WLXMLDocumentFromXML('<section><div>Alice</div></section>'),
+ c = canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ doc.root.contents()[0].setTag('header');
+ var headerNode = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ headerElement = c.doc().children()[0];
+ expect(headerElement.wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('header', 'element ok');
+ /* Make sure we handle invalidation of reference to wlxmlNode after changing its tag */
+ expect(headerNode.getData('canvasElement').sameNode(headerElement)).to.equal(true, 'node->element');
+ expect(headerElement.wlxmlNode.sameNode(headerNode)).to.equal(true, 'element->node');
+ });
+ it('Handles nodeDetached event for an empty text node', function(done) {
+ var doc = wlxml.WLXMLDocumentFromXML('<section><div>A<span>b</span></div></section>'),
+ aTextNode = doc.root.contents()[0].contents()[0],
+ aTextElement;
+ canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ aTextElement = utils.getElementForNode(aTextNode);
+ aTextElement.setText('');
+ wait(function() {
+ var parent = aTextElement.parent();
+ expect(aTextElement.getText({raw:true})).to.equal(utils.unicode.ZWS, 'canvas represents this as empty node');
+ aTextElement.wlxmlNode.detach();
+ expect(parent.children().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(parent.children()[0].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('span');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+describe('Displaying span nodes', function() {
+ it('inlines a span element with a text', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><span>Alice</span></section>'),
+ spanElement = c.doc().children()[0];
+ expect(spanElement.isBlock()).to.equal(false);
+ });
+ it('renders non-span element as a block', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><span></span></section>'),
+ element = c.doc().children()[0],
+ node = element.wlxmlNode;
+ expect(element.isBlock()).to.equal(false, 'initially inline');
+ node = node.setTag('div');
+ expect(node.getData('canvasElement').isBlock()).to.equal(true, 'block');
+ });
+ it('inlines a span element if its block content gets removed', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><span>Alice <div>has</div> a cat!</span></section>'),
+ spanElement = c.doc().children()[0],
+ divNode = spanElement.wlxmlNode.contents()[1];
+ expect(spanElement.isBlock()).to.equal(true, 'initially a block');
+ divNode.detach();
+ expect(spanElement.isBlock()).to.equal(false, 'inlined after removing inner block');
+ spanElement.wlxmlNode.append({tagName: 'div'});
+ expect(spanElement.isBlock()).to.equal(true, 'block again after bringing back inner block');
+ });
+ it('keeps showing element as a block after changing its node tag to span if it contains elements of non-span nodes', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><div><div></div></div></section>'),
+ outerDivElement = c.doc().children()[0],
+ outerDivNode = outerDivElement.wlxmlNode;
+ outerDivNode = outerDivNode.setTag('span');
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].isBlock()).to.equal(true);
+ });
+describe('Default document changes handling', function() {
+ it('handles added node', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section></section>');
+ c.wlxmlDocument.root.append({tagName:'div'});
+ expect(c.doc().children().length).to.equal(1);
+ c.wlxmlDocument.root.prepend({tagName:'div'});
+ expect(c.doc().children().length).to.equal(2);
+ var node = c.wlxmlDocument.root.contents()[1];
+ node.before({tagName: 'div'});
+ expect(c.doc().children().length).to.equal(3);
+ node.after({tagName: 'div'});
+ expect(c.doc().children().length).to.equal(4);
+ });
+ it('handles attribute value change for a class attribute', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section></section>');
+ c.wlxmlDocument.root.setAttr('class', 'test');
+ expect(c.doc().wlxmlNode.getClass()).to.equal('test');
+ });
+ it('handles detached node', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><div></div></section>');
+ c.wlxmlDocument.root.contents()[0].detach();
+ expect(c.doc().children().length).to.equal(0);
+ });
+ it('handles moved node', function() {
+ var doc = getDocumentFromXML('<section><c></c><a></a><b></b></section>'),
+ c = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ a = doc.root.contents()[1],
+ b = doc.root.contents()[2],
+ cv = canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ a.document.transaction(function() {
+ a.before(b); // => cab
+ b.after(c); // => bca
+ }, {
+ error: function(e) {throw e;}
+ });
+ var sectionChildren = cv.doc().children();
+ expect(sectionChildren.length).to.equal(3);
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('b');
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('c');
+ expect(sectionChildren[2].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('a');
+ });
+ it('handles moving text node to another parent', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section>Alice<div><span>has</span></div>a cat.</section>'),
+ doc = c.wlxmlDocument,
+ text = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ div = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ div.append(text);
+ var sectionChildren = c.doc().children();
+ expect(sectionChildren.length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].wlxmlNode.sameNode(div)).to.equal(true);
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].getText()).to.equal('a cat.');
+ expect(div.contents().length).to.equal(2);
+ expect(div.contents()[0].getTagName()).to.equal('span');
+ expect(div.contents()[1].getText()).to.equal('Alice');
+ });
+ it('handles change in a text node', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section>Alice</section>');
+ c.wlxmlDocument.root.contents()[0].setText('cat');
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0].getText()).to.equal('cat');
+ });
+ describe('Regression tests', function() {
+ it('handles moving node after its next neighbour correctly', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><a></a><b></b></section>'),
+ doc = c.wlxmlDocument,
+ a = doc.root.contents()[0],
+ b = doc.root.contents()[1];
+ b.after(a);
+ var sectionChildren = c.doc().children();
+ expect(sectionChildren[0].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('b');
+ expect(sectionChildren[1].wlxmlNode.getTagName()).to.equal('a');
+ });
+ });
+describe('Custom elements based on wlxml class attribute', function() {
+ it('allows custom rendering', function() {
+ var prototype = $.extend({}, documentElement.DocumentNodeElement.prototype, {
+ init: function() {
+ this._container().append('<test></test>');
+ }
+ }),
+ c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><div class="testClass"></div></section>', [
+ {tag: 'div', klass: 'testClass', prototype: prototype}
+ ]);
+ expect(c.doc().children()[0]._container().children('test').length).to.equal(1); // @!
+ });
+ it('allows handling changes to internal structure of rendered node', function() {
+ var prototype = $.extend({}, documentElement.DocumentNodeElement.prototype, {
+ init: function() {
+ this.header = $('<h1>');
+ this._container().append(this.header);
+ this.refresh2();
+ },
+ refresh2: function() {
+ this.header.text(this.wlxmlNode.contents().length);
+ },
+ onNodeAdded: function(event) {
+ void(event);
+ this.refresh2();
+ }
+ });
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section><div class="testClass"><a></a></div></section>', [
+ {tag: 'div', klass: 'testClass', prototype: prototype}
+ ]);
+ var node = c.wlxmlDocument.root.contents()[0],
+ element = node.getData('canvasElement');
+ var header = element.dom.find('h1');
+ expect(header.text()).to.equal('1', 'just <a>');
+ node.append({tagName: 'div'});
+ expect(header.text()).to.equal('2', 'added div');
+ });