+ canvas.fromXMLDocument(doc);
+ aTextElement = utils.findCanvasElementInParent(aTextNode, aTextNode.parent()); // TODO: This really should be easier...
+ aTextElement.setText('');
+ wait(function() {
+ var parent = aTextElement.parent();
+ expect(aTextElement.getText({raw:true})).to.equal(utils.unicode.ZWS, 'canvas represents this as empty node');
+ aTextElement.data('wlxmlNode').detach();
+ expect(parent.children().length).to.equal(1);
+ expect(parent.children()[0].getWlxmlTag()).to.equal('span');
+ done();
+ });
+ });
+describe('Cursor', function() {
+ /* globals Node */
+ var getSelection;
+ var findTextNode = function(inside, text) {
+ var nodes = inside.find(':not(iframe)').addBack().contents().filter(function() {
+ return this.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && this.data === text;
+ });
+ if(nodes.length) {
+ return nodes[0];
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ /* globals window */
+ getSelection = sinon.stub(window, 'getSelection');
+ });
+ afterEach(function() {
+ getSelection.restore();
+ });
+ it('returns position when browser selection collapsed', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section>Alice has a cat</section>'),
+ dom = c.doc().dom(),
+ text = findTextNode(dom, 'Alice has a cat');
+ expect(text.nodeType).to.equal(Node.TEXT_NODE, 'correct node selected');
+ expect($(text).text()).to.equal('Alice has a cat');
+ getSelection.returns({
+ anchorNode: text,
+ focusNode: text,
+ anchorOffset: 5,
+ focusOffset: 5,
+ isCollapsed: true
+ });
+ var cursor = c.getCursor(),
+ position = cursor.getPosition();
+ expect(cursor.isSelecting()).to.equal(false, 'cursor is not selecting anything');
+ expect(position.element.getText()).to.equal('Alice has a cat');
+ expect(position.offset).to.equal(5);
+ expect(position.offsetAtEnd).to.equal(false, 'offset is not at end');
+ getSelection.returns({
+ anchorNode: text,
+ focusNode: text,
+ anchorOffset: 15,
+ focusOffset: 15,
+ isCollapsed: true
+ });
+ expect(cursor.getPosition().offsetAtEnd).to.equal(true, 'offset at end');
+ });
+ it('returns boundries of selection when browser selection not collapsed', function() {
+ var c = getCanvasFromXML('<section>Alice <span>has</span> a <span>big</span> cat</section>'),
+ dom = c.doc().dom(),
+ text = {
+ alice: findTextNode(dom, 'Alice '),
+ has: findTextNode(dom, 'has'),
+ cat: findTextNode(dom, ' cat')
+ },
+ cursor = c.getCursor(),
+ aliceElement = c.getDocumentElement(text.alice),
+ catElement = c.getDocumentElement(text.cat);
+ [
+ {focus: text.alice, focusOffset: 1, anchor: text.cat, anchorOffset: 2, selectionAnchor: catElement},
+ {focus: text.cat, focusOffset: 2, anchor: text.alice, anchorOffset: 1, selectionAnchor: aliceElement}
+ ].forEach(function(s, idx) {
+ getSelection.returns({isColapsed: false, anchorNode: s.anchor, anchorOffset: s.anchorOffset, focusNode: s.focus, focusOffset: s.focusOffset});
+ var selectionStart = cursor.getSelectionStart(),
+ selectionEnd = cursor.getSelectionEnd(),
+ selectionAnchor = cursor.getSelectionAnchor();
+ expect(cursor.isSelecting()).to.equal(true, 'cursor is selecting');
+ expect(selectionStart.element.sameNode(aliceElement)).to.equal(true, '"Alice" is the start of the selection ' + idx);
+ expect(selectionStart.offset).to.equal(1, '"Alice" offset ok' + idx);
+ expect(selectionEnd.element.sameNode(catElement)).to.equal(true, '"Cat" is the start of the selection ' + idx);
+ expect(selectionEnd.offset).to.equal(2, '"Cat" offset ok' + idx);
+ expect(selectionAnchor.element.sameNode(s.selectionAnchor)).to.equal(true, 'anchor ok');
+ expect(selectionAnchor.offset).to.equal(s.anchorOffset, 'anchor offset ok');
+ });