// Module that implements main WYSIWIG edit area
-'libs/text!./template.html'], function(_, canvas3, commands, template) {
+'libs/text!./template.html'], function($, _, logging, canvas3, template) {
'use strict';
+var logger = logging.getLogger('documentCanvas');
return function(sandbox) {
- var canvas = canvas3.fromXML('', sandbox.publish);
+ var canvasElements = [];
+ sandbox.getPlugins().forEach(function(plugin) {
+ canvasElements = canvasElements.concat(plugin.canvasElements || []);
+ });
+ var canvas = canvas3.fromXMLDocument(null, canvasElements);
var canvasWrapper = $(template);
var shownAlready = false;
var scrollbarPosition = 0,
+ actionHandlers = {},
+ canvas.on('selectionChanged', function(selection) {
+ sandbox.publish('selectionChanged', selection);
+ });
canvasWrapper.onShow = function() {
if(!shownAlready) {
shownAlready = true;
/* public api */
return {
- start: function() { sandbox.publish('ready'); },
- getView: function() {
+ start: function() {
+ sandbox.getPlugins().forEach(function(plugin) {
+ var handlers;
+ if(plugin.canvas) {
+ handlers = plugin.canvas.actionHandlers;
+ if(handlers && !_.isArray(handlers)) {
+ handlers = [handlers];
+ }
+ actionHandlers[plugin.name] = handlers;
+ }
+ });
+ sandbox.publish('ready');
+ },
+ getView: function() {
return canvasWrapper;
+ getCanvas: function() {
+ return canvas;
+ },
setDocument: function(wlxmlDocument) {
- sandbox.publish('documentSet');
- },
- getDocument: function() {
- return canvas.toXML();
- },
- modifyCurrentNodeElement: function(attr, value) {
- var currentNodeElement = canvas.getCurrentNodeElement();
- if(attr === 'class' || attr === 'tag') {
- currentNodeElement['setWlxml'+(attr[0].toUpperCase() + attr.substring(1))](value);
- } else {
- currentNodeElement.setWlxmlMetaAttr(attr, value);
- }
- sandbox.publish('currentNodeElementChanged', currentNodeElement);
- highlightElement: function(element) {
- element.toggleHighlight(true);
+ highlightElement: function(node) {
+ canvas.toggleElementHighlight(node, true);
- dimElement: function(element) {
- element.toggleHighlight(false);
+ dimElement: function(node) {
+ canvas.toggleElementHighlight(node, false);
- jumpToElement: function(element) {
- canvas.setCurrentElement(element);
+ jumpToElement: function(node) {
+ canvas.setCurrentElement(node);
- command: function(command, params) {
- commands.run(command, params, canvas);
- sandbox.publish('contentChanged');
+ onAfterActionExecuted: function(action, ret) {
+ if(ret && ret.isValid() && ret instanceof canvas.wlxmlDocument.NodeFragment) {
+ logger.debug('The action returned a valid fragment');
+ var params = {
+ caretTo: ret instanceof canvas.wlxmlDocument.CaretFragment ? ret.offset : 'start'
+ };
+ canvas.setCurrentElement(ret.node, params);
+ return;
+ }
+ logger.debug('No valid fragment returned from the action');
+ (actionHandlers[action.getPluginName()] || []).forEach(function(handler) {
+ handler(canvas, action, ret);
+ });