+ var transaction = this.undoStack.pop(),
+ doc = this,
+ transformations, stopAt;
+ if(transaction) {
+ this._undoInProgress = true;
+ // We will modify this array in a minute so make sure we work on a copy.
+ transformations = transaction.transformations.slice(0);
+ if(transformations.length > 1) {
+ // In case of real transactions we don't want to run undo on all of transformations if we don't have to.
+ stopAt = undefined;
+ transformations.some(function(t, idx) {
+ if(!t.undo && t.getChangeRoot().sameNode(doc.root)) {
+ stopAt = idx;
+ return true; //break
+ }
+ });
+ if(stopAt !== undefined) {
+ // We will get away with undoing only this transformations as the one at stopAt reverses the whole document.
+ transformations = transformations.slice(0, stopAt+1);
+ }
+ }
+ transformations.reverse();
+ transformations.forEach(function(t) {
+ t.undo();
+ });
+ this._undoInProgress = false;
+ this.redoStack.push(transaction);
+ this.trigger('operationEnd');