+# Make it a function, so that it works with `source`
+start_project() {
+ /etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper
+ /usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
+ /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
+# Colorful output.
+echo "Create new Django project."
+while [ -z "$PROJECT" ]
+ echo "Name of the project:"
+ read PROJECT
+echo -e "Project: ${strong}${PROJECT}${normal}"
+ if [ -e "$venv" ]
+ then
+ break
+ fi
+ echo "virtualenvwrapper found at $VIRTUALENVWRAPPER."
+ echo -e "${error}ERROR: virtualenvwrapper not found. Tried locations:${normal}"
+ echo -e "${error}Install virtualenvwrapper or add the correct path to this script.${normal}"
+ echo "Aborting."
+ return
+echo -e "${strong}Creating virtualenv: $PROJECT...${normal}"
+mkvirtualenv "$PROJECT"
+echo -e "${strong}Installing Django...${normal}"
+pip install -i "$PYPI" "$DJANGO_REQ"
+pip install -i "$PYPI" --pre django-startproject-plus
+echo -e "${strong}Starting the project...${normal}"
+django-startproject.py \
+ --template "$PROJECT_TEMPLATE" \
+ --name NOTICE \
+ --extra_context='{"year": "`date +%Y`"}' \
+cd "$PROJECT"
+# GitWeb adds a top directory to the snapshot, let's remove it.
+if [ ! -e .gitignore ]
+ WRAPPER="`ls`"
+ mv "$WRAPPER/"* "$WRAPPER/".gitignore .
+ rmdir "$WRAPPER"
+chmod +x "$DJANGO_ROOT"/manage.py
+mv "$DJANGO_ROOT/$PROJECT/localsettings.py.dev" "$DJANGO_ROOT/$PROJECT/localsettings.py"
+echo -e "${strong}Installing requirements...${normal}"
+pip install -i "$PYPI" -r requirements.txt
+echo -e "${strong}Installing developer requirements...${normal}"
+pip install -i "$PYPI" -r requirements-dev.txt
+echo -e "${strong}Running syncdb...${normal}"
+"$DJANGO_ROOT"/manage.py syncdb --noinput
+echo -e "${strong}Starting new git repository...${normal}"
+git init
+echo -e "${strong}What next?${normal}"
+echo " * Work on your app, commit to git."
+echo " * Review fabfile, use fab for deployment."
+# The following is just for displaying it as a webpage:<!--
+#--><style>body{white-space:pre;color:#ddd}</style><h1 style="color:#000;text-align:center;position:fixed;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;white-space:normal">source <(curl <span id="location"></span>)</h1><script>document.getElementById('location').innerHTML=window.location;</script>