various fixes and updates
[edumed.git] / wtem / templates / wtem / exercises / edumed_wybor.html
2017-10-27 Jan Szejkovarious fixes and updates
2016-10-14 Jan Szejkowtem prepared for the wlem exam
2016-02-25 Jan Szejkonew exercises
2016-02-11 Jan Szejkolocal changes from the server
2014-01-31 Radek CzajkaMerge branch 'leveling'
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszMerge WTEM support into master
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing label tags in a question of type 'wybor'
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszSmaller textarea for one of the open parts
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszAdditional instructions
2014-01-15 Aleksander Łukaszturn off html autoescape for question description
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszSupport open part in questions of type 'wybor'
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszSending exercise ids when submitting the contest form
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszSerializing answers to form field
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszDescription field as a list
2014-01-15 Aleksander Łukaszwip: showing first couple of questions