various fixes and updates
[edumed.git] / wtem /
2017-10-18 Jan Szejkoset competition state in db + randomized single-questio...
2017-09-12 Jan Szejkocontact and age in confirmation admin
2017-09-12 Jan Szejkoconfirmations in admin
2016-11-24 Jan Szejkolast fix in results csv
2016-11-24 Jan Szejkofix in results csv
2016-03-22 cain-ishMerge remote-tracking branch 'origin/filmowa' into...
2016-03-22 Jan Szejkoremoved @staticmethod's that cause errors
2016-03-03 Jan Szejkocode style
2016-02-11 Jan Szejkolocal changes from the server
2014-01-31 Radek CzajkaMerge branch 'leveling'
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszMerge WTEM support into master
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFix in AttachmentWidget - handling encoded urls correctly
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszHide end_time field from admin view
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFixing incorrect information in the admin answer field...
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszReturn report as a file
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszExport results to csv
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszTweaking admin labels
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszShow todo count for non superuser
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszAssigning users to submissions
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFix in admin view
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszHandle admin user without assigned questions
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszLoad exercises once, import when needed
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszShow marking status for a superuser on submission list...
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFix saving submission with file upload exercises
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszAllow for manual marking of question of type "file_upload"
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszHandle splitting field into parts in open questions
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszInform about zero selected answers in closed part of...
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszSupport open part in questions of type 'wybor'
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszShowing exercices left to mark in admin list view of...
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszLink to contact form from submission edit view
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszMarking open questions via admin form
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszAssign exercises to a user via admin