universal disabled form template
[edumed.git] / edumed / settings.d / 50-static.py
2016-02-11 Jan Szejkolocal changes from the server
2014-05-05 Radek CzajkaDeannoy.
2014-03-31 Radek CzajkaLet the annoying commence.
2014-02-25 Radek Czajkafixes #3287: minor styling fixes on main.
2014-01-31 Radek CzajkaMerge branch 'leveling'
2014-01-31 Radek CzajkaPrepared for SP 4-6.
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszMerge WTEM support into master
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszJSON support for IE < 8
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszFirst exercise of type przyporzadkuj
2014-01-15 Aleksander Łukaszwip: showing first couple of questions
2014-01-15 Aleksander ŁukaszIntroducing edumed.coffee from redakcja repository
2014-01-14 Aleksander ŁukaszVisual update of the mil site
2013-10-08 Aleksander ŁukaszMerge branch 'forum'
2013-10-07 Radek CzajkaAdd formsets to contact forms, add WTEM form.
2013-09-10 Aleksander ŁukaszMerge branch 'master' into forum
2013-08-13 Aleksander ŁukaszMerge branch 'master' into forum
2013-08-09 Radek CzajkaMake forum somewhat usable, display Libravatars.
2013-06-20 Radek CzajkaOverdue fixes.
2013-03-15 Radek CzajkaStart annoying.
2013-02-20 Radek Czajkadisable unused carousel
2013-02-20 Radek CzajkaContact forms.
2013-02-14 Radek Czajkafix
2013-02-14 Radek Czajkaimages
2013-02-04 Radek Czajkamove to librarian 1.5 IOFile, add some curriculum links
2013-01-30 Radek CzajkaExercises.
2013-01-28 Radek CzajkaAdd sponsors page; remove some unused files.
2013-01-24 Radek Czajkacute rotating carousel
2013-01-24 Radek CzajkaBasic lesson importing. Some layout.
2013-01-03 Radek Czajkainitial commit