+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import json
+from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.utils.functional import lazy
+from piston.handler import BaseHandler
+from piston.utils import rc
+from catalogue.forms import LessonImportForm
+from catalogue.models import Lesson
+ lambda: u'https://' + Site.objects.get_current().domain, unicode)()
+class LessonDetails(object):
+ """Custom fields used for representing Lessons."""
+ @classmethod
+ def href(cls, lesson):
+ """ Returns an URI for a Lesson in the API. """
+ return API_BASE + reverse("api_lesson", args=[lesson.slug])
+ @classmethod
+ def url(cls, lesson):
+ """ Returns Lesson's URL on the site. """
+ return EDUMED_BASE + lesson.get_absolute_url()
+class LessonDetailHandler(BaseHandler, LessonDetails):
+ """ Main handler for Lesson objects.
+ Responsible for single Lesson details.
+ """
+ allowed_methods = ['GET']
+ fields = ['title', 'url']
+ def read(self, request, lesson):
+ """ Returns details of a lesson, identified by a slug. """
+ try:
+ return Lesson.objects.get(slug=lesson)
+ except Lesson.DoesNotExist:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class LessonsHandler(LessonDetailHandler):
+ allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
+ model = Lesson
+ fields = ['href', 'title', 'url']
+ def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not request.user.has_perm('catalogue.add_lesson'):
+ return rc.FORBIDDEN
+ data = json.loads(request.POST.get('data'))
+ form = LessonImportForm(data)
+ if form.is_valid():
+ form.save()
+ return rc.CREATED
+ else:
+ return rc.NOT_FOUND