# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from django import forms
from contact.forms import ContactForm
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
class RegistrationForm(ContactForm):
+class MILForm(ContactForm):
+ form_tag = 'mil'
+ from_title = 'Mil'
+ submit_label = _('Submit')
+ base_template = 'base_mil.html'
+ name = forms.CharField(label = _('Name and Surname'), max_length = 255)
+ contact = forms.EmailField(label = _('E-mail'), max_length = 255)
+ institution = forms.CharField(label =_('Institution'), widget = forms.Textarea, max_length = 8192)
+ question_stages = forms.CharField(
+ label = _('What do you think about the proposed educational stages classification?'),
+ widget = forms.Textarea,
+ max_length = 255
+ )
+ question_fields = forms.CharField(
+ label = _('What do you think about the proposed thematic fields?'),
+ widget = forms.Textarea,
+ max_length = 255
+ )
+ question_left_out = forms.CharField(
+ label = _('What important areas of media and information literacy have been left out?'),
+ widget = forms.Textarea,
+ max_length = 255
+ )
+ other = forms.CharField(
+ label = _('Other suggestions and comments'),
+ widget = forms.Textarea,
+ max_length = 255
+ )