+How to use django-pagination
+``django-pagination`` allows for easy Digg-style pagination without modifying
+your views.
+There are really 5 steps to setting it up with your projects (not including
+installation, which is covered in INSTALL.txt in this same directory.)
+1. List this application in the ``INSTALLED_APPS`` portion of your settings
+ file. Your settings file might look something like:
+ # ...
+ 'pagination',
+ )
+2. Install the pagination middleware. Your settings file might look something
+ like:
+ # ...
+ 'pagination.middleware.PaginationMiddleware',
+ )
+3. Add this line at the top of your template to load the pagination tags:
+ {% load pagination_tags %}
+4. Decide on a variable that you would like to paginate, and use the
+ autopaginate tag on that variable before iterating over it. This could
+ take one of two forms (using the canonical ``object_list`` as an example
+ variable):
+ {% autopaginate object_list %}
+ This assumes that you would like to have the default 20 results per page.
+ If you would like to specify your own amount of results per page, you can
+ specify that like so:
+ {% autopaginate object_list 10 %}
+ Note that this replaces ``object_list`` with the list for the current page, so
+ you can iterate over the ``object_list`` like you normally would.
+5. Now you want to display the current page and the available pages, so
+ somewhere after having used autopaginate, use the paginate inclusion tag:
+ {% paginate %}
+ This does not take any arguments, but does assume that you have already
+ called autopaginate, so make sure to do so first.
+That's it! You have now paginated ``object_list`` and given users of the site
+a way to navigate between the different pages--all without touching your views.
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except NameError:
from sets import Set as set
from django import template
-from pagination.registration import get_registry, default_pagination
-registry = get_registry()
from django.db.models.query import QuerySet
from django.core.paginator import Paginator, QuerySetPaginator, InvalidPage
-#from django.template.loader import render_to_string
register = template.Library()
def do_autopaginate(parser, token):
+ """
+ Splits the arguments to the autopaginate tag and formats them correctly.
+ """
split = token.split_contents()
- if len(split) == 1:
- return AutoPaginateNode()
- elif len(split) == 2:
- return AutoPaginateNode(queryset_var=split[1])
+ if len(split) == 2:
+ return AutoPaginateNode(split[1])
+ elif len(split) == 3:
+ try:
+ paginate_by = int(split[2])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(u'Got %s, but expected integer.' % split[2])
+ return AutoPaginateNode(split[1], paginate_by=paginate_by)
- raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag takes only one optional argument.' % split[0])
+ raise template.TemplateSyntaxError('%r tag takes one required argument and one optional argument' % split[0])
class AutoPaginateNode(template.Node):
- def __init__(self, queryset_var=None):
- if queryset_var:
- self.queryset_var = template.Variable(queryset_var)
- else:
- self.queryset_var = None
+ """
+ Emits the required objects to allow for Digg-style pagination.
+ First, it looks in the current context for the variable specified. This
+ should be either a QuerySet or a list.
+ 1. If it is a QuerySet, this ``AutoPaginateNode`` will emit a
+ ``QuerySetPaginator`` and the current page object into the context names
+ ``paginator`` and ``page_obj``, respectively.
+ 2. If it is a list, this ``AutoPaginateNode`` will emit a simple
+ ``Paginator`` and the current page object into the context names
+ ``paginator`` and ``page_obj``, respectively.
+ It will then replace the variable specified with only the objects for the
+ current page.
+ .. note::
+ It is recommended to use *{% paginate %}* after using the autopaginate
+ tag. If you choose not to use *{% paginate %}*, make sure to display the
+ list of availabale pages, or else the application may seem to be buggy.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, queryset_var, paginate_by=DEFAULT_PAGINATION):
+ self.queryset_var = template.Variable(queryset_var)
+ self.paginate_by = paginate_by
def render(self, context):
- if self.queryset_var is not None:
+ key = self.queryset_var.var
+ value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context)
+ if issubclass(value.__class__, QuerySet):
+ model = value.model
+ paginator_class = QuerySetPaginator
+ else:
+ value = list(value)
- key = self.queryset_var.var
- value = self.queryset_var.resolve(context)
- if issubclass(value.__class__, QuerySet):
- model = value.model
- paginator_class = QuerySetPaginator
- else:
- value = list(value)
- try:
- model = value[0].__class__
- except IndexError:
- return u''
- paginator_class = Paginator
- pagination = registry.get_for_model(model)
- if pagination is None:
- pagination = default_pagination
- paginator = paginator_class(value, pagination)
- try:
- page_obj = paginator.page(context['request'].page)
- except:
- return u''
- context[key] = page_obj.object_list
- context['paginator'] = paginator
- context['page_obj'] = page_obj
+ model = value[0].__class__
+ except IndexError:
return u''
- except template.VariableDoesNotExist:
- pass
- for d in context:
- for key, value in d.iteritems():
- if issubclass(value.__class__, QuerySet):
- model = value.model
- pagination = registry.get_for_model(model)
- if pagination is not None:
- paginator = QuerySetPaginator(value, pagination)
- try:
- page_obj = paginator.page(context['request'].page)
- except:
- return u''
- context[key] = page_obj.object_list
- context['paginator'] = paginator
- context['page_obj'] = page_obj
- return u''
+ paginator_class = Paginator
+ paginator = paginator_class(value, self.paginate_by)
+ try:
+ page_obj = paginator.page(context['request'].page)
+ except:
+ return u''
+ context[key] = page_obj.object_list
+ context['paginator'] = paginator
+ context['page_obj'] = page_obj
return u''
-def paginate(context, window=4):
+def paginate(context, window=DEFAULT_WINDOW):
+ """
+ Renders the ``pagination/pagination.html`` template, resulting in a
+ Digg-like display of the available pages, given the current page. If there
+ are too many pages to be displayed before and after the current page, then
+ elipses will be used to indicate the undisplayed gap between page numbers.
+ Requires one argument, ``context``, which should be a dictionary-like data
+ structure and must contain the following keys:
+ ``paginator``
+ A ``Paginator`` or ``QuerySetPaginator`` object.
+ ``page_obj``
+ This should be the result of calling the page method on the
+ aforementioned ``Paginator`` or ``QuerySetPaginator`` object, given
+ the current page.
+ This same ``context`` dictionary-like data structure may also include:
+ ``getvars``
+ A dictionary of all of the **GET** parameters in the current request.
+ This is useful to maintain certain types of state, even when requesting
+ a different page.
+ """
paginator = context['paginator']
page_obj = context['page_obj']
page_range = paginator.page_range
+ # First and last are simply the first *n* pages and the last *n* pages,
+ # where *n* is the current window size.
first = set(page_range[:window])
last = set(page_range[-window:])
+ # Now we look around our current page, making sure that we don't wrap
+ # around.
current_start = page_obj.number-1-window
if current_start < 0:
current_start = 0
current_end = 0
current = set(page_range[current_start:current_end])
pages = []
+ # If there's no overlap between the first set of pages and the current
+ # set of pages, then there's a possible need for elusion.
if len(first.intersection(current)) == 0:
first_list = sorted(list(first))
second_list = sorted(list(current))
- diff = second_list[0] - first_list[-1]
+ diff = second_list[0] - first_list[-1]
+ # If there is a gap of two, between the last page of the first
+ # set and the first page of the current set, then we're missing a
+ # page.
if diff == 2:
pages.append(second_list[0] - 1)
+ # If the difference is just one, then there's nothing to be done,
+ # as the pages need no elusion and are correct.
elif diff == 1:
+ # Otherwise, there's a bigger gap which needs to be signaled for
+ # elusion, by pushing a None value to the page list.
+ # If there's no overlap between the current set of pages and the last
+ # set of pages, then there's a possible need for elusion.
if len(current.intersection(last)) == 0:
second_list = sorted(list(last))
diff = second_list[0] - pages[-1]
+ # If there is a gap of two, between the last page of the current
+ # set and the first page of the last set, then we're missing a
+ # page.
if diff == 2:
pages.append(second_list[0] - 1)
+ # If the difference is just one, then there's nothing to be done,
+ # as the pages need no elusion and are correct.
elif diff == 1:
+ # Otherwise, there's a bigger gap which needs to be signaled for
+ # elusion, by pushing a None value to the page list.
- getvars = context['request'].GET.copy()
- if 'page' in getvars:
- del getvars['page']
- return {
+ to_return = {
'pages': pages,
'page_obj': page_obj,
'paginator': paginator,
'is_paginated': paginator.count > paginator.per_page,
- 'getvars': "&%s" % getvars.urlencode()
+ if 'request' in context:
+ getvars = context['request'].GET.copy()
+ if 'page' in getvars:
+ del getvars['page']
+ to_return['getvars'] = "&%s" % getvars.urlencode()
+ return to_return
except KeyError:
- return u''
+ return {}
register.inclusion_tag('pagination/pagination.html', takes_context=True)(paginate)
register.tag('autopaginate', do_autopaginate)
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