+# Testing orphans
+>>> p = Paginator(range(5), 2, 1)
+>>> paginate({'paginator': p, 'page_obj': p.page(1)})['pages']
+[1, 2]
+>>> p = Paginator(range(21), 2, 1)
+>>> paginate({'paginator': p, 'page_obj': p.page(1)})['pages']
+[1, 2, 3, 4, None, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+>>> t = Template("{% load pagination_tags %}{% autopaginate var 2 %}{% paginate %}")
+# WARNING: Please, please nobody read this portion of the code!
+>>> class GetProxy(object):
+... def __iter__(self): yield self.__dict__.__iter__
+... def copy(self): return self
+... def urlencode(self): return u''
+... def keys(self): return []
+>>> class RequestProxy(object):
+... page = 1
+... GET = GetProxy()
+>>> t.render(Context({'var': range(21), 'request': RequestProxy()}))
+u'\\n\\n<div class="pagination">...
+>>> t = Template("{% load pagination_tags %}{% autopaginate var %}{% paginate %}")
+>>> t.render(Context({'var': range(21), 'request': RequestProxy()}))
+u'\\n\\n<div class="pagination">...
+>>> t = Template("{% load pagination_tags %}{% autopaginate var 20 %}{% paginate %}")
+>>> t.render(Context({'var': range(21), 'request': RequestProxy()}))
+u'\\n\\n<div class="pagination">...
+>>> t = Template("{% load pagination_tags %}{% autopaginate var by %}{% paginate %}")
+>>> t.render(Context({'var': range(21), 'by': 20, 'request': RequestProxy()}))
+u'\\n\\n<div class="pagination">...
+>>> t = Template("{% load pagination_tags %}{% autopaginate var by as foo %}{{ foo }}")
+>>> t.render(Context({'var': range(21), 'by': 20, 'request': RequestProxy()}))
+u'[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]'