-Installing the latest development version of django-pagination
+Installing the latest development version of linaro-linaro-django-pagination
To install, first check out the latest version of the application from
- svn co http://django-pagination.googlecode.com/svn/trunk django-pagination
+ svn co http://linaro-django-pagination.googlecode.com/svn/trunk linaro-django-pagination
Now, link the inner ``pagination`` project to your Python path:
sudo python setup.py install
-Once that's done, you should be able to begin using django-pagination at will.
+Once that's done, you should be able to begin using linaro-django-pagination at will.
Installing via setuptools
If you have setuptools_ installed, you can simply run the following command
-to install django-pagination:
+to install linaro-django-pagination:
- sudo easy_install django-pagination
+ sudo easy_install linaro-django-pagination
-.. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools
\ No newline at end of file
+.. _setuptools: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools