Allow config without localsettings. Basic docker conf. Remove stale files.
[cas.git] / src / cas / templates /
2024-06-14 Radek Czajkabranding
2023-03-06 Radek Czajkachange logo
2021-08-20 Radek CzajkaAdd services page.
2019-03-29 Radek CzajkaPassword reset, standardize some stuff.
2013-04-22 Radek Czajkahttps fixes
2013-04-15 Radek CzajkaFix l10n
2013-03-20 Radek CzajkaSome reorganizing.
2013-03-19 Radek CzajkaMove to Django 1.5, some styling changes.
2013-01-14 Radek Czajkarandom fixes
2011-10-06 Radek Czajkaremove redmine link, add new link to redakcja
2010-04-18 Łukasz RekuckiProfile edit and password change views. Better login...
2010-04-17 Łukasz RekuckiSome cleanup before production deploy.