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6 * [2011] - [2016] Realm Inc
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34 /// Perform a nondeterministc seeding of the specified pseudo random number
37 /// \tparam Engine A type that satisfies UniformRandomBitGenerator as defined by
40 /// \tparam state_size The number of words of type Engine::result_type that make
41 /// up the engine state.
45 /// FIXME: Move this to core repo, as it is generally useful.
46 template<class Engine, size_t state_size = Engine::state_size>
47 void seed_prng_nondeterministically(Engine&);
58 void get_extra_seed_entropy(unsigned int& extra_entropy_1, unsigned int& extra_entropy_2,
59 unsigned int& extra_entropy_3);
65 template<class Engine, size_t state_size> void seed_prng_nondeterministically(Engine& engine)
67 // This implementation was informed and inspired by
68 // http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2016/p0205r0.html.
70 // The number of bits of entropy needed is `state_size *
71 // std::numeric_limits<typename Engine::result_type>::digits` (assuming that
72 // the engine uses all available bits in each word).
74 // Each invocation of `std::random_device::operator()` gives us
75 // `std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::digits` bits (assuming maximum
76 // entropy). Note that `std::random_device::result_type` must be `unsigned
77 // int`, `std::random_device::min()` must return zero, and
78 // `std::random_device::max()` must return `std::numeric_limits<unsigned
81 // Ideally, we could have used `std::random_device::entropy()` as the actual
82 // number of bits of entropy produced per invocation of
83 // `std::random_device::operator()`, however, it is incorrectly implemented
84 // on many platform. Also, it is supposed to return zero when
85 // `std::random_device` is just a PRNG, but that would leave us with no way
88 // When the actual entropy from `std::random_device` is less than maximum,
89 // the seeding will be less than optimal. For example, if the actual entropy
90 // is only half of the maximum, then the seeding will only produce half the
91 // entrpy that it ought to, but that will generally still be a good seeding.
93 // For the (assumed) rare cases where `std::random_device` is a PRGN that is
94 // not nondeterministically seeded, we include a bit of extra entropy taken
95 // from such places as the current time and the ID of the executing process
98 constexpr long seed_bits_needed = state_size *
99 long(std::numeric_limits<typename Engine::result_type>::digits);
100 constexpr int seed_bits_per_device_invocation =
101 std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::digits;
102 constexpr size_t seed_words_needed =
103 size_t((seed_bits_needed + (seed_bits_per_device_invocation - 1)) /
104 seed_bits_per_device_invocation); // Rounding up
105 constexpr int num_extra = 3;
106 std::array<std::random_device::result_type, seed_words_needed+num_extra> seed_values;
107 std::random_device rnddev;
108 std::generate(seed_values.begin(), seed_values.end()-num_extra, std::ref(rnddev));
110 unsigned int extra_entropy[3];
111 _impl::get_extra_seed_entropy(extra_entropy[0], extra_entropy[1], extra_entropy[2]);
112 static_assert(num_extra == sizeof extra_entropy / sizeof extra_entropy[0], "Mismatch");
113 std::copy(extra_entropy, extra_entropy+num_extra, seed_values.end()-num_extra);
115 std::seed_seq seed_seq(seed_values.begin(), seed_values.end());
116 engine.seed(seed_seq);