-from os.path import abspath, dirname, join, basename, exists
-from os import makedirs, listdir
-from nose.tools import *
-from mock import patch
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from catalogue.models import Book, BookPublishRecord
-from tempfile import mkdtemp
-from django.conf import settings
-def get_fixture(path):
- f_path = join(dirname(abspath(__file__)), 'files', path)
- with open(f_path) as f:
- return unicode(f.read(), 'utf-8')
-class PublishTests(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.user = User.objects.create(username='tester')
- self.text1 = get_fixture('chunk1.xml')
- self.book = Book.create(self.user, self.text1, slug='test-book')
- @patch('apiclient.api_call')
- def test_unpublishable(self, api_call):
- with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
- self.book.publish(self.user)
- @patch('apiclient.api_call')
- def test_publish(self, api_call):
- self.book[0].head.set_publishable(True)
- self.book.publish(self.user)
- api_call.assert_called_with(self.user, 'books/', {"book_xml": self.text1})
- @patch('apiclient.api_call')
- def test_publish_multiple(self, api_call):
- self.book[0].head.set_publishable(True)
- self.book[0].split(slug='part-2')
- self.book[1].commit(get_fixture('chunk2.xml'))
- self.book[1].head.set_publishable(True)
- self.book.publish(self.user)
- api_call.assert_called_with(self.user, 'books/', {"book_xml": get_fixture('expected.xml')})
-class ManipulationTests(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.user = User.objects.create(username='tester')
- self.book1 = Book.create(self.user, 'book 1', slug='book1')
- self.book2 = Book.create(self.user, 'book 2', slug='book2')
- def test_append(self):
- self.book1.append(self.book2)
- self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all().count(), 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.book1), 2)
- def test_append_to_self(self):
- with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
- self.book1.append(Book.objects.get(pk=self.book1.pk))
- self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all().count(), 2)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.book1), 1)
- def test_prepend_history(self):
- self.book1.prepend_history(self.book2)
- self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all().count(), 1)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.book1), 1)
- self.assertEqual(self.book1.materialize(), 'book 1')
- def test_prepend_history_to_self(self):
- with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
- self.book1.prepend_history(self.book1)
- self.assertEqual(Book.objects.all().count(), 2)
- self.assertEqual(self.book1.materialize(), 'book 1')
- self.assertEqual(self.book2.materialize(), 'book 2')
- def test_split_book(self):
- self.book1.chunk_set.create(number=2, title='Second chunk',
- slug='book3')
- self.book1[1].commit('I survived!')
- self.assertEqual(len(self.book1), 2)
- self.book1.split()
- self.assertEqual(set([b.slug for b in Book.objects.all()]),
- set(['book2', '1', 'book3']))
- self.assertEqual(
- Book.objects.get(slug='book3').materialize(),
- 'I survived!')
-class GalleryAppendTests(TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.user = User.objects.create(username='tester')
- self.book1 = Book.create(self.user, 'book 1', slug='book1')
- self.book1.chunk_set.create(number=2, title='Second chunk',
- slug='book 1 / 2')
- c=self.book1[0]
- c.gallery_start=1
- c=self.book1[1]
- c.gallery_start=3
- self.scandir = join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, settings.IMAGE_DIR)
- if not exists(self.scandir):
- makedirs(self.scandir)
- def make_gallery(self, book, files):
- d = mkdtemp('gallery', dir=self.scandir)
- for named, cont in files.items():
- f = open(join(d, named), 'w')
- f.write(cont)
- f.close()
- book.gallery = basename(d)
- def test_both_indexed(self):
- self.book2 = Book.create(self.user, 'book 2', slug='book2')
- self.book2.chunk_set.create(number=2, title='Second chunk of second book',
- slug='book 2 / 2')
- c = self.book2[0]
- c.gallery_start = 1
- c.save()
- c = self.book2[1]
- c.gallery_start = 3
- c.save()
- print "gallery starts:",self.book2[0].gallery_start, self.book2[1].gallery_start
- self.make_gallery(self.book1, {
- '1-0001_1l' : 'aa',
- '1-0001_2r' : 'bb',
- '1-0002_1l' : 'cc',
- '1-0002_2r' : 'dd',
- })
- self.make_gallery(self.book2, {
- '1-0001_1l' : 'dd', # the same, should not be moved
- '1-0001_2r' : 'ff',
- '2-0002_1l' : 'gg',
- '2-0002_2r' : 'hh',
- })
- self.book1.append(self.book2)
- files = listdir(join(self.scandir, self.book1.gallery))
- files.sort()
- print files
- self.assertEqual(files, [
- '1-0001_1l',
- '1-0001_2r',
- '1-0002_1l',
- '1-0002_2r',
- # '2-0001_1l',
- '2-0001_2r',
- '3-0002_1l',
- '3-0002_2r',
- ])
- self.assertEqual((4, 6), (self.book1[2].gallery_start, self.book1[3].gallery_start))
- def test_none_indexed(self):
- self.book2 = Book.create(self.user, 'book 2', slug='book2')
- self.make_gallery(self.book1, {
- '0001_1l' : 'aa',
- '0001_2r' : 'bb',
- '0002_1l' : 'cc',
- '0002_2r' : 'dd',
- })
- self.make_gallery(self.book2, {
- '0001_1l' : 'ee',
- '0001_2r' : 'ff',
- '0002_1l' : 'gg',
- '0002_2r' : 'hh',
- })
- self.book1.append(self.book2)
- files = listdir(join(self.scandir, self.book1.gallery))
- files.sort()
- print files
- self.assertEqual(files, [
- '0-0001_1l',
- '0-0001_2r',
- '0-0002_1l',
- '0-0002_2r',
- '1-0001_1l',
- '1-0001_2r',
- '1-0002_1l',
- '1-0002_2r',
- ])
- def test_none_indexed(self):
- import nose.tools
- self.book2 = Book.create(self.user, 'book 2', slug='book2')
- self.make_gallery(self.book1, {
- '1-0001_1l' : 'aa',
- '1-0001_2r' : 'bb',
- '1002_1l' : 'cc',
- '1002_2r' : 'dd',
- })
- self.make_gallery(self.book2, {
- '0001_1l' : 'ee',
- '0001_2r' : 'ff',
- '0002_1l' : 'gg',
- '0002_2r' : 'hh',
- })
- self.book1.append(self.book2)
- files = listdir(join(self.scandir, self.book1.gallery))
- files.sort()
- print files
- self.assertEqual(files, [
- '0-1-0001_1l',
- '0-1-0001_2r',
- '0-1002_1l',
- '0-1002_2r',
- '1-0001_1l',
- '1-0001_2r',
- '1-0002_1l',
- '1-0002_2r',
- ])