From: Marcin Koziej <>
Date: Wed, 21 Dec 2011 09:03:56 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: merge search into pretty branch

merge search into pretty branch

diff --cc apps/catalogue/management/commands/
index d097ddd1a,4ea0fd359..b6ddc5540
--- a/apps/catalogue/management/commands/
+++ b/apps/catalogue/management/commands/
@@@ -29,38 -28,14 +29,40 @@@ class Command(BaseCommand)
              help='Don\'t build TXT file'),
          make_option('-P', '--no-build-pdf', action='store_false', dest='build_pdf', default=True,
              help='Don\'t build PDF file'),
+         make_option('-S', '--no-search-index', action='store_false', dest='search_index', default=True,
+             help='Don\'t build PDF file'),
          make_option('-w', '--wait-until', dest='wait_until', metavar='TIME',
              help='Wait until specified time (Y-M-D h:m:s)'),
 +        make_option('-p', '--picture', action='store_true', dest='import_picture', default=False,
 +            help='Import pictures'),
      help = 'Imports books from the specified directories.'
      args = 'directory [directory ...]'
 +    def import_book(self, file_path, options):
 +        verbose = options.get('verbose')
 +        file_base, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)
 +        book = Book.from_xml_file(file_path, overwrite=options.get('force'),
-                                   build_epub=options.get('build_epub'),
-                                   build_txt=options.get('build_txt'),
-                                   build_pdf=options.get('build_pdf'),
-                                   build_mobi=options.get('build_mobi'))
++                                                    build_epub=options.get('build_epub'),
++                                                    build_txt=options.get('build_txt'),
++                                                    build_pdf=options.get('build_pdf'),
++                                                    build_mobi=options.get('build_mobi'),
++                                                    search_index=options.get('search_index'))
 +        fileid = book.fileid()
 +        for ebook_format in Book.ebook_formats:
 +            if os.path.isfile(file_base + '.' + ebook_format):
 +                getattr(book, '%s_file' % ebook_format).save(
 +                    '%s.%s' % (fileid, ebook_format), 
 +                    File(file(file_base + '.' + ebook_format)))
 +                if verbose:
 +                    print "Importing %s.%s" % (file_base, ebook_format)
 +    def import_picture(self, file_path, options):
 +        picture = Picture.from_xml_file(file_path, overwrite=options.get('force'))
 +        return picture
      def handle(self, *directories, **options):
          from django.db import transaction
diff --cc apps/catalogue/
index d615fb65b,1a2e8f86f..8fb210935
--- a/apps/catalogue/
+++ b/apps/catalogue/
@@@ -23,14 -22,17 +23,16 @@@ from django.conf import setting
  from newtagging.models import TagBase, tags_updated
  from newtagging import managers
  from catalogue.fields import JSONField, OverwritingFileField
 -from catalogue.utils import ExistingFile, ORMDocProvider, create_zip, remove_zip
 +from catalogue.utils import create_zip, split_tags
 +from catalogue.tasks import touch_tag
 +from shutil import copy
 +from glob import glob
 +import re
 +from os import path
 -from librarian import dcparser, html, epub, NoDublinCore
 -import mutagen
 -from mutagen import id3
 -from slughifi import slughifi
 -from sortify import sortify
 -from os import unlink
+ import search
      ('author', _('author')),
      ('epoch', _('epoch')),
@@@ -726,14 -622,26 +728,29 @@@ class Book(models.Model)
      def zip_audiobooks(self):
          bm = BookMedia.objects.filter(book=self, type='mp3')
          paths = map(lambda bm: (None, bm.file.path), bm)
 -        result = create_zip.delay(paths, self.slug)
 +        result = create_zip.delay(paths, self.fileid())
          return result.wait()
+     def search_index(self):
+         if settings.SEARCH_INDEX_PARALLEL:
+             if instance(settings.SEARCH_INDEX_PARALLEL, int):
+                 idx = search.ReusableIndex(threads=4)
+             else:
+                 idx = search.ReusableIndex()
+         else:
+             idx = search.Index()
+         try:
+             idx.index_book(self)
+         finally:
+             idx.close()
      def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, **kwargs):
 +        from django.core.files import File
 +        from librarian import dcparser
          # use librarian to parse meta-data
          book_info = dcparser.parse(xml_file)
@@@ -747,9 -655,9 +764,10 @@@
      def from_text_and_meta(cls, raw_file, book_info, overwrite=False,
-             build_epub=True, build_txt=True, build_pdf=True, build_mobi=True):
+             build_epub=True, build_txt=True, build_pdf=True, build_mobi=True,
+             search_index=True):
          import re
 +        from sortify import sortify
          # check for parts before we do anything
          children = []
@@@ -815,12 -735,14 +833,15 @@@
          if not settings.NO_BUILD_MOBI and build_mobi:
+         if not settings.NO_SEARCH_INDEX and search_index:
+             book.search_index()
          book_descendants = list(book.children.all())
 +        descendants_tags = set()
          # add l-tag to descendants and their fragments
 -        # delete unnecessary EPUB files
          while len(book_descendants) > 0:
              child_book = book_descendants.pop(0)
 +            descendants_tags.update(child_book.tags)
              child_book.tags = list(child_book.tags) + [book_tag]
              for fragment in child_book.fragments.all():
diff --cc lib/librarian
index 0718c9d23,d7ba2c607..5b407667c
--- a/lib/librarian
+++ b/lib/librarian
@@@ -1,1 -1,1 +1,1 @@@
- Subproject commit 0718c9d23a5791aa51bc11bba6a011fe9a8a616d
 -Subproject commit d7ba2c607dacf7a6136b83a1588b5adf2278ad46
++Subproject commit 5b407667ca47cf4d9752821fd49e5611737146d2
diff --cc wolnelektury/
index b597e3347,826abb2ca..4184c4e66
--- a/wolnelektury/
+++ b/wolnelektury/
@@@ -152,7 -151,10 +153,8 @@@ INSTALLED_APPS = 
 +    'picture',
+     'search',
 -    #
 -    'django_nose',
  #CACHE_BACKEND = 'locmem:///?max_entries=3000'
diff --cc wolnelektury/templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html
index 1eea6fc3b,dc3696ece..15c5d71d9
--- a/wolnelektury/templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html
+++ b/wolnelektury/templates/catalogue/search_multiple_hits.html
@@@ -7,8 -7,37 +7,35 @@@
  {% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %}
  {% block body %}
 -    <form action="{% url search %}" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8" id="search-form">
 -        <p>{{ form.q }} <input type="submit" value="{% trans "Search" %}" /> <strong>{% trans "or" %}</strong> <a href="{% url main_page %}">{% trans "return to main page" %}</a></p>
 -    </form>
 +    <h1>{% trans "Search" %}</h1>
+     <div id="results">
+       <ol>
+       {% for result in results %}
+       <li>
+ 	<p><a href="{{}}">{{}}</a> (id: {{result.book_id}}, score: {{result.score}})</p>
+ 	<ul>
+ 	  {% for hit in result.process_hits %}
+ 	  <li>
+ 	    {% if hit.fragment %}
+ 	    <div style="">Tagi/Motywy: {% for tag in hit.themes %}{{}} {% endfor %}</div>
+ 	    {% endif %}
+ 	    {% for snip in hit.snippets %}
+ 	      {{snip|safe}}<br/>
+ 	    {% endfor %}
+ 	  </li>
+ 	  {% endfor %}
+ 	</ul>
+       </li>
+       {% empty %}
+       <p>No results.</p>
+       {% endfor %}
+       </ol>
+     </div>
+ {% comment %}
      <div id="books-list">
          <p>{% trans "More than one result matching the criteria found." %}</p>
          <ul class='matches'>
@@@ -23,5 -52,12 +50,6 @@@
          {% endfor %}
+ {% endcomment %}
- {% endblock %}
 -    <div id="set-window">
 -        <div class="header"><a href="#" class="jqmClose">{% trans "Close" %}</a></div>
 -        <div class="target">
 -            <p><img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}img/indicator.gif" alt="*"/> {% trans "Loading" %}</p>
 -        </div>
 -    </div>
+ {% endblock %}