From: Radek Czajka <>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 13:38:02 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Remove stuff.

Remove stuff.

diff --git a/src/catalogue/management/commands/ b/src/catalogue/management/commands/
index 866a7d0d1..b851b06d3 100644
--- a/src/catalogue/management/commands/
+++ b/src/catalogue/management/commands/
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
     def handle(self, **options):
         from catalogue.models import Book
-        from picture.models import Picture
         from urllib.request import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
         from django.urls import reverse
         from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
@@ -25,14 +24,6 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
-            (
-                Picture,
-                [
-                    ('wiki_link', lambda p: p.wiki_link),
-                    ('źródło', lambda p: p.get_extra_info_json().get('source_url')),
-                ],
-                'admin:pictures_picture_change'
-            )
         for model, model_fields, admin_name in fields:
diff --git a/src/catalogue/templates/catalogue/author_detail.html b/src/catalogue/templates/catalogue/author_detail.html
index 278d33232..4e9021f28 100644
--- a/src/catalogue/templates/catalogue/author_detail.html
+++ b/src/catalogue/templates/catalogue/author_detail.html
@@ -1,31 +1,15 @@
 {% extends 'base.html' %}
 {% load i18n %}
-{% load catalogue_tags %}
-{% load choose_cites from social_tags %}
 {% block breadcrumbs %}
   <a href="/katalog/"><span>{% trans "Katalog" %}</span></a>
-  {% if tags %}
-    <a href="{{ main_tag.get_absolute_catalogue_url }}"><span>{{ main_tag.get_category_display|title }}</span></a>
-  {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
 {% block main %}
   <div class="l-section">
     <div class="l-author__header">
-      {% if %}
-        <figure>
-          <img src="{{ }}" alt="{{ }}">
-        </figure>
-      {% endif %}
-        {% if main_tag %}
-          {{ }}
-        {% else %}
-          {{ title }}
-        {% endif %}
@@ -35,17 +19,6 @@
       <div class="l-books__input">
         <i class="icon icon-filter"></i>
         <input type="text" placeholder="{% trans 'filtry, tytuł' %}" class="quick-filter" data-for="book-list" data-filters="with-filter">
-        <div class="filter-container">
-          {% for tag in tags %}
-            {% if tag is not main_tag %}
-              <span class="filter filter-category-{{ tag.category }}">
-                <a href="{% catalogue_url list_type tag %}">{{ tag }}</a>
-                <a href="{% catalogue_url list_type tags -tag %}">✖</a>
-              </span>
-            {% endif %}
-          {% endfor %}
-        </div>
       <div class="l-books__sorting">
         <span>{% trans "Sortuj:" %}</span>
@@ -60,12 +33,11 @@
   <div class="with-filter">
     <div class="row">
-      <h2>{% nice_title_from_tags tags categories %}</h2>
       {% if suggest %}
         <div class="filter-container">
           {% for tag in suggest %}
             <span class="filter filter-category-{{ tag.category }}">
-              <a href="{% catalogue_url list_type tags tag %}">{{ tag }}</a>
+              <a href="{{ tag.get_absolute_url }}">{{ tag }}</a>
           {% endfor %}
@@ -81,29 +53,4 @@
-  {% if tags %}
-    <section class="l-section">
-      <div class="l-author">
-        {% with tag=main_tag %}
-          {% include 'catalogue/author_box.html' %}
-        {% endwith %}
-        {% choose_cites 3 author=main_tag as cites %}
-        {% if cites %}
-          <div class="row">
-            <div class="l-author__quotes">
-              <div class="l-author__quotes__slider">
-                {% for fragment in cites %}
-                  <div class="l-author__quotes__slider__item">
-                    {% include "catalogue/fragment_slider_box.html" %}
-                  </div>
-                {% endfor %}
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        {% endif %}
-      </div>
-    </section>
-    {% endif %}
 {% endblock %}
diff --git a/src/catalogue/templatetags/ b/src/catalogue/templatetags/
index ddda97998..d2298d9f5 100644
--- a/src/catalogue/templatetags/
+++ b/src/catalogue/templatetags/
@@ -256,16 +256,12 @@ class CatalogueURLNode(Node):
         if len(tag_slugs) > 0:
-            if list_type == 'gallery':
-                return reverse('tagged_object_list_gallery', kwargs={'tags': '/'.join(tag_slugs)})
-            elif list_type == 'audiobooks':
+            if list_type == 'audiobooks':
                 return reverse('tagged_object_list_audiobooks', kwargs={'tags': '/'.join(tag_slugs)})
                 return reverse('tagged_object_list', kwargs={'tags': '/'.join(tag_slugs)})
-            if list_type == 'gallery':
-                return reverse('gallery')
-            elif list_type == 'audiobooks':
+            if list_type == 'audiobooks':
                 return reverse('audiobook_list')
                 return reverse('book_list')
diff --git a/src/catalogue/ b/src/catalogue/
index e8808b4de..3c4a55fe9 100644
--- a/src/catalogue/
+++ b/src/catalogue/
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ def catalogue(request):
     return render(request, 'catalogue/catalogue.html', {
         'books': Book.objects.filter(findable=True, parent=None),
         'collections': Collection.objects.filter(listed=True),
-        'active_menu_item': 'all_works',
@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ def collection(request, slug):
     template_name = 'catalogue/collection.html'
     return render(request, template_name, {
         'collection': coll,
-        'active_menu_item': 'collections',
@@ -287,42 +285,30 @@ class TaggedObjectList(BookList):
-def object_list(request, objects, fragments=None, related_tags=None, tags=None,
-                list_type='books', extra=None):
-    if not tags:
-        tags = []
-    tag_ids = [ for tag in tags]
+def object_list(request, objects, list_type='books'):
     related_tag_lists = []
-    if related_tags:
-        related_tag_lists.append(related_tags)
-    else:
+    if True:
                 objects, counts=True
-            ).exclude(category='set').exclude(pk__in=tag_ids))
+            ).exclude(category='set'))
         if request.user.is_authenticated:
                     objects, counts=True
-                ).exclude(name='').exclude(pk__in=tag_ids)
+                ).exclude(name='')
-    if not (extra and extra.get('theme_is_set')):
-        if fragments is None:
-            if list_type == 'gallery':
-                fragments = PictureArea.objects.filter(picture__in=objects)
-            else:
-                fragments = Fragment.objects.filter(book__in=objects)
+    if True:
+        fragments = Fragment.objects.filter(book__in=objects)
                 fragments, counts=True
-            ).filter(category='theme').exclude(pk__in=tag_ids)
+            ).filter(category='theme')
             .only('name', 'sort_key', 'category', 'slug'))
         if isinstance(objects, QuerySet):
             objects = prefetch_relations(objects, 'author')
     categories = split_tags(*related_tag_lists)
     suggest = []
@@ -331,36 +317,13 @@ def object_list(request, objects, fragments=None, related_tags=None, tags=None,
     objects = list(objects)
-    if not objects and len(tags) == 1 and list_type == 'books':
-        if PictureArea.tagged.with_any(tags).exists() or Picture.tagged.with_any(tags).exists():
-            return redirect('tagged_object_list_gallery', '/'.join(tag.url_chunk for tag in tags))
-    if len(objects) > 3:
-        best = random.sample(objects, 3)
-    else:
-        best = objects
     result = {
         'object_list': objects,
-        'categories': categories,
         'suggest': suggest,
         'list_type': list_type,
-        'tags': tags,
-        'main_tag': tags[0] if tags else None,
-        'formats_form': forms.DownloadFormatsForm(),
-        'best': best,
-        'active_menu_item': list_type,
-    if extra:
-        result.update(extra)
-    has_theme = any(((theme := x).category == 'theme' for x in tags))
-    if has_theme:
-        result['main_tag'] = theme
-        template = 'catalogue/theme_detail.html'
-    else:
-        template = 'catalogue/author_detail.html'
+    template = 'catalogue/author_detail.html'
     return render(
         request, template, result,
@@ -401,74 +364,8 @@ def analyse_tags(request, tag_str):
     return tags
-def theme_list(request, tags, list_type):
-    shelf_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category == 'set']
-    fragment_tags = [tag for tag in tags if tag.category != 'set']
-    if list_type == 'gallery':
-        fragments = PictureArea.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
-    else:
-        fragments = Fragment.tagged.with_all(fragment_tags)
-    if shelf_tags:
-        # TODO: Pictures on shelves not supported yet.
-        books = Book.tagged.with_all(shelf_tags).order_by()
-        fragments = fragments.filter(Q(book__in=books) | Q(book__ancestor__in=books))
-    elif list_type == 'books':
-        fragments = fragments.filter(book__findable=True)
-    if not fragments and len(tags) == 1 and list_type == 'books':
-        if PictureArea.tagged.with_any(tags).exists() or Picture.tagged.with_any(tags).exists():
-            return redirect('tagged_object_list_gallery', '/'.join(tag.url_chunk for tag in tags))
-    return object_list(request, fragments, tags=tags, list_type=list_type, extra={
-        'theme_is_set': True,
-        'active_menu_item': 'theme',
-    })
 def tagged_object_list(request, tags, list_type):
-    if list_type in ('books', 'audiobooks'):
-        return TaggedObjectList.as_view()(request, tags=tags)
-    try:
-        tags = analyse_tags(request, tags)
-    except ResponseInstead as e:
-        return e.response
-    if list_type == 'gallery' and any(tag.category == 'set' for tag in tags):
-        raise Http404
-    if any(tag.category in ('theme', 'thing') for tag in tags):
-        return theme_list(request, tags, list_type=list_type)
-    if list_type == 'books':
-        books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags)
-        if any(tag.category == 'set' for tag in tags):
-            params = {'objects': books}
-        else:
-            books = books.filter(findable=True)
-            params = {
-                'objects': Book.tagged_top_level(tags).filter(findable=True),
-                'fragments': Fragment.objects.filter(book__in=books),
-                'related_tags': get_top_level_related_tags(tags),
-            }
-    elif list_type == 'gallery':
-        params = {'objects': Picture.tagged.with_all(tags)}
-    elif list_type == 'audiobooks':
-        audiobooks = Book.objects.filter(findable=True, media__type__in=('mp3', 'ogg')).distinct()
-        params = {
-            'objects': Book.tagged.with_all(tags, audiobooks),
-            'extra': {
-                'daisy': Book.tagged.with_all(
-                    tags, audiobooks.filter(media__type='daisy').distinct()
-                ),
-            }
-        }
-    else:
-        raise Http404
-    return object_list(request, tags=tags, list_type=list_type, **params)
+    return TaggedObjectList.as_view()(request, tags=tags)
 def book_fragments(request, slug, theme_slug):
@@ -485,7 +382,6 @@ def book_fragments(request, slug, theme_slug):
             'book': book,
             'theme': theme,
             'fragments': fragments,
-            'active_menu_item': 'books',
@@ -503,7 +399,6 @@ def book_detail(request, slug):
             'book': book,
             'accessible': book.is_accessible_to(request.user),
             'book_children': book.children.all().order_by('parent_number', 'sort_key'),
-            'active_menu_item': 'books',
             'club': Club.objects.first() if book.preview else None,
             'donation_form': DonationStep1Form(),
@@ -647,7 +542,6 @@ def tag_catalogue(request, category):
         'best': best,
         'title': constants.CATEGORIES_NAME_PLURAL[category],
         'whole_category': constants.WHOLE_CATEGORY[category],
-        'active_menu_item': 'theme' if category == 'theme' else None,
@@ -663,7 +557,6 @@ def collections(request):
     return render(request, template_name, {
         'objects': objects,
         'best': best,
-        'active_menu_item': 'collections'