has_html_file.short_description = 'HTML'
has_html_file.boolean = True
+ def build_epub(self, remove_descendants=True):
+ """ (Re)builds the epub file.
+ If book has a parent, does nothing.
+ Unless remove_descendants is False, descendants' epubs are removed.
+ """
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+ from hashlib import sha1
+ from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
+ from librarian import DocProvider
+ class BookImportDocProvider(DocProvider):
+ """ used for joined EPUBs """
+ def __init__(self, book):
+ self.book = book
+ def by_slug(self, slug):
+ if slug == self.book.slug:
+ return self.book.xml_file
+ else:
+ return Book.objects.get(slug=slug).xml_file
+ if self.parent:
+ # don't need an epub
+ return
+ epub_file = StringIO()
+ try:
+ epub.transform(BookImportDocProvider(self), self.slug, epub_file)
+ self.epub_file.save('%s.epub' % self.slug, ContentFile(epub_file.getvalue()), save=False)
+ FileRecord(slug=self.slug, type='epub', sha1=sha1(epub_file.getvalue()).hexdigest()).save()
+ except NoDublinCore:
+ pass
+ if remove_descendants:
+ book_descendants = list(self.children.all())
+ while len(book_descendants) > 0:
+ child_book = book_descendants.pop(0)
+ if child_book.has_epub_file():
+ child_book.epub_file.delete()
+ book_descendants += list(child_book.children.all())
def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, overwrite=False):
# use librarian to parse meta-data
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from slughifi import slughifi
from markupstring import MarkupString
- from hashlib import sha1
- from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
from django.core.files.storage import default_storage
- from StringIO import StringIO
- from librarian import DocProvider
- class BookImportDocProvider(DocProvider):
- """ used for joined EPUBs """
- def __init__(self, book):
- self.book = book
- def by_slug(self, slug):
- if slug == self.book.slug:
- return self.book.xml_file
- else:
- return Book.objects.get(slug=slug).xml_file
# Read book metadata
book_base, book_slug = book_info.url.rsplit('/', 1)
new_fragment.tags = set(book_tags + themes + [book_tag])
- # Create EPUB
- epub_file = StringIO()
- try:
- epub.transform(BookImportDocProvider(book), book.slug, epub_file)
- book.epub_file.save('%s.epub' % book.slug, ContentFile(epub_file.getvalue()), save=False)
- FileRecord(slug=book.slug, type='epub', sha1=sha1(epub_file.getvalue()).hexdigest()).save()
- except NoDublinCore:
- pass
+ book.build_epub(remove_descendants=False)
- delete_epubs = book.has_epub_file()
book_descendants = list(book.children.all())
# add l-tag to descendants and their fragments
# delete unnecessary EPUB files
while len(book_descendants) > 0:
child_book = book_descendants.pop(0)
child_book.tags = list(child_book.tags) + [book_tag]
- if delete_epubs:
+ if child_book.has_epub_file():
for fragment in child_book.fragments.all():