+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import csv
+import json
+from django.contrib import admin
+from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _
+from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
+from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
+from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404
+from wolnelektury.utils import UnicodeCSVWriter
+from .forms import contact_forms, admin_list_width
+from .models import Contact
+class ContactAdminMeta(admin.ModelAdmin.__class__):
+ def __getattr__(cls, name):
+ if name.startswith('admin_list_'):
+ return lambda self: ""
+ raise AttributeError(name)
+class ContactAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
+ __metaclass__ = ContactAdminMeta
+ date_hierarchy = 'created_at'
+ list_display = ['created_at', 'contact', 'form_tag'] + \
+ ["admin_list_%d" % i for i in range(admin_list_width)]
+ fields = ['form_tag', 'created_at', 'contact', 'ip']
+ readonly_fields = ['form_tag', 'created_at', 'contact', 'ip']
+ list_filter = ['form_tag']
+ @staticmethod
+ def admin_list(obj, nr):
+ try:
+ field_name = contact_forms[obj.form_tag].admin_list[nr]
+ except BaseException:
+ return ''
+ else:
+ return Contact.pretty_print(obj.body.get(field_name, ''), for_html=True)
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ if name.startswith('admin_list_'):
+ nr = int(name[len('admin_list_'):])
+ return lambda obj: self.admin_list(obj, nr)
+ raise AttributeError(name)
+ def change_view(self, request, object_id, form_url='', extra_context=None):
+ if object_id:
+ try:
+ instance = Contact.objects.get(pk=object_id)
+ assert isinstance(instance.body, dict)
+ except (Contact.DoesNotExist, AssertionError):
+ pass
+ else:
+ # Create readonly fields from the body JSON.
+ attachments = list(instance.attachment_set.all())
+ body_keys = instance.body.keys() + [a.tag for a in attachments]
+ # Find the original form.
+ try:
+ orig_fields = contact_forms[instance.form_tag]().fields
+ except KeyError:
+ orig_fields = {}
+ # Try to preserve the original order.
+ orig_keys = list(orig_fields.keys())
+ admin_keys = [key for key in orig_keys if key in body_keys] + \
+ [key for key in body_keys if key not in orig_keys]
+ admin_fields = ['body__%s' % key for key in admin_keys]
+ self.readonly_fields.extend(admin_fields)
+ self.fieldsets = [
+ (None, {'fields': self.fields}),
+ (_('Body'), {'fields': admin_fields}),
+ ]
+ # Create field getters for fields and attachments.
+ def attach_getter(key, value):
+ def f(self):
+ return value
+ f.short_description = orig_fields[key].label if key in orig_fields else _(key)
+ setattr(self, "body__%s" % key, f)
+ for k, v in instance.body.items():
+ attach_getter(k, Contact.pretty_print(v, for_html=True))
+ download_link = "<a href='%(url)s'>%(url)s</a>"
+ for attachment in attachments:
+ link = mark_safe(download_link % {
+ 'url': attachment.get_absolute_url()})
+ attach_getter(attachment.tag, link)
+ return super(ContactAdmin, self).change_view(
+ request, object_id, form_url=form_url, extra_context=extra_context)
+ def changelist_view(self, request, extra_context=None):
+ context = dict()
+ if 'form_tag' in request.GET:
+ form = contact_forms.get(request.GET['form_tag'])
+ context['extract_types'] = [
+ {'slug': 'all', 'label': _('all')},
+ {'slug': 'contacts', 'label': _('contacts')}]
+ context['extract_types'] += [type for type in getattr(form, 'extract_types', [])]
+ return super(ContactAdmin, self).changelist_view(request, extra_context=context)
+ def get_urls(self):
+ # urls = super(ContactAdmin, self).get_urls()
+ return patterns(
+ '',
+ url(r'^extract/(?P<form_tag>[\w-]+)/(?P<extract_type_slug>[\w-]+)/$',
+ self.admin_site.admin_view(extract_view), name='contact_extract')
+ ) + super(ContactAdmin, self).get_urls()
+def extract_view(request, form_tag, extract_type_slug):
+ contacts_by_spec = dict()
+ form = contact_forms.get(form_tag)
+ if form is None and extract_type_slug not in ('contacts', 'all'):
+ raise Http404
+ q = Contact.objects.filter(form_tag=form_tag)
+ at_year = request.GET.get('created_at__year')
+ at_month = request.GET.get('created_at__month')
+ if at_year:
+ q = q.filter(created_at__year=at_year)
+ if at_month:
+ q = q.filter(created_at__month=at_month)
+ # Segregate contacts by body key sets
+ if form:
+ orig_keys = list(form().fields.keys())
+ else:
+ orig_keys = []
+ for contact in q.all():
+ if extract_type_slug == 'contacts':
+ keys = ['contact']
+ elif extract_type_slug == 'all':
+ keys = contact.body.keys() + ['contact']
+ keys = [key for key in orig_keys if key in keys] + [key for key in keys if key not in orig_keys]
+ else:
+ keys = form.get_extract_fields(contact, extract_type_slug)
+ contacts_by_spec.setdefault(tuple(keys), []).append(contact)
+ response = HttpResponse(content_type='text/csv')
+ csv_writer = UnicodeCSVWriter(response)
+ # Generate list for each body key set
+ for keys, contacts in contacts_by_spec.items():
+ csv_writer.writerow(keys)
+ for contact in contacts:
+ if extract_type_slug == 'contacts':
+ records = [dict(contact=contact.contact)]
+ elif extract_type_slug == 'all':
+ records = [dict(contact=contact.contact, **contact.body)]
+ else:
+ records = form.get_extract_records(keys, contact, extract_type_slug)
+ for record in records:
+ for key in keys:
+ if key not in record:
+ record[key] = ''
+ if isinstance(record[key], basestring):
+ pass
+ elif isinstance(record[key], bool):
+ record[key] = 'tak' if record[key] else 'nie'
+ elif isinstance(record[key], (list, tuple)) and all(isinstance(v, basestring) for v in record[key]):
+ record[key] = ', '.join(record[key])
+ else:
+ record[key] = json.dumps(record[key])
+ csv_writer.writerow([record[key] for key in keys])
+ csv_writer.writerow([])
+ response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="kontakt.csv"'
+ return response
+admin.site.register(Contact, ContactAdmin)