X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/wolnelektury.git/blobdiff_plain/f29c8cb6c8bb788fe4dcd93f59dee829d1281c69..95540212503565ab22fe706bab0c9dd80b14d61e:/src/picture/models.py?ds=inline

diff --git a/src/picture/models.py b/src/picture/models.py
index f496726a3..4d8dac819 100644
--- a/src/picture/models.py
+++ b/src/picture/models.py
@@ -9,11 +9,13 @@ from sorl.thumbnail import ImageField
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation
 from django.core.files.storage import FileSystemStorage
-from django.utils.datastructures import SortedDict
-from fnpdjango.utils.text.slughifi import slughifi
+from slugify import slugify
 from ssify import flush_ssi_includes
+from catalogue.models.tag import prefetched_relations
+from catalogue.utils import split_tags
 from picture import tasks
-from StringIO import StringIO
+from io import BytesIO
 import jsonfield
 import itertools
 import logging
@@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
     class Meta:
-        ordering = ('sort_key',)
+        ordering = ('sort_key_author', 'sort_key')
         verbose_name = _('picture')
         verbose_name_plural = _('pictures')
@@ -112,8 +114,8 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
         self.sort_key = sortify(self.title)[:120]
-            author = self.tags.filter(category='author')[0].sort_key
-        except IndexError:
+            author = self.authors().first().sort_key
+        except AttributeError:
             author = u''
         self.sort_key_author = author
@@ -121,18 +123,28 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
         return ret
-    def __unicode__(self):
+    def __str__(self):
         return self.title
-    def author_str(self):
-        return ", ".join(str(t) for t in self.tags.filter(category='author'))
+    def authors(self):
+        return self.tags.filter(category='author')
+    def tag_unicode(self, category):
+        relations = prefetched_relations(self, category)
+        if relations:
+            return ', '.join(rel.tag.name for rel in relations)
+        else:
+            return ', '.join(self.tags.filter(category=category).values_list('name', flat=True))
     def author_unicode(self):
-        return ", ".join(unicode(t) for t in self.tags.filter(category='author'))
+        return self.tag_unicode('author')
+    def tags_by_category(self):
+        return split_tags(self.tags)
     def get_absolute_url(self):
-        return 'picture.views.picture_detail', [self.slug]
+        return 'picture_detail', [self.slug]
     def get_initial(self):
@@ -153,7 +165,7 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
             return None
-    def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, image_file=None, image_store=None, overwrite=False):
+    def from_xml_file(cls, xml_file, image_file=None, image_store=None, overwrite=False, search_index=True):
         Import xml and it's accompanying image file.
         If image file is missing, it will be fetched by librarian.picture.ImageStore
@@ -167,7 +179,7 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
         close_image_file = False
         if image_file is not None and not isinstance(image_file, File):
-            image_file = File(open(image_file))
+            image_file = File(open(image_file, 'rb'))
             close_image_file = True
         if not isinstance(xml_file, File):
@@ -185,12 +197,14 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
                 raise Picture.AlreadyExists('Picture %s already exists' % picture_xml.slug)
-            picture.title = unicode(picture_xml.picture_info.title)
+            picture.title = str(picture_xml.picture_info.title)
             picture.extra_info = picture_xml.picture_info.to_dict()
             picture_tags = set(catalogue.models.Tag.tags_from_info(picture_xml.picture_info))
-            motif_tags = set()
-            thing_tags = set()
+            for tag in picture_tags:
+                if not tag.for_pictures:
+                    tag.for_pictures = True
+                    tag.save()
             area_data = {'themes': {}, 'things': {}}
@@ -204,36 +218,47 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
                 if part.get('object', None) is not None:
                     _tags = set()
                     for objname in part['object'].split(','):
-                        objname = objname.strip().capitalize()
+                        objname = objname.strip()
+                        assert objname, 'Empty object name'
+                        # str.capitalize() is wrong, because it also lowers letters
+                        objname = objname[0].upper() + objname[1:]
                         tag, created = catalogue.models.Tag.objects.get_or_create(
-                            slug=slughifi(objname), category='thing')
+                            slug=slugify(objname), category='thing')
                         if created:
                             tag.name = objname
                             setattr(tag, 'name_%s' % lang, tag.name)
                             tag.sort_key = sortify(tag.name)
+                            tag.for_pictures = True
-                        # thing_tags.add(tag)
                         area_data['things'][tag.slug] = {
                             'object': objname,
                             'coords': part['coords'],
+                        if not tag.for_pictures:
+                            tag.for_pictures = True
+                            tag.save()
                     area = PictureArea.rectangle(picture, 'thing', part['coords'])
+                    # WTF thing area does not inherit tags from picture and theme area does, is it intentional?
                     area.tags = _tags
                     _tags = set()
                     for motifs in part['themes']:
                         for motif in motifs.split(','):
                             tag, created = catalogue.models.Tag.objects.get_or_create(
-                                slug=slughifi(motif), category='theme')
+                                slug=slugify(motif), category='theme')
                             if created:
                                 tag.name = motif
                                 tag.sort_key = sortify(tag.name)
+                                tag.for_pictures = True
                             # motif_tags.add(tag)
+                            if not tag.for_pictures:
+                                tag.for_pictures = True
+                                tag.save()
                             area_data['themes'][tag.slug] = {
                                 'theme': motif,
                                 'coords': part['coords']
@@ -244,7 +269,7 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
                     area.tags = _tags.union(picture_tags)
-            picture.tags = picture_tags.union(motif_tags).union(thing_tags)
+            picture.tags = picture_tags
             picture.areas_json = area_data
             if image_file is not None:
@@ -257,7 +282,7 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
             picture.width, picture.height = modified.size
-            modified_file = StringIO()
+            modified_file = BytesIO()
             modified.save(modified_file, format='JPEG', quality=95)
             # FIXME: hardcoded extension - detect from DC format or orginal filename
             picture.image_file.save(path.basename(picture_xml.image_path), File(modified_file))
@@ -265,6 +290,8 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
             picture.xml_file.save("%s.xml" % picture.slug, File(xml_file))
+            if not settings.NO_SEARCH_INDEX and search_index:
+                tasks.index_picture.delay(picture.id, picture_info=picture_xml.picture_info)
         if close_xml_file:
@@ -298,33 +325,6 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
         annotated.paste(annotation.resize((img.size[0], 40), Image.ANTIALIAS), (0, img.size[1]))
         return annotated
-    # WTF/unused
-    @classmethod
-    def picture_list(cls, filter=None):
-        """Generates a hierarchical listing of all pictures
-        Pictures are optionally filtered with a test function.
-        """
-        pics = cls.objects.all().order_by('sort_key').only('title', 'slug', 'image_file')
-        if filter:
-            pics = pics.filter(filter).distinct()
-        pics_by_author = SortedDict()
-        orphans = []
-        for tag in catalogue.models.Tag.objects.filter(category='author'):
-            pics_by_author[tag] = []
-        for pic in pics.iterator():
-            authors = list(pic.tags.filter(category='author'))
-            if authors:
-                for author in authors:
-                    pics_by_author[author].append(pic)
-            else:
-                orphans.append(pic)
-        return pics_by_author, orphans
     def info(self):
         if not hasattr(self, '_info'):
@@ -335,9 +335,7 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
         return self._info
     def pretty_title(self, html_links=False):
-        picture = self
-        names = [(tag.name, tag.get_absolute_url())
-                 for tag in self.tags.filter(category='author')]
+        names = [(tag.name, tag.get_absolute_url()) for tag in self.authors().only('name', 'category', 'slug')]
         names.append((self.title, self.get_absolute_url()))
         if html_links:
@@ -363,3 +361,17 @@ class Picture(models.Model):
             for lang in languages
+    def search_index(self, picture_info=None, index=None, index_tags=True, commit=True):
+        if index is None:
+            from search.index import Index
+            index = Index()
+        try:
+            index.index_picture(self, picture_info)
+            if index_tags:
+                index.index_tags()
+            if commit:
+                index.index.commit()
+        except Exception as e:
+            index.index.rollback()
+            raise e