X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/wolnelektury.git/blobdiff_plain/ac05eb781dae22cef8d2d08f5b039e18b3274344..b2a3e85b4263abc3a7c59452a5ba73ebbd67fe48:/src/api/handlers.py

diff --git a/src/api/handlers.py b/src/api/handlers.py
index 35a300901..eb18e0502 100644
--- a/src/api/handlers.py
+++ b/src/api/handlers.py
@@ -6,24 +6,34 @@ import json
 from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+from django.db.models import Q
+from django.http.response import HttpResponse
 from django.utils.functional import lazy
+from django.db import models
+from migdal.models import Entry
 from piston.handler import AnonymousBaseHandler, BaseHandler
 from piston.utils import rc
 from sorl.thumbnail import default
+from api.models import BookUserData
 from catalogue.forms import BookImportForm
 from catalogue.models import Book, Tag, BookMedia, Fragment, Collection
 from catalogue.models.tag import prefetch_relations
+from librarian.cover import WLCover
+from paypal.rest import user_is_subscribed
 from picture.models import Picture
 from picture.forms import PictureImportForm
+from social.utils import likes
 from stats.utils import piwik_track
+from wolnelektury.utils import re_escape
 from . import emitters  # Register our emitters
-    lambda: u'http://' + Site.objects.get_current().domain, unicode)()
+    lambda: u'https://' + Site.objects.get_current().domain, unicode)()
 category_singular = {
     'authors': 'author',
@@ -39,6 +49,9 @@ for k, v in category_singular.items():
 book_tag_categories = ['author', 'epoch', 'kind', 'genre']
+book_list_fields = book_tag_categories + [
+    'href', 'title', 'url', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'slug', 'simple_thumb', 'has_audio', 'cover_color', 'full_sort_key']
 def read_tags(tags, request, allowed):
     """ Reads a path of filtering tags.
@@ -144,9 +157,39 @@ class BookDetails(object):
                     book.cover, "139x193").url if book.cover else ''
-    def cover_source_image(cls, book):
-        url = book.cover_source()
-        return url.rstrip('/') + '/file/'
+    def simple_thumb(cls, book):
+        return MEDIA_BASE + book.cover_api_thumb.url if book.cover_api_thumb else ''
+    @classmethod
+    def simple_cover(cls, book):
+        return MEDIA_BASE + book.simple_cover.url if book.simple_cover else ''
+    @classmethod
+    def cover_color(cls, book):
+        return WLCover.epoch_colors.get(book.extra_info.get('epoch'), '#000000')
+    @classmethod
+    def full_sort_key(cls, book):
+        return '%s%s%s%s%s' % (book.sort_key_author, SORT_KEY_SEP, book.sort_key, SORT_KEY_SEP, book.id)
+    @staticmethod
+    def books_after(books, after, new_api):
+        if not new_api:
+            return books.filter(slug__gt=after)
+        try:
+            author, title, book_id = after.split(SORT_KEY_SEP)
+        except ValueError:
+            return Book.objects.none()
+        return books.filter(Q(sort_key_author__gt=author)
+                            | (Q(sort_key_author=author) & Q(sort_key__gt=title))
+                            | (Q(sort_key_author=author) & Q(sort_key=title) & Q(id__gt=int(book_id))))
+    @staticmethod
+    def order_books(books, new_api):
+        if new_api:
+            return books.order_by('sort_key_author', 'sort_key', 'id')
+        else:
+            return books.order_by('slug')
 class BookDetailHandler(BaseHandler, BookDetails):
@@ -156,7 +199,8 @@ class BookDetailHandler(BaseHandler, BookDetails):
     allowed_methods = ['GET']
     fields = ['title', 'parent', 'children'] + Book.formats + [
-        'media', 'url', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'fragment_data'] + [
+        'media', 'url', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'simple_thumb', 'simple_cover', 'fragment_data', 'audio_length',
+        'preview', 'cover_color'] + [
             category_plural[c] for c in book_tag_categories]
@@ -175,7 +219,7 @@ class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
     allowed_methods = ('GET',)
     model = Book
-    fields = book_tag_categories + ['href', 'title', 'url', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'slug']
+    fields = book_list_fields
     def genres(cls, book):
@@ -185,7 +229,7 @@ class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
     def read(self, request, tags=None, top_level=False, audiobooks=False, daisy=False, pk=None,
              recommended=False, newest=False, books=None,
-             after=None, before=None, count=None):
+             after=None, count=None):
         """ Lists all books with given tags.
         :param tags: filtering tags; should be a path of categories
@@ -205,10 +249,9 @@ class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
         except ValueError:
             return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        new_api = request.GET.get('new_api')
         if 'after' in request.GET:
             after = request.GET['after']
-        if 'before' in request.GET:
-            before = request.GET['before']
         if 'count' in request.GET:
             count = request.GET['count']
@@ -220,7 +263,7 @@ class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
                 books = Book.tagged.with_all(tags)
             books = books if books is not None else Book.objects.all()
-        books = books.order_by('slug')
+        books = self.order_books(books, new_api)
         if top_level:
             books = books.filter(parent=None)
@@ -234,19 +277,17 @@ class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
             books = books.order_by('-created_at')
         if after:
-            books = books.filter(slug__gt=after)
-        if before:
-            books = books.filter(slug__lt=before)
+            books = self.books_after(books, after, new_api)
-        books = books.only('slug', 'title', 'cover', 'cover_thumb')
+        if new_api:
+            books = books.only('slug', 'title', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'sort_key', 'sort_key_author')
+        else:
+            books = books.only('slug', 'title', 'cover', 'cover_thumb')
         for category in book_tag_categories:
             books = prefetch_relations(books, category)
         if count:
-            if before:
-                books = list(reversed(books.order_by('-slug')[:count]))
-            else:
-                books = books[:count]
+            books = books[:count]
         return books
@@ -257,9 +298,23 @@ class AnonymousBooksHandler(AnonymousBaseHandler, BookDetails):
 class BooksHandler(BookDetailHandler):
     allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
     model = Book
-    fields = book_tag_categories + ['href', 'title', 'url', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'slug']
+    fields = book_list_fields + ['liked']
     anonymous = AnonymousBooksHandler
+    # hack, because piston is stupid
+    @classmethod
+    def liked(cls, book):
+        return getattr(book, 'liked', None)
+    def read(self, request, **kwargs):
+        books = AnonymousBooksHandler().read(request, **kwargs)
+        likes = set(Book.tagged.with_any(request.user.tag_set.all()).values_list('id', flat=True))
+        new_books = [
+            BookProxy(book).set('liked', book.id in likes)
+            for book in books]
+        return QuerySetProxy(new_books)
     def create(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
         if not request.user.has_perm('catalogue.add_book'):
             return rc.FORBIDDEN
@@ -273,29 +328,66 @@ class BooksHandler(BookDetailHandler):
             return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class EpubHandler(BookDetailHandler):
+    def read(self, request, slug):
+        if not user_is_subscribed(request.user):
+            return rc.FORBIDDEN
+        try:
+            book = Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
+        except Book.DoesNotExist:
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        response = HttpResponse(book.get_media('epub'))
+        return response
 class EBooksHandler(AnonymousBooksHandler):
     fields = ('author', 'href', 'title', 'cover') + tuple(Book.ebook_formats) + ('slug',)
-class FilterBooksHandler(AnonymousBooksHandler):
-    fields = book_tag_categories + [
-        'href', 'title', 'url', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'key', 'cover_source_image']
+class BookProxy(models.Model):
+    class Meta:
+        managed = False
+    def __init__(self, book, key=None):
+        self.book = book
+        self.key = key
+    def set(self, attr, value):
+        self.__setattr__(attr, value)
+        return self
+    def __getattr__(self, item):
+        return self.book.__getattribute__(item)
+class QuerySetProxy(models.QuerySet):
+    def __init__(self, l):
+        self.list = l
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.list)
+class AnonFilterBooksHandler(AnonymousBooksHandler):
+    fields = book_list_fields + ['key']
+    def parse_bool(self, s):
+        if s in ('true', 'false'):
+            return s == 'true'
+        else:
+            return None
     def read(self, request):
         key_sep = '$'
         search_string = request.GET.get('search')
-        is_lektura = request.GET.get('lektura')
-        is_audiobook = request.GET.get('audiobook')
+        is_lektura = self.parse_bool(request.GET.get('lektura'))
+        is_audiobook = self.parse_bool(request.GET.get('audiobook'))
+        preview = self.parse_bool(request.GET.get('preview'))
+        new_api = request.GET.get('new_api')
         after = request.GET.get('after')
-        count = request.GET.get('count', 50)
-        if is_lektura in ('true', 'false'):
-            is_lektura = is_lektura == 'true'
-        else:
-            is_lektura = None
-        if is_audiobook in ('true', 'false'):
-            is_audiobook = is_audiobook == 'true'
-        books = Book.objects.distinct().order_by('slug')
+        count = int(request.GET.get('count', 50))
+        books = self.order_books(Book.objects.distinct(), new_api)
         if is_lektura is not None:
             books = books.filter(has_audience=is_lektura)
         if is_audiobook is not None:
@@ -303,6 +395,8 @@ class FilterBooksHandler(AnonymousBooksHandler):
                 books = books.filter(media__type='mp3')
                 books = books.exclude(media__type='mp3')
+        if preview is not None:
+            books = books.filter(preview=preview)
         for key in request.GET:
             if key in category_singular:
                 category = category_singular[key]
@@ -313,37 +407,63 @@ class FilterBooksHandler(AnonymousBooksHandler):
         if (search_string is not None) and len(search_string) < 3:
             search_string = None
         if search_string:
+            search_string = re_escape(search_string)
             books_author = books.filter(cached_author__iregex='\m' + search_string)
             books_title = books.filter(title__iregex='\m' + search_string)
             books_title = books_title.exclude(id__in=list(books_author.values_list('id', flat=True)))
             if after and (key_sep in after):
-                which, slug = after.split(key_sep, 1)
+                which, key = after.split(key_sep, 1)
                 if which == 'title':
-                    book_lists = [(books_title.filter(slug__gt=slug), 'title')]
+                    book_lists = [(self.books_after(books_title, key, new_api), 'title')]
                 else:  # which == 'author'
-                    book_lists = [(books_author.filter(slug__gt=slug), 'author'), (books_title, 'title')]
+                    book_lists = [(self.books_after(books_author, key, new_api), 'author'), (books_title, 'title')]
                 book_lists = [(books_author, 'author'), (books_title, 'title')]
             if after and key_sep in after:
-                which, slug = after.split(key_sep, 1)
-                books = books.filter(slug__gt=slug)
+                which, key = after.split(key_sep, 1)
+                books = self.books_after(books, key, new_api)
             book_lists = [(books, 'book')]
         filtered_books = []
         for book_list, label in book_lists:
-            book_list = book_list.only('slug', 'title', 'cover', 'cover_thumb')
+            book_list = book_list.only('slug', 'title', 'cover', 'cover_thumb', 'sort_key_author', 'sort_key')
             for category in book_tag_categories:
                 book_list = prefetch_relations(book_list, category)
             remaining_count = count - len(filtered_books)
-            new_books = list(book_list[:remaining_count])
-            for book in new_books:
-                book.key = '%s%s%s' % (label, key_sep, book.slug)
+            new_books = [
+                BookProxy(book, '%s%s%s' % (
+                    label, key_sep, book.slug if not new_api else self.full_sort_key(book)))
+                for book in book_list[:remaining_count]]
             filtered_books += new_books
             if len(filtered_books) == count:
-        return filtered_books
+        return QuerySetProxy(filtered_books)
+class FilterBooksHandler(BooksHandler):
+    anonymous = AnonFilterBooksHandler
+    fields = book_list_fields + ['key', 'liked']
+    # hack, because piston is stupid
+    @classmethod
+    def liked(cls, book):
+        return getattr(book, 'liked', None)
+    def read(self, request):
+        qsp = AnonFilterBooksHandler().read(request)
+        likes = set(Book.tagged.with_any(request.user.tag_set.all()).values_list('id', flat=True))
+        for book in qsp.list:
+            book.set('liked', book.id in likes)
+        return qsp
+class BookPreviewHandler(BookDetailHandler):
+    fields = BookDetailHandler.fields + ['slug']
+    def read(self, request):
+        return Book.objects.filter(preview=True)
 # add categorized tags fields for Book
@@ -366,18 +486,18 @@ def add_tag_getters():
         setattr(BookDetails, plural, _tags_getter(singular))
         setattr(BookDetails, singular, _tag_getter(singular))
 # add fields for files in Book
 def _file_getter(book_format):
-    field = "%s_file" % book_format
-    @classmethod
-    def get_file(cls, book):
-        f = getattr(book, field)
-        if f:
-            return MEDIA_BASE + f.url
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_file(book):
+        f_url = book.media_url(book_format)
+        if f_url:
+            return MEDIA_BASE + f_url
             return ''
     return get_file
@@ -387,6 +507,7 @@ def add_file_getters():
     for book_format in Book.formats:
         setattr(BookDetails, book_format, _file_getter(book_format))
@@ -496,21 +617,22 @@ class TagsHandler(BaseHandler, TagDetails):
             return rc.NOT_FOUND
         after = request.GET.get('after')
-        before = request.GET.get('before')
         count = request.GET.get('count')
         tags = Tag.objects.filter(category=category_sng).exclude(items=None).order_by('slug')
+        book_only = request.GET.get('book_only') == 'true'
+        picture_only = request.GET.get('picture_only') == 'true'
+        if book_only:
+            tags = tags.filter(for_books=True)
+        if picture_only:
+            tags = tags.filter(for_pictures=True)
         if after:
             tags = tags.filter(slug__gt=after)
-        if before:
-            tags = tags.filter(slug__lt=before)
         if count:
-            if before:
-                tags = list(reversed(tags.order_by('-slug')[:count]))
-            else:
-                tags = tags[:count]
+            tags = tags[:count]
         return tags
@@ -571,7 +693,7 @@ class FragmentsHandler(BaseHandler, FragmentDetails):
-            tags, ancestors = read_tags(tags, allowed=self.categories)
+            tags, ancestors = read_tags(tags, request, allowed=self.categories)
         except ValueError:
             return rc.NOT_FOUND
         fragments = Fragment.tagged.with_all(tags).select_related('book')
@@ -597,3 +719,143 @@ class PictureHandler(BaseHandler):
             return rc.CREATED
             return rc.NOT_FOUND
+class UserDataHandler(BaseHandler):
+    model = BookUserData
+    fields = ('state', 'username', 'premium')
+    allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
+    def read(self, request, slug=None):
+        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
+            return rc.FORBIDDEN
+        if slug is None:
+            return {'username': request.user.username, 'premium': user_is_subscribed(request.user)}
+        try:
+            book = Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
+        except Book.DoesNotExist:
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        try:
+            data = BookUserData.objects.get(book=book, user=request.user)
+        except BookUserData.DoesNotExist:
+            return {'state': 'not_started'}
+        return data
+    def create(self, request, slug, state):
+        try:
+            book = Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
+        except Book.DoesNotExist:
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
+            return rc.FORBIDDEN
+        if state not in ('reading', 'complete'):
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        data, created = BookUserData.objects.get_or_create(book=book, user=request.user)
+        data.state = state
+        data.save()
+        return data
+class UserShelfHandler(BookDetailHandler):
+    fields = book_list_fields + ['liked']
+    def parse_bool(self, s):
+        if s in ('true', 'false'):
+            return s == 'true'
+        else:
+            return None
+    # hack, because piston is stupid
+    @classmethod
+    def liked(cls, book):
+        return getattr(book, 'liked', None)
+    def read(self, request, state):
+        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
+            return rc.FORBIDDEN
+        likes = set(Book.tagged.with_any(request.user.tag_set.all()).values_list('id', flat=True))
+        if state not in ('reading', 'complete', 'likes'):
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        new_api = request.GET.get('new_api')
+        after = request.GET.get('after')
+        count = int(request.GET.get('count', 50))
+        if state == 'likes':
+            books = Book.tagged.with_any(request.user.tag_set.all())
+        else:
+            ids = BookUserData.objects.filter(user=request.user, complete=state == 'complete')\
+                .values_list('book_id', flat=True)
+            books = Book.objects.filter(id__in=list(ids)).distinct()
+            books = self.order_books(books, new_api)
+        if after:
+            books = self.books_after(books, after, new_api)
+        if count:
+            books = books[:count]
+        new_books = []
+        for book in books:
+            new_books.append(BookProxy(book).set('liked', book.id in likes))
+        return QuerySetProxy(new_books)
+class UserLikeHandler(BaseHandler):
+    fields = []
+    allowed_methods = ('GET', 'POST')
+    def read(self, request, slug):
+        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
+            return rc.FORBIDDEN
+        try:
+            book = Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
+        except Book.DoesNotExist:
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        return {'likes': likes(request.user, book)}
+    def create(self, request, slug):
+        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
+            return rc.FORBIDDEN
+        try:
+            book = Book.objects.get(slug=slug)
+        except Book.DoesNotExist:
+            return rc.NOT_FOUND
+        action = request.GET.get('action', 'like')
+        if action == 'like':
+            book.like(request.user)
+        elif action == 'unlike':
+            book.unlike(request.user)
+        return {}
+class BlogEntryHandler(BaseHandler):
+    model = Entry
+    fields = (
+        'title', 'lead', 'body', 'place', 'time', 'image_url', 'image_thumb', 'gallery_urls', 'type', 'key', 'url')
+    def read(self, request):
+        after = request.GET.get('after')
+        count = int(request.GET.get('count', 20))
+        entries = Entry.published_objects.filter(in_stream=True).order_by('-first_published_at')
+        if after:
+            entries = entries.filter(first_published_at__lt=after)
+        if count:
+            entries = entries[:count]
+        return entries
+    @classmethod
+    def image_url(cls, entry):
+        return (WL_BASE + entry.image.url) if entry.image else None
+    @classmethod
+    def image_thumb(cls, entry):
+        return MEDIA_BASE + default.backend.get_thumbnail(
+            entry.image, "193x193").url if entry.image else ''
+    @classmethod
+    def gallery_urls(cls, entry):
+        return [WL_BASE + photo.url() for photo in entry.photo_set.all()]
+    @classmethod
+    def key(cls, entry):
+        return entry.first_published_at
+    @classmethod
+    def url(cls, entry):
+        return WL_BASE + entry.get_absolute_url()