X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/wolnelektury.git/blobdiff_plain/8b808f24709efb16f6b6eff6abb05b41341573c7..734825a449339a268dd9dfe71f1ad7b565115c1c:/apps/search/custom.py

diff --git a/apps/search/custom.py b/apps/search/custom.py
index fcc3bace2..dcb55eb44 100644
--- a/apps/search/custom.py
+++ b/apps/search/custom.py
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ import urllib
 import warnings
 from sunburnt import search
 import copy
+from httplib2 import socket
+import re
 class TermVectorOptions(search.Options):
-    option_name = "tv"
     def __init__(self, schema, original=None):
         self.schema = schema
         if original is None:
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class TermVectorOptions(search.Options):
     def options(self):
         opts = {}
-        opts['tv'] = 'true'
+        if self.positions or self.fields:
+            opts['tv'] = 'true'
         if self.positions:
             opts['tv.positions'] = 'true'
         if self.fields:
@@ -72,12 +73,12 @@ def __term_vector(self, positions=False, fields=None):
     newself.term_vectorer.update(positions, fields)
     return newself
 setattr(search.SolrSearch, 'term_vector', __term_vector)
-__original__init_common_modules = search.SolrSearch._init_common_modules
 def __patched__init_common_modules(self):
     self.term_vectorer = TermVectorOptions(self.schema)
+__original__init_common_modules = search.SolrSearch._init_common_modules
 setattr(search.SolrSearch, '_init_common_modules', __patched__init_common_modules)
@@ -86,11 +87,14 @@ class CustomSolrInterface(sunburnt.SolrInterface):
     def __init__(self, url, schemadoc=None, http_connection=None, mode='', retry_timeout=-1, max_length_get_url=sunburnt.MAX_LENGTH_GET_URL):
         self.conn = CustomSolrConnection(url, http_connection, retry_timeout, max_length_get_url)
         self.schemadoc = schemadoc
-        if mode == 'r':
+        if 'w' not in mode:
             self.writeable = False
-        elif mode == 'w':
+        elif 'r' not in mode:
             self.readable = False
-        self.init_schema()
+        try:
+            self.init_schema()
+        except socket.error, e:
+            raise socket.error, "Cannot connect to Solr server, and search indexing is enabled (%s)" % str(e)
     def _analyze(self, **kwargs):
         if not self.readable:
@@ -118,39 +122,67 @@ class CustomSolrInterface(sunburnt.SolrInterface):
             end = int(wrd.xpath("int[@name='end']")[0].text)
             matches.add((start, end))
-        print matches
         if matches:
             return self.substring(kwargs['text'], matches,
-                            margins=kwargs.get('margins', 30),
-            mark=kwargs.get('mark', ("<b>", "</b>")))
+                margins=kwargs.get('margins', 30),
+                mark=kwargs.get('mark', ("<b>", "</b>")))
             return None
     def analyze(self, **kwargs):
-        doc = self._analyze(self, **kwargs)
-        terms = doc.xpath("/lst[@name='index']/arr[last()]/lst/str[1]")
+        doc = self._analyze(**kwargs)
+        terms = doc.xpath("//lst[@name='index']/arr[last()]/lst/str[1]")
         terms = map(lambda n: unicode(n.text), terms)
         return terms
+    def expand_margins(self, text, start, end):
+        totlen = len(text)
+        def is_boundary(x):
+            ws = re.compile(r"\W", re.UNICODE)
+            return bool(ws.match(x))
+        while start > 0:
+            if is_boundary(text[start - 1]):
+                break
+            start -= 1
+        while end < totlen - 1:
+            if is_boundary(text[end + 1]):
+                break
+            end += 1
+        return (start, end)
     def substring(self, text, matches, margins=30, mark=("<b>", "</b>")):
         start = None
         end = None
         totlen = len(text)
-        matches_margins = map(lambda (s, e): (max(0, s - margins), min(totlen, e + margins)), matches)
-        (start, end) = matches_margins[0]
-        for (s, e) in matches_margins[1:]:
+        matches_margins = map(lambda (s, e):
+                              ((s, e),
+                               (max(0, s - margins), min(totlen, e + margins))),
+                                  matches)
+        matches_margins = map(lambda (m, (s, e)):
+                              (m, self.expand_margins(text, s, e)),
+            matches_margins)
+            # lets start with first match
+        (start, end) = matches_margins[0][1]
+        matches = [matches_margins[0][0]]
+        for (m, (s, e)) in matches_margins[1:]:
             if end < s or start > e:
             start = min(start, s)
             end = max(end, e)
+            matches.append(m)
         snip = text[start:end]
-        matches = list(matches)
         matches.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(b[0], a[0]))
         for (s, e) in matches:
             off = - start
             snip = snip[:e + off] + mark[1] + snip[e + off:]
             snip = snip[:s + off] + mark[0] + snip[s + off:]
-            # maybe break on word boundaries
         return snip