X-Git-Url: https://git.mdrn.pl/wolnelektury.git/blobdiff_plain/73ce961f14509aabfa26536f847afd28111029c6..85f97b6322eacc6fa89788aba7998fc485f85cfc:/apps/catalogue/views.py?ds=inline

diff --git a/apps/catalogue/views.py b/apps/catalogue/views.py
index f57797da1..463b3303b 100644
--- a/apps/catalogue/views.py
+++ b/apps/catalogue/views.py
@@ -502,169 +502,6 @@ def json_tags_starting_with(request, callback=None):
         result = {"matches": tags_list}
     return JSONResponse(result, callback)
-# ====================
-# = Shelf management =
-# ====================
-def user_shelves(request):
-    shelves = models.Tag.objects.filter(category='set', user=request.user)
-    new_set_form = forms.NewSetForm()
-    return render_to_response('catalogue/user_shelves.html', locals(),
-            context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-def book_sets(request, slug):
-    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
-        return HttpResponse(_('<p>To maintain your shelves you need to be logged in.</p>'))
-    book = get_object_or_404(models.Book, slug=slug)
-    user_sets = models.Tag.objects.filter(category='set', user=request.user)
-    book_sets = book.tags.filter(category='set', user=request.user)
-    if request.method == 'POST':
-        form = forms.ObjectSetsForm(book, request.user, request.POST)
-        if form.is_valid():
-            old_shelves = list(book.tags.filter(category='set'))
-            new_shelves = [models.Tag.objects.get(pk=id) for id in form.cleaned_data['set_ids']]
-            for shelf in [shelf for shelf in old_shelves if shelf not in new_shelves]:
-                touch_tag(shelf)
-            for shelf in [shelf for shelf in new_shelves if shelf not in old_shelves]:
-                touch_tag(shelf)
-            book.tags = new_shelves + list(book.tags.filter(~Q(category='set') | ~Q(user=request.user)))
-            if request.is_ajax():
-                return JSONResponse('{"msg":"'+_("<p>Shelves were sucessfully saved.</p>")+'", "after":"close"}')
-            else:
-                return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
-    else:
-        form = forms.ObjectSetsForm(book, request.user)
-        new_set_form = forms.NewSetForm()
-    return render_to_response('catalogue/book_sets.html', locals(),
-        context_instance=RequestContext(request))
-def remove_from_shelf(request, shelf, slug):
-    book = get_object_or_404(models.Book, slug=slug)
-    shelf = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=shelf, category='set', user=request.user)
-    if shelf in book.tags:
-        models.Tag.objects.remove_tag(book, shelf)
-        touch_tag(shelf)
-        return HttpResponse(_('Book was successfully removed from the shelf'))
-    else:
-        return HttpResponse(_('This book is not on the shelf'))
-def collect_books(books):
-    """
-    Returns all real books in collection.
-    """
-    result = []
-    for book in books:
-        if len(book.children.all()) == 0:
-            result.append(book)
-        else:
-            result += collect_books(book.children.all())
-    return result
-def download_shelf(request, slug):
-    """"
-    Create a ZIP archive on disk and transmit it in chunks of 8KB,
-    without loading the whole file into memory. A similar approach can
-    be used for large dynamic PDF files.
-    """
-    from slughifi import slughifi
-    import tempfile
-    import zipfile
-    shelf = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=slug, category='set')
-    formats = []
-    form = forms.DownloadFormatsForm(request.GET)
-    if form.is_valid():
-        formats = form.cleaned_data['formats']
-    if len(formats) == 0:
-        formats = models.Book.ebook_formats
-    # Create a ZIP archive
-    temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
-    archive = zipfile.ZipFile(temp, 'w')
-    for book in collect_books(models.Book.tagged.with_all(shelf)):
-        for ebook_format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
-            if ebook_format in formats and book.has_media(ebook_format):
-                filename = book.get_media(ebook_format).path
-                archive.write(filename, str('%s.%s' % (book.slug, ebook_format)))
-    archive.close()
-    response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/zip', mimetype='application/x-zip-compressed')
-    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s.zip' % slughifi(shelf.name)
-    response['Content-Length'] = temp.tell()
-    temp.seek(0)
-    response.write(temp.read())
-    return response
-def shelf_book_formats(request, shelf):
-    """"
-    Returns a list of formats of books in shelf.
-    """
-    shelf = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=shelf, category='set')
-    formats = {}
-    for ebook_format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
-        formats[ebook_format] = False
-    for book in collect_books(models.Book.tagged.with_all(shelf)):
-        for ebook_format in models.Book.ebook_formats:
-            if book.has_media(ebook_format):
-                formats[ebook_format] = True
-    return HttpResponse(LazyEncoder().encode(formats))
-def new_set(request):
-    new_set_form = forms.NewSetForm(request.POST)
-    if new_set_form.is_valid():
-        new_set = new_set_form.save(request.user)
-        if request.is_ajax():
-            return JSONResponse('{"id":"%d", "name":"%s", "msg":"<p>Shelf <strong>%s</strong> was successfully created</p>"}' % (new_set.id, new_set.name, new_set))
-        else:
-            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
-    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
-def delete_shelf(request, slug):
-    user_set = get_object_or_404(models.Tag, slug=slug, category='set', user=request.user)
-    user_set.delete()
-    if request.is_ajax():
-        return HttpResponse(_('<p>Shelf <strong>%s</strong> was successfully removed</p>') % user_set.name)
-    else:
-        return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
 # =========
 # = Admin =
@@ -748,7 +585,7 @@ class CustomPDFFormView(AjaxableFormView):
             request.GET['next'] = "%s?%s" % (reverse('catalogue.views.download_custom_pdf', args=[request.GET['slug']]),
         return super(CustomPDFFormView, self).__call__(request)
     def success(self, *args):