{% extends "base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load catalogue_tags pagination_tags %} {% block title %}{% trans "Searching in" %} WolneLektury.pl{% endblock %} {% block bodyid %}tagged-object-list{% endblock %} {% block body %}

{{ form.q }} {% trans "or" %} {% trans "return to main page" %}

    {% for result in results %}
  1. {{result.book.pretty_title}} (id: {{result.book_id}}, score: {{result.score}})

      {% for hit in result.hits %}
    • {% for snip in hit.3.snippets %} {{snip|safe}}
      {% endfor %}
    • {% endfor %} {% for part in result.parts %} {% if part.header %}
    • W {{part.header}} nr {{part.position}}
    • {% else %} {% if part.fragment %}
    • Tagi/Motywy: {% for tag in part.fragment.tags %}{{tag.name}} {% endfor %}
    • {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  2. {% empty %}

    No results.

    {% endfor %}
{% comment %}

{% trans "More than one result matching the criteria found." %}

{% endcomment %}
{% trans "Close" %}

* {% trans "Loading" %}

{% endblock %}