@charset "UTF-8";

/// Generates an `@font-face` declaration. You can choose the specific file
/// formats you need to output; the mixin supports `eot`, `ttf`, `svg`, `woff2`
/// and `woff`. The mixin also supports usage with the Rails Asset Pipeline,
/// which you can enable per use, or globally in the `$bourbon()` settings.
/// @argument {string} $font-family
/// @argument {string} $file-path
/// @argument {string} $asset-pipeline [false]
///   Set to `true` if you’re using the Rails Asset Pipeline (place the fonts
///   in `app/assets/fonts/`). Can also be set globally using the
///   `rails-asset-pipeline` key in the Bourbon settings.
/// @argument {string | list} $file-formats [("ttf", "woff2", "woff")]
///   List of the font file formats to include. Can also be set globally using
///   the `global-font-file-formats` key in the Bourbon settings.
/// @content
///   Any additional CSS properties that are included in the `@include`
///   directive will be output within the `@font-face` declaration, e.g. you can
///   pass in `font-weight`, `font-style` and/or `unicode-range`.
/// @example scss
///   @include font-face(
///     "source-sans-pro",
///     "fonts/source-sans-pro-regular",
///     ("woff2", "woff")
///   ) {
///     font-style: normal;
///     font-weight: 400;
///   }
///   // CSS Output
///   @font-face {
///     font-family: "source-sans-pro";
///     src: url("fonts/source-sans-pro-regular.woff2") format("woff2"),
///          url("fonts/source-sans-pro-regular.woff") format("woff");
///     font-style: normal;
///     font-weight: 400;
///   }
/// @require {function} _font-source-declaration
/// @require {function} _fetch-bourbon-setting

@mixin font-face(
  $file-formats: _fetch-bourbon-setting("global-font-file-formats"),
  $asset-pipeline: _fetch-bourbon-setting("rails-asset-pipeline")
) {
  @font-face {
    font-family: $font-family;
    src: _font-source-declaration(