Basic setup

Wolne Lektury is a `Django <https://www.djangoproject.com/>`_ project.

If you're new to Django, we strongly recommend you complete
the `Django Girls Tutorial <https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/en/>`_ and/or
the official :django:`Django Tutorial <getting-started>`
to learn about setting up a Python virtual environment and general structure
of a Django project.

Getting started

Once you have your Python (version at least 3.5) installed, virtualenv created,
and the source code of Wolne Lektury checked out to a directory, then the most
basic setup is as easy as:

    $ pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt

After that, you should be able to run tests:

    $ src/manage.py test

And migrate the database and run the development server:

    $ src/manage.py migrate
    $ src/manage.py runserver

Publishing books

Books are represented as XML files.
You can download some books as source XML files and import them
into your instance either by using the admin interface,
or by running::

    src/manage.py importbooks your-directory-with-xml-files

What's next?

This basic setup:

* uses a SQLite file as a database,
* has search disabled,
* does not generate PDF, EPUB or MOBI files from books,
* will generate TXT, HTML, FB2 and cover image files, but will not use a task queue.

In the next section, you'll see what additional setup is needed to solve these issues.