{% extends request.session.from_app|yesno:"base/app.html,base/base.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% load chunks %} {% load thumbnail %} {% load club %} {% block titleextra %}{% trans "Join us in freeing the books!" %}{% endblock %} {% block metadescription %}{% trans "„Wolne Lektury należy wspierać, bo są” - Filip Springer" %}{% endblock %} {% block body %}

{% trans "Support Wolne Lektury" %}

{% if membership %} {# Displays to members. #} {% trans "Thank you for your support! Support us again!" %} {% else %} {# Displays to non-supporters. #} {% trans "Thank you for wanting to free the books with us!" %} {% endif %}

{% with schedule=request.user|active_schedule %} {% if schedule %}

{% trans "See your past support." %}

{% endif %} {% endwith %}
{% csrf_token %} {% chunk 'club_form_top' %} {% if supporters_target %} {% club_monthly_since supporters_since as supporters %} {% club_monthly_missing_since supporters_since supporters_target as missing_supporters %}

{% blocktrans %}Help us get 100 new Friends by the end of the school semester.{% endblocktrans %} {% blocktrans count supporters=supporters %} So far {{ supporters }} reader has already supported us with a regular donation, {% plural %} So far {{ supporters }} readers have already supported us with a regular donation, {% endblocktrans %} {% blocktrans count missing_supporters=missing_supporters %} {{ missing_supporters }} is missing. {% plural %} {{ missing_supporters }} are missing. {% endblocktrans %}

 {{ supporters }}{{ missing_supporters }} 
{% endif %} {% include "club/payment_form.html" %} {% chunk 'club_form_bottom' %}
{% if ambassador %}
{{ ambassador.text }}
{{ ambassador.name }}
{% if ambassador.photo %} {% endif %}
{% endif %} {% include "club/payment_info.html" %}
{% endblock %}