{% extends "funding/email/base.txt" %} {% load i18n %} {% block body %} {% trans 'Thank you for your support - thanks to you we will set another book free.' %}{% if funding.name %} {% trans 'The book will be supplemented with your name as a donor.' %}{% endif %} {% if funding.perks.exists %} Skontaktujemy się z Tobą jeszcze w sprawie Twoich prezentów ({% for perk in funding.perks.all %}{{ perk.name }}{% if not forloop.first %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}). {% endif %}{# funding.perks.exists #} {% blocktrans %}We will contact you to keep you informed about status changes to this fundraiser and the upcoming ones that we plan to launch.{% endblocktrans %} {% endblock %}