{% extends "base.html" %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% load cache chunks i18n catalogue_tags infopages_tags social_tags %} {% block title %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %} {% block ogtitle %}{% trans "Wolne Lektury internet library" %}{% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% render_cite cite %}
{% spaceless %}

{% trans "What's new?" %}

{% chunk "promo" %}

{% trans "Recent publications" %}

{% cache 60 last-published-on-main %} {% for book in last_published %} {% book_mini book %} {% endfor %} {% endcache %}

{% trans "News" %}

{# 135 is the id of new publications category of our master blog. perhaps this URL should go to settings. #} {% cache 1800 latest-blog-posts %} {% latest_blog_posts "http://nowoczesnapolska.org.pl/feed/?cat=-135" %} {% endcache %}

{% trans "Utilities" %}

{% trans "Information" %}

{% cache 60 infopages-on-main LANGUAGE_CODE %} {% infopages_on_main %} {% endcache %}
{% endspaceless %} {% endblock %} {% block add_footer %}

{% trans "Image used:" %} {% if cite.image %} {% if cite.image_link %}{% endif %} {% if cite.image_title %} {{ cite.image_title }}{% else %} untitled{% endif %}{% if cite.image_link %}{% endif %}, {% if cite.image_author %}{{ cite.image_author }},{% endif %} {% if cite.image_license_link %}{% endif %} {{ cite.image_license }} {% if cite.image_license_link %}{% endif %} {% else %} books about architecture, saikofish@Flickr, CC BY NC SA. {% endif %}

{% endblock %}